General mod information

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This covers mod basics as well as a general overview of the mod features.
Is there anything I need to observe when adding or removing the mod?
How do I edit the mod configuration?
Does this revert the flyer nerf?
How can I make wild babies and eggs appear?
Is this mod compatible with other mods, such as Dino Storage V2?

Mod basics

The four ways this mod changes dinos

What this means
A buff is a lightweight change added to a vanilla, basegame dino.

This means that the vanilla dino will continue to exist, and will continue to spawn. You can see whether your dino has been buffed by riding it, check for the KBD BD Icon.png Icon in the top right of the screen.

If it doesn't have the icon, wait until the next server restart or  Cryopod / Soul Trap it and it should receive it (unless it's been prevented by config of course).

Keep in mind that not everything can be done with buffs. This is because the changes are done by editing an existing dino rather than introducing a new one, so it's limited in what can be changed. Some dino changes are just too extensive to be done via buff and need a remap.
Same name remap
The vanilla dino gets replaced by a modded dino of the same name.

This means that the vanilla dino will no longer spawn, only the modded version. All pre-existing vanilla dinos will immediately be replaced with the modded version when you install the mod.

The vanilla version still exists, you can convert any same named remap to vanilla when tamed, and it will stay that way until converted back.
Unique named remap
The vanilla dino gets replaced by a modded dino of a different name.

This only effects some creatures like fish, and untameable creatures in vanilla. Unlike Same Name Remaps, they will not automatically be replaced. You will need to do a dinowipe to get rid of the vanilla wild versions if you do not add KBD to a fresh map.

The vanilla version still exists, you can convert any unique named remap to vanilla and back when tamed.
New dino
Lastly, some dinos like the Stygi, Styrac and new Tek Dinos are introduced by this mod, with no vanilla equivalents. See the List of dino changes and additions for a full list

Adding/removing the mod

  • KBD is designed to be as easy to add and remove as possible.
  • It does not need to be first in the load order.
  • You should do a dinowipe with cheat destroywilddinos after adding the mod to make sure that all dinos get properly affected.
  • The dinos that are marked as buffed or same name remap will stay if you remove the mod. They will just lose all Better Dinos features.
    • You can remove the Better Dinos features from some dinos if you convert them to vanilla or select "remove better dino features" in the radial menu. This can be undone at any time.
  • Unique named remaps(such as fish) as well as any Speedy Fliers should be converted to vanilla before removing the mod as otherwise they'll be lost.
  • New dinos will be lost when you remove the mod.
  • Any mod items will be lost when you remove the mod.

How to edit the mod ini

  • Any ini options for the mod (unless explicitly specified) go in the gameusersettings.ini.
  • You must use the header [BetterDinos] and all options you wish to change underneath that.
    • The header will not appear in the file by itself, you must add it in.
  • Please only add the options you wish to change from the default. This mod has a lot of them, and adding too many unused ones can break the mod.
  • If you are a server owner, please contact your hosting provider on the correct method for editing ini files.

How to spawn in dinos

  • Here you can read all about summon, gmsummon, sdf, spawndino, and more: Spawn commands
  • Is the dino buffed ?
  • Is the dino same name remapped ?
    • You can spawn the vanilla version either by using short spawn commands like gmsummon, sdf or summon or by using the vanilla spawn code provided in the wiki article for the dino and then convert it to Better Dino in the radial menu. This only works for tamed dinos, obviously
    • If you wish to spawn it as BD right from the start, you must use the full blueprint path provided in the List of dino changes and additions.
  • Is the dino a unique named remap or a new dino?

