Crystal Isles

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Crystal Isles
Crystal Isles DLC.jpg
DLC for ARK with a new map and a new creature.
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June 11th, 2020
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August 25th, 2020
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June 11th, 2020
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Crystal Isles DLC.jpg This article is about the DLC: Crystal Isles
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ARK- Crystal Isles.png

Crystal Isles (anteriormente conocida como ISO: Crystal Isles) es uno de los mapas de expansión oficiales, no canónicos y gratuitos de ARK: Survival Evolved. Fue desarrollado originalmente por Isolde Gaming, Lillian y iSPEZZ.


Aspectos medioambientales únicos

  • Una isla constantemente envuelta en oscuridad y truenos, conocida como la Isla de Eldritch, y en donde podrás encontrar burbujas de agua flotantes y una gran abundancia en recursos raros.
  • Una zona con un grupo enorme de islas flotantes, conocidas como Apoteosis.
  • Una colmena enorme de abejas, con forma de cueva repleta de miel. En ella habitan Abejas Gigantes Obreras y Osos Gigantes.
  • Pantanos repletos de cuerpos en descomposición, donde te verás afectado por un potente debuff que induce Inconsciencia.

El mapa cristalino

Nuevos recursos
Nuevas opciones
Nuevas criaturas

Every new creature in Crystal Isles holds a surprise, from the explosive Tropeognathus to the glowing Crystal Wyvern.


Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Regions of Crystal Isles

  • The Great Forest (Crystal Isles).jpg
    The Great Forest
  • The Great Forest North (Crystal Isles).jpg
    The Great Forest North

  • Northland (Crystal Isles).jpg
  • Tundrafalls (Crystal Isles).jpg

  • Eldritch Isle (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Isla de Eldritch
  • Northern Islands (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Islas del Norte

  • Bloodfall's Hallow (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Bloodfall's Hallow
  • Halcyon Plains (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Halcyon Plains
  • LowerHalcyon Plains (Crystal Isles).jpg
    LowerHalcyon Plains

  • Cooling Pond (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Cooling Pond
  • Copper Peaks (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Copper Peaks
  • Emberfall (Crystal Isles).jpg
  • Fire Swamp (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Pantano de Fuego
  • The Wetlands (Crystal Isles).jpg
    The Wetlands

  • Apotheosis (Crystal Isles).jpg
  • Central River (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Río Central

  • The Tropics (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Los Trópicos
  • The White Shoals (Crystal Isles).jpg
    The White Shoals

  • Central Oasis (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Central Oasis
  • Crook's Canyon (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Crook's Canyon
  • Desert Savannah (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Desert Savannah
  • Desert Wyvern Hive (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Desert Wyvern Hive
  • Midland Savannah (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Midland Savannah
  • Wander's End (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Wander's End
  • Wander's Hope (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Wander's Hope
  • Wander's Tail (Crystal Isles).jpg
    Wander's Tail

  • The Great Valley (Crystal Isles).jpg
    The Great Valley

  • Crystal Isles 6.jpg
    Crystal Wyvern Queen Arena

Approximate Spawn Locations

Crystal Isles/Spawn Locations

Data Maps

  • Crystal Isles 8.jpg
    Strategic Resources
  • Crystal Isles 7.jpg
    Exploring the map
  • Crystal Isles 1.jpg
    Creature Spawns


Unique Creatures

  • Alpha Blood Crystal Wyvern
  • Crystal Wyvern
  • Crystal Wyvern Queen
  • Giant Worker Bee
  • Tropeognathus

Other Spawns

Event Creatures

  • Basilisk Ghost
  • Direwolf Ghost
  • Mantis Ghost
  • Party Dodo
  • Rex Ghost
  • Skeletal Bronto
  • Skeletal Carnotaurus
  • Skeletal Giganotosaurus
  • Skeletal Jerboa
  • Skeletal Quetzal
  • Skeletal Raptor
  • Skeletal Rex
  • Skeletal Stego
  • Skeletal Trike


All Items from the base game, and most items from Scorched Earth and Aberration are available on Crystal Isles.


  • Primal Crystal


  • Crystal Wyvern Egg
  • Tropeognathus Egg

Trophies and Tributes

  • Alpha Crystal Talon
  • Crystal Talon
  • Crystal Wyvern Queen Trophy


  • Crystal Wyvern Queen Flag



Artifact of the Massives.

Artifact of the Devious.

Artifact of the Skylord.

Artifact of the Inmune.

Artifact of the Brute.

Artifact of the Depths.

Artifact of the Clever.

Artifact of the Devourer.

Artifact of the Strong.

Artifact of the Cuning.

Artifact of the Pack.

Artifact of the Shadows.

Artifact of the Stalker.

Artifact of the Lost.

Artifact of the Gatekeeper.

Artifact of the Crag.

Artofact of the Destroyer.



  • This is the 4th Free DLC Map originated from the mods, others being The Center, Ragnarok and Valguero.
  • This is the 3rd Free DLC Map to introduce a unique exclusive dino inside the map, others being Ragnarok (with Griffin) and Valguero (with Deinonychus)
    • This is also the 3rd free DLC map to introduce a unique tamable variant of an existing DLC dino ( Crystal Wyvern), others being Ragnarok ( Ice Wyvern) and Valguero (with Chalk Golem and Ice Golem)
    • This is the 1st Free DLC Map to have an original boss as opposed to reusing old bosses, the Crystal Wyvern Queen.


External links