Mod features

Dino Based

This only lists the highlights. For a complete list, check out this page

Item Based

This only lists the highlights. For a complete list, check out this page

Passenger Seat Fixes

  • Ride Passenger Seats in Safety
    • This change applies to all dinos, vanilla and modded, with an option to carry a passenger
    • Players in passenger seats and  Procoptodon Pouch are immune to being damaged, just like the rider
    • They can still be damaged by attacks that can also damage the rider
    • Passengers cannot be grabbed, this is a vanilla feature and not from this mod
  • Vastly increased visibility
  • Other Fixes

Tek dino TLC

Random Sizes TLC

  • Basics
  • Fixes
    • Dinos bigger than 1.0 no longer lose  Health when the game is restarted/when put in a  Cryopod
    • Fixed big dinos not attacking until they're right on top of their target and then not being able to hit it. (increased attack range and melee swing range)
    • Animation speeds of big dinos have been adjusted to look natural (no longer moving in fast forward)
  • Improvements
    • Bigger than 1.0 dinos now have a damage reduction instead of  Health increase, the bigger the less damage they take.
    • Size now affects how much  Melee Damage you do, smaller dinos deal less  Melee Damage, bigger dinos do more
    • For passive production dinos such as Cnidaria.png Cnidaria, Trilobite.png Trilobite, Coel.png Coelacanth, and Eurypterid.png Eurypterid, size can affect production amount and speed, which encourages getting the biggest dino you can find to maximise resource production
  • Limitations
    • When raising a baby dino with random sizes, you may see  Health and size constantly change. This is normal.
    • Please note that sizes cannot be inherited as ARK breeding mechanics don't allow it.
      • Any baby from any 2 parents can have any size, regardless of the size its parents are
    • Similarly, you cannot spawn in a dino with a specific size, but any spawned dino has a random size

Optional features

Speedy flyers

You must use the option AllowFlyerSpeed=True to enable this feature

  • Basics
    • This does not conflict with Wildcard's 'allow speed leveling' option, you can use both at the same time. It offers more benefits, however.
    • Speedy Fliers cannot be found in the wild.
    • For spawn codes, please consult the List of dino changes and additions under the respective section. They will convert back to vanilla unless enabled, however.
  • Conversion
    • You can convert most flyers into versions that are able to be levelled in  Movement Speed.
    • In the radial menu, under 'Options' you'll see 'Convert to Speed Flyer'
    • You can convert back at any time.
    • Any points that you spent in  Movement Speed will be refunded when you convert back.
    • Setting AllowFlyerSpeed= to false will make all Speedy Fliers convert back to vanilla and all speed points refunded.
  • Speed Flyer Benefits
    • Flyers gain 2%  Movement Speed per level
    • Flyers get a  Movement Speed boost from imprinting
    • Some speedy fliers, like the  Owl, have minor QOL changes such as collision on the tail removed.
  • Removing the mod
    • Speedy fliers will be deleted if you remove the mod.
    • Convert them back before doing so to prevent them from going poof.

Wild egg/baby options

None of these features are enabled by default.

  • Basics
    • You can have wild babies, wild eggs, untameable adults and babies able to be passive tamed.
    • This applies to vanilla and modded dinos alike.
  • Requirements
    • In order for any of these configs to work, a dino has to:
    • Able to have babies.
    • Able to be tamed.
    • NOT be Robots,  Fish Basket Tames,  Corrupted Creatures,  Reapers, or Bosses.
    • NOT be spawned by a spawner that prevents taming (high level cave spawner, like the one in the Snow Cave on the Island)
    • NOT be spawned by Simple Spawners.
    • Obviously a dino that uses gestation (mammals) cannot have wild eggs.
  • Custom exclusion/inclusion lists
    • A blacklist = dinos that the config does not apply to (but it applies to all others)
    • A whitelist = the only dinos that the config applies to (and to no others)
    • You CANNOT have a blacklist and a whitelist at the same time. Blacklists will always override whitelists.
    • Dinos that don't meet the requirements are excluded by default
  • What's a dino name tag?
    • Some of these configs use the so-called dino name tag, this is NOT the same as the classname.
    • You can find the name tags for vanilla creatures on this page (column name tag).
    • For modded dinos, you can either ask the mod author, or Dino Storage  Soul Traps will tell you the tag(outlined in yellow here).
      • It's the first string before the male/female part, or the level for genderless dinos. If the tag contains a space, that must be in the config too.
    • Better Dinos adds/changes some name tags. Here's the full list:
List of dinos with new/changed name tag
Dino Name Tag
Cnidaria JellyfishBD
Dilo BD_Dilo
Eurypterid BDEuryp
Hyaenodon HyaenodonBD
Liopleurodon (BD) Liopleurodon
Reindeer Stag
Stygimoloch Stygimoloch
Styracosaurus Styrac
Option name What it does Default Value Possible Values Example Config
WildBabies= All dinos that meet the requirements detailed above have a chance to spawn as baby. Babies will try to follow the nearest adult. Getting too close to a baby will make the adults aggressive false true/false
WildChanceOfBaby= By default 5% of applicable dinos spawn as babies, if you would like more or less, increase or decrease this value. 0.05 Number between 0.01 and 1 WildChanceOfBaby=0.2 would make babies 4x as common (20% of all dinos spawn as babies)
WildBabyBlacklist= dinos that are not allowed to be babies nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) WildBabyBlacklist=Trike,Argent,Wyvern Wild Trikes, Argentavis, and Wyverns cannot have babies
WildBabyWhitelist= the only dinos that are allowed to be babies nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) WildBabyWhitelist=Anky,Raptor Only Ankylos and Raptors will have babies in the wild, any others will not.
PassiveTameBabies= All wild babies can be passive tamed. They can no longer be KO tamed. Nearby adults will become aggressive if you start feeding.

IMPORTANT: This will only work for species that have straightforward taming methods, not for the likes of Tusoteuthis, Bloodstalkers, Basilisks and so on. You may wish to leave the adults tameable for these species, or blacklist them from being babies.
false true/false
PassiveTameBabyFoodMulti= Changes the food drain of babies that are tamed with PassiveTameBabies. Will not effect other babies. 5 For More food drain, increase this value PassiveTameBabyFoodMulti=10 will double the food drain.
PassiveTameBabyBlacklist= baby dinos that aren't allowed to be passive tamed nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) PassiveTameBabyBlacklist=Ptera,Sabertooth You cannot passive tame baby Pteranodon, and Saberteeth
PassiveTameBabyWhitelist= the only baby dinos that are allowed to be passive tamed nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) PassiveTameBabyWhitelist=Kangaroo,Stego You can only passive tame baby Procoptodons, and Stegos
PassiveTameBabyMinLevel= Minimum player level required to tame dinos nothing a list of dino name tags (see explanation above), then a colon (:) and the level you wish these to be tameable at PassiveTameBabyMinLevel=Rex:50,Therizinosaurus:60,Dodo:105 Baby Rex's can be passive tamed at level 50+, Therizinos at 60+, and Dodos at 105+
PreventAngryAdults= prevent adults from becoming aggressive if you get too close to a baby false true/false
WildEggs= All applicable dinos (that lay eggs) can make a nest with eggs in the wild. Only non-natural egg layers (no Rock Drakes, or Wyverns) are affected.

These eggs will not incubate or lose health gradually over time. You can remove all wild spawned eggs with the command cheat DestroyAll DroppedItemGeneric_FertilizedEgg_NoPhysics_BD_C 0
false true/false
WildChanceOfEgg= Increase or decrease this number if you would like more or fewer wild eggs. 5 Number between 1 and 100 WildChanceOfEgg=15 would make wild eggs 3x more common.
WildEggsBlacklist= dinos that aren't allowed to lay eggs in the wild nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) WildEggsBlacklist=Gigant,Quetz,Therizinosaurus,Tusoteuthis gigas, quetz, theris and tusos aren't allowed to lay eggs in the wild
WildEggsWhitelist= the only dinos that can lay eggs in the wild nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) WildEggsWhitelist=Spino,Troodon Only Spinos and Troodons will have wild eggs
UntameableAdults= All adult dinos (that meet the requirements above) are untameable. false true/false
UntameableAdultBlacklist= If you want some adult species to remain tameable, enter them here. nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) UntameableAdultBlacklist=Gigant,Gremlin,Bloodstalker,Space Whale,Tusoteuthis Adult Giganotosaurus, Feroxes, Astrocetus, and Tusoteuthis remain tameable
UntameableAdultWhitelist= If you want only a few adult dinos to be untameable, enter them here. nothing comma separated list of dino name tags (see explanation above) UntameableAdultWhitelist=Dodo,Baryonyx Adult Dodos, and Baryonyx's will be untameable (and they are the only ones)

Kraken 100K Subscriber Event

None of these features are enabled by default.

  • Basics
    • This event was introduced to celebrate the 100,000 subscriber milestone for Kraken's Better Dinos on  ARK: Survival Evolved!
    • If you enable the event, 10% of all dinos on the server can be found with Kraken's personal and favourite colour set of Blue, Purple and Black
  • Special Sparkly dinos
    • Note: these are not currently available, but may return in the future.
    • Many different KBD special flagship or unique dinos (full list here) have a 1/100 chance of appearing as special sparkly versions
    • You may want to kill them for loot, or tame them, as well as having the celebratory colour set, they will always be your servers maximum level
  • Loot from ̀Special Sparkly Dinos

Minor optional features

None of these are enabled by default.

Level equalisation and High Level ini options

On most maps, the Level weighing means it's almost impossible to find high level dinos. Most dinos are low level.
Ini Options
Ini Option what it does
EqualizeLevels=True Gives all levels of dinos an equal chance to appear. This will effect EVERY dino, modded and vanilla
HighLevels=True Inverts the vanilla level distribution, making high level dinos very common and low level dinos very uncommon
You cannot use both of these at the same time, they are incompatible with one another. Pick only one!

Mounted Weaponry on all dinos

By default, the game only allows you to have tools/weapons while riding on a few select dinos.
Ini Options
Ini Option what it does
AllowAllDinoGuns=True All dinos allow you to equip a weapon/tool while riding. If you are riding a dino and this is not working, try pulling out your map on the dino to enable it

Add Better Dino saddles to cave drops

By default, there is no option to get the KBD unique saddles at quality levels above primitive, unless you add them to drops via a config. This can get messy however. This config aims to make it as easy as possible to get quality Better Dinos saddles
List of items added: Pachy Saddle.png Stygimoloch Saddle, Trike Saddle.png Styracosaurus Saddle, KBD Direwolf Saddle.png Direwolf Saddle, KBD Purlovia Saddle.png Purlovia Saddle, KBD Mammoth Platform Saddle.png Mammoth Platform Saddle, KBD Trike Platform Saddle.png Trike Platform Saddle, KBD Karkinos Platform Saddle.png Karkinos Platform Saddle, KBD Ape Armour.png Ape Armor, KBD Valyrian Reins.png Valyrian Reins and Enforcer.png Enforcer Defence Shield
Ini Options
Ini Option what it does
AddSaddles=True Adds Better Dinos unique items to cave drops.

Automatically Turn off Ally Looking

Ally looking is the dino's head turning to you when you get near. It's quite annoying to many, since their head knocks you around or blocks movement. Some like it for the "realism" factor, which is why this is an optional config
Ini Options
Ini Option what it does
PreventAllyLooking=True Turns off the ally looking automatically, without you having to turn it off manually.

Prevent KBD Platform Dinos from entering boss arenas

Some servers might wish to disallow the dinos that are added by this mod from entering boss arenas, if they have a platform saddle equipped
Ini Options
Ini Option what it does
PreventPlatformsInBossArena=True Mammoth.png Mammoth, Trike.png Trike and Karkinos.png Karkinos cannot come to the boss if they carry a platform saddle

Prevent Water Alphas from being grabbed

This is for servers who wish to provide more of a PvE challenge and to not be cheesable, or who do not wish Alpha carrying to be used for griefing or otherwise. These 2 Alphas are the only ones that can be carried in a vanilla game
Ini Options
Ini Option what it does
PreventWaterAlphaCarrying=True  Alpha Mosasaur and  Alpha Megalodon can no longer be grabbed by  Tusoteuthis. This needs a dinowipe to apply to existing ones

Mod compatibility information

Additional Aberrant Dinos

fully compatible
Buffed dinos
Buffed dinos in AAD automatically get the Better Dinos buffs
So for example, AAD introduces the Aberrant Direwolf, which is Direwolf.png buffed with Better Dinos. So it will get the BD features if BD is installed
Remapped dinos
For dinos that are remapped in BD, there are several 'crossovers' that can only exist if both mods are installed on the server.
They will have the features from both mods.
Most can be converted between the KBD and AAD versions when tamed (it will say convert to vanilla in radial menu, but this converts to the AAD version)
Expand the table below for a full list
Speedy Fliers
You can convert all AAD fliers to Speedy Fliers, if you have the option enabled.
There is currently no BD Speed Night Wyvern.
Expand the table below for a full list with spawn codes
KBD Valyrian Reins.png Valyrian Reins
You can equip KBD Valyrian Reins.png Valyrian Reins to the Aberrant Flyers and the Night Wyvern
Night Wyvern
The Night Wyvern will get the regular Wyvern.png Wyvern benefits from wearing KBD Valyrian Reins.png Valyrian Reins
Night Wyvern can roar, drops KBD Toughened Hide.png Toughened Hide when killed, and can be milked for  Wyvern Milk
The Night Wyvern does not currently drop KBD Valyrian Reins.png Valyrian Reins
You can equip the KBD Corrupted Costume.png Corrupted Costume to it
This will make it look like a  Fire Wyvern as that's the only model of  Corrupted Wyvern available.
The Wyvern.png Corrupted Wyvern has an optional config to lay Night Wyvern eggs
Prevent Flying
Use bForceCanRideFliers=false in Gameusersettings.ini, header [ServerSettings] to prevent flying on Aberration Icon.pngAberration.
These creatures can only exist if both mods are installed
name classname blueprint path notes
Aberrant KBD Ammonite BDAmmonite_Character_Aberrant_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Ammonite/BDAmmonite_Character_Aberrant.BDAmmonite_Character_Aberrant'" Not tameable. this version has reduced aggro range compared to normal Ammonite
Aberrant KBD Dilophosaurus Dilo_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Dilo/Variants/Dilo_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD.Dilo_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD'"
Aberrant KBD Eurypterid BDEuryp_Character_Aberrant_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Euryp/BDEuryp_Character_Aberrant.BDEuryp_Character_Aberrant'" tameable
Aberrant KBD Lymantria Moth_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Moth/ABMoth/Moth_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD.Moth_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD'" Can fly on Aberration Icon.pngAberration.
Aberrant KBD Speed Lymantria Moth_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/BDSpeedFlyers/Moth_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant.Moth_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant'" Can fly on Aberration Icon.pngAberration.
Aberrant KBD Megaloceros Stag_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Deer/ABDeer/Stag_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD.Stag_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD'"
Aberrant KBD Oviraptor Oviraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Oviraptor/Oviraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD.Oviraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD'"
Aberrant KBD Pachyrhinosaurus Pachyrhino_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Pachyrhino/AbPachy/Pachyrhino_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD.Pachyrhino_Character_BP_Aberrant_BD'" immune to  Radiation
Aberrant KBD Speed Pteranodon Ptero_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/BDSpeedFlyers/Ptero_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant.Ptero_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant'" Can fly on Aberration Icon.pngAberration.
Aberrant KBD Speed Quetzal Quetz_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/BDSpeedFlyers/Quetz_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant.Quetz_Character_BP_BDSpeed_Aberrant'" Can fly on Aberration Icon.pngAberration.
Aberrant KBD Speed Tapejara Tapejara_Character_BP_BDSPeed_Aberrant_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/BDSpeedFlyers/Tapejara_Character_BP_BDSPeed_Aberrant.Tapejara_Character_BP_BDSPeed_Aberrant'" Can fly on Aberration Icon.pngAberration.
Aberrant KBD Unicorn Equus_Character_BP_Unicorn_Aberrant_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Unicorn/Equus_Character_BP_Unicorn_Aberrant.Equus_Character_BP_Unicorn_Aberrant'" Can fly on Aberration Icon.pngAberration.

Animals of Atlas

fully compatible
The Ludodactylus can be equipped with KBD Valyrian Reins.png Valyrian Reins and will get the following benefits: extra  Stamina
Some dinos in AOA give Cattle Milk, Spoiled Cattle Milk, and Raw Pork, the AOA versions of KBD Mammalian Milk.png Mammalian Milk, KBD Spoiled Milk.png Spoiled Milk, and KBD Raw High Protein Meat.png Raw High Protein Meat respectively
The Better Dinos versions can be used for more things. Put them inside the KBD Workbench.png Preserving Bin Section of the Better Dinos Workbench to make them the Better Dinos version
The Sivatherium's passenger seat gets upgraded with third person and orbit camera for all passengers

ARK Additions: The Collection!

fully compatible, but not by default
What's the problem?
When added together to the same server on Genesis Part 1 Icon.pngGenesis: Part 1, there will be overspawns of either X-Liopleurodon.png Better Dinos Liopleurodon or X-Xiphactinus.
So what can I do?
Put Better Dinos above Ark Additions in the load order.

Dino Fixes

compatible with some conflicts
For the most part, they will work fine together.
Many DF changes are already in BD. For example, BD Araneo.png Araneo, BD Dung Beetle.png Dung Beetle, BD Lamprey.png Lamprey, BD Leech.png Leech, BD Piranha.png Piranha, BD Sabertooth Salmon.png Sabertooth Salmon, BD Unicorn.png Unicorn
The Mosasaurus Bionic Costume.png Tek Mosasaurus gets the increased turning radius from DF
Carno.png Carnotaurus:
-Secondary attack on the BD carno now has knockback, as well as slowdown.
-Primary attack still has bleed.
-Attack swapping can be disabled on the BD side to make it compatible using the ini option PreventCarnoAttackSwap=true (not using bd abilities in radial wheel isn't enough)
Coel.png Coelacanth:
-Coelacanth can breed with DF but must be converted to vanilla first
Diplodocus.png Diplodocus:
-Dino Fixes changes don't apply to the BD Diplo.
Hyaenodon.png Hyaenodon:
-Dino Fixes changes don't apply to the BD Hyaenodon.
Karkinos.png Karkinos:
-Dino Fixes changes don't apply to the BD Karkinos.
Trilobite.png Trilobite:
-Trilobite can breed with DF but must be converted to vanilla first

Dino Storage V2

almost fully compatible
 Soul Traps (unlike  Cryopods) can store things like the KBD Corrupted Costume.png Corrupted Costume, equipped tools and weapons, KBD Valyrian Reins.png Valyrian Reins and the KBD Orb of Staying Power.png Orb of Staying Power Skin. The only thing that is currently dropped when you soul trap a dino is shields for the Gigantopithecus.png Gigantopithecus
Passive Production
Almost all of the KBD passive generation dinos can produce items inside the  Soul Terminal passively.
See here for a full list of passive production
The Voidwyrm.png Voidwyrm does not produce  Element Shards yet (requires a Dino Storage update)
The Coel.png Coelacanth generates resources, but they are different from what is generated outside (needs a Dino Storage update to fix)
Dinos like the Trilobite.png Trilobite don't currently produce items faster inside the  Soul Terminal when they're bigger. A default amount is used instead
BD Speed variants of Wyverns currently do not produce  Wyvern Milk inside the  Soul Terminal (requires a Dino Storage update)
Soul trapping a dino that has a BD Diseased Leech attached causes a crash. You can fix this by using the DS ini option: ExcludeBuffClass=Buff_Leech_BD_Diseased_C

Extra QOL Items

fully compatible
The converters can convert all of the Better Dinos between vanilla, Aberrant, Tek, X and R if they have such a variant.


fully compatible, but not by default
What's the problem?
Hazestacks removes  Silicate and  Scrap Metal Ingot from the game
This means you can no longer craft the Enforcer.png Enforcer Defense Shield and KBD Corrupted Costume.png Corrupted Costume
So what can I do?
Haze provides a config option to solve this problem on the Workshop Page for Hazestacks. It goes into the game.ini.

No Untameables

almost fully compatible
These mods have been specifically designed together with compatibility in mind
When playing with both mods, you will have two versions each of the  Ammonite,  Meganeura,  Eurypterid and  Cnidaria
Which version can be found in the wild is determined by mod load order, first come first serve
Additionally, both mods have a config option to prevent remapping of a specific creature - in this case, the next mod in line would take priority for spawns.
All of these (except for the Ammonite, as it is untameable in Better Dinos) can be converted between the NU and KBD versions when tamed, through the options menu in the radial wheel.
You might need to put them in a  Cryopod or  Soul Trap for the conversion option to appear
The Deathworm.png Deathworm improved loot drops no longer apply to the NU Deathworms, as this was causing bugs
However, you can re-enable the better loot drops with this BD ini option: BuffsIncludeSource=NoUntameables/Deathworm
NU Reaper Queens eat KBD Spoiled Milk.png Spoiled Milk, as babies, same as other Reapers
All water dinos in BD, including the Liopleurodon.png Better Dinos Liopleurodon, are properly affected by Ammonite Camo
NU Cnidaria can be harvested for  Bio Toxin by the BD Carbonemys.png Carbonemys

Paleo ARK: Legends Expansion

fully compatible, but not by default
Buffed dinos
Buffed dinos in PA automatically get the Better Dinos buffs
So for example, PA introduces the Paleo Sabertooth, which is Sabertooth.png buffed with Better Dinos. So it will get the BD features if BD is installed, and if using the option to enable compatibility.
Remapped dinos
For dinos that are remapped in BD, there are several 'crossovers' that can only exist if both mods are installed on the server, and if using the option to enable compatibility.
They will have the features from both mods.
The KBD Paleo Variants will respect all .Inis used by the Paleo Ark mod for spawn chance and and level multipliers
All can be converted between the KBD and Paleo versions when tamed in the radial menu (it will say convert to vanilla, but this converts to the Paleo ARK version)
By default they have a 60% chance of replacing regular KBD Dinos
If Paleo ARK is removed, they'll just become the regular BD dinos.
Expand the table below for a full list
The Paleo ARK Tropeognathus and Carno currently do not get the Better Dinos features due to technical difficulties.
These creatures can only exist if both mods are installed
name classname blueprint path notes
Paleo KBD Dilophosaurus Dilo_Character_BP_Paleo_BD_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Dilo/Variants/Dilo_Character_BP_Paleo_BD.Dilo_Character_BP_Paleo_BD'"
Paleo KBD Triceratops Trike_Character_BP_Paleo_BD_C "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Trike/Slag/Trike_Character_BP_Paleo_BD.Trike_Character_BP_Paleo_BD'"

Shiny! Dinos

fully compatible
As Shiny! works entirely using buffs, it is compatible with all dino mods, including BD

Simple Spawners

compatible with some conflicts
Buffed dinos
To spawn a buffed dino, just use the vanilla spawn code provided on the wiki
Every dino in the List of dino changes and additions has a link to the wiki article.
Remapped dinos
If you wish to spawn same and unique named remaps via Simple Spawners, take the full blueprint path from the List of dino changes and additions and truncate it to the parts between the two quotation marks (") example:
Code provided for the Tek Griffin: "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Griffin/BDBionicGriffin_Character_BP.BDBionicGriffin_Character_BP'"
Code to spawn a Tek Griffin via Simple Spawners: Blueprint'/Game/Mods/BetterDinosTest/Griffin/BDBionicGriffin_Character_BP.BDBionicGriffin_Character_BP'
Dinos spawned by Simple Spawners will not have wild eggs or wild babies

Other mods (Buffsincludesource)

this feature is experimental
This allows dinos from other mods (not mentioned in this section) to get Better Dinos features
Be careful with this. Adding BD features to dinos from other mods may produce undesirable effects and bugs. Use this ini option at your own risk.
Check the List of dino changes and additions. Is the dino listed as being buffed? If yes, you can apply the changes to other modded dinos. Remapped dinos are off limits.
The modded creature MUST be a child class of the vanilla one, otherwise this will not work.
If you're not sure whether a dino from a certain mod is a child class, as the mod author.
How to use
Simply add the mods you wish to receive the buffs, after the equal sign. (separated by a , comma, don't use spaces)
The name of the mod can be found by looking at any of its spawn codes, it's gonna be the part after the /Mods/
For example this is the spawn code for the S-Dino Variants Anky:
The mod name is therefore SDinoVariants
If the mod doesn't have spawn codes, or you can't find them, you can open the mod's with notepad, example for Better Dinos
To add KBD Buffs to all compatible dinos from the Paleo Ark mod and the Giga's Fancy Variants mod, you could use:
If you wish to have more control over which creatures get the buffs, you can simply input the folder names for the dino.
For example
would add buffs only to the Paleo Stego, and the Paleo Rex


  • Better Dinos now includes some handy scriptcommands for mass conversion of all dinos on a server and doing things like refreshing buffs on all of them.
  • They have to be entered like Console commands, and you need to be admin to run them.
  • Do keep in mind that these commands may cause server lag.
  • None of these commands will effect dinos stored in  Cryopods or  Soul Traps
  • None of these commands will effect dinos equipped with  Platform Saddles
Scriptcommand what it does
Cheat ScriptCommand ConvertFlyersToSpeed This will convert all tamed flyers that have a BD Speed version into their BD Speed version. This will respect the AllowFlyerSpeed and PreventSpeedFlyerType configs
Cheat ScriptCommand ConvertSpeedToRegular This will convert all tamed BD Speed Flyers back into their regular version. This will respect the AllowFlyerSpeed and PreventSpeedFlyerType configs
Cheat ScriptCommand RefreshBDTamedBuffs Will cycle through all tamed dinos with a delay and physically remove any BD Buffs and BD Manager, and will then re-add them again to make sure that all logic gets properly run and that all dinos have their correct buffs. Will also check all players to make sure they have the BD Player Buff. This may take a couple of minutes to cycle through all tamed dinos depending on how populated your server is. Note that this will of course reset a lot of buff controlled timers for things such as Wyvern and Phiomia Milking, or Angler Gel harvesting.
Cheat ScriptCommand ConvertAllVanillaToBetter Will convert all tamed vanilla dinos to their BD versions where appropriate. This does of course respect any PreventBetter configs. Is advised to run 'RefreshBDTamedBuffs' a couple of minutes prior to this.
Cheat ScriptCommand ConvertAllBetterToVanilla Will convert all tamed remapped Better Dinos to their vanilla versions


Will this mod affect my X dino from Y Mod?

  • No. This mod affects only vanilla dinos. The exception is full compatibility with Kraken's Additional Aberrant Dinos mod and some compatibilities with hand-picked mods such as No Untameables. See the mod compatibility section for more information.

Can I use KBD together with a speed flier mod?

  • Yes, but there's hardly any reason why you would. You can even level speed on all flyers on vanilla now with an ini option. The KBD Speedy Fliers offer even more benefits than that, and the Valyrian Reins buff flyers even more, on top of that. This should cover most, if not all use cases
  • If you must use a speed flyer mod, make sure it's above Kraken's Better Dinos in the load order so the flyers from the speed mod will spawn. You will not get any Better Dinos features on them, as they are now from another mod.

Where can I find the patch notes for this mod?

  • Patch notes are here

Will this mod come to  ARK: Survival Ascended?

  • Yes! Join the Discord for updates on this

I have a problem or question, where can I get support?