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  • Eerie Procoptodon
  • R-Procoptodon
Comando de generación
cheat summon Procoptodon_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Procoptodon/Procoptodon_Character_BP.Procoptodon_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Procoptodon (Escort)
cheat summon Procoptodon_Character_BP_Escort_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Escort/Arctic/Procoptodon_Character_BP_Escort.Procoptodon_Character_BP_Escort'" 500 0 0 35
Inmune a inconsciencia
X mark.svg No
Método de domesticado
Comida preferida
Rare Mushroom
Procoptodon Saddle (Level ?)
Hats (Mobile only)
Unique Aspectos
Procoptodon Bunny Costume
XP for kill
8 XP
Peso de arrastre
Inmune a la radiación
X mark.svg No
Inmovilizado por:
  • Chain Bola
  • Large Bear Trap
  • Net Projectile
Tiempo de gestación
3h 58m 5.714s
Tiempo (cría)
4h 37m 46.666s
Tiempo (joven)
18h 31m 6.662s
Tiempo (adolescente)
23h 8m 53.328s
Tiempo total de madurez
1d 22h 17m 46.656s
Intervalo de cría
18h - 2d

The Island Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon The Island.svg

The Center Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon The Center.svg

Scorched Earth Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Scorched Earth.svg

Ragnarok Ocean Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Ragnarok.svg

Extinction Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Extinction.svg

Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Valguero.svg

Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Genesis Part 1.svg

Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Crystal Isles.svg

Genesis Part 2 Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Genesis Part 2.svg

Lost Island Map.jpg
Spawning Procoptodon Lost Island.svg

Común        Rara
  No domesticable  Cueva

El Procoptodon (Procoptodon en la versión original del juego) es una de las criaturas disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved.



Esta sección es una copia exacta de lo que Helena Walker ha escrito en sus Notas de explorador. Podrían existir discrepancias entre este texto y los detalles reales de la criatura.


El primer marsupial con el que me he topado en la isla es el Procoptodon vivencurrus. Con casi tres metros de alto, se encuentra entre las criaturas saltarinas más grandes de las que he oído hablar. Es un herbívoro bastante pacífico, que huirá de inmediato al verse amenazado. Una de las características únicas del Procoptodon es su bolsa. Contrariamente a la gran mayoría de bolsas marsupiales, la del Procoptodon se encuentra relativamente seca y apenas es pegajosa o contiene fluidos oleosos. Asumo que esto es productivo para el bebé, pero aún no he descubierto cómo exactamente.


La bolsa seca del Procoptodon la convierte en una excelente bestia de carga capaz de transportar más cantidad que otras criaturas de su tamaño. Pero más importante aún es que muchas tribus lo emplean como transporte dual metiendo a un segundo jinete en la bolsa. Como este pasajero no debe preocuparse por controlar al Procoptodon, ¡este segundo guerrero de la bolsa puede centrarse en disparar sus armas!


El Procoptodon es similar en su comportamiento al Parasaurio, ya que se le puede ver paseando pacíficamente en la zona en la que aparece. Al contrario que los Parasaurios, un Procoptodon salvaje atacará al jugador si su nivel es mayor que el tuyo. El ataque principal de este dinosaurio es una patada poderosa que puede empujarte fuertemente a ti y a tu montura en dirección contraria.

Procoptodon are fairly rare on the island, and the areas that they inhabit are sometimes too full to hold them. To fix this, slaughter everything you can to try and get one to spawn. Be sure you know where they spawn (see spawn map above.) They enjoy congregating around the bottom of mountains, as they will eventually hop down if they spawn at the top. You can also find them on the flat zones around swamps. They also occasionally spawn on the north-east border of the island, towards the beaches.

Es importante recordar que, al contrario que otros herbívoros, el Procoptodon no consumirá cultivos. Tanto el adulto como las crías en desarrollo si no tiene bayas para consumir.


A giant relative of modern kangaroos, Procoptodon is not a common herbivore when compared to the herds of Parasaurolophus and Phiomia that wander about the ARK. It could easily be mistaken for a normal kangaroo as well if it wasn't for the fact that it is bigger than a man. Closer looks show that it also has a much shorter face, reminiscent of a rabbit.

Like most Kangaroo species their feet are joined at the ankle, to improve locomotion via jumping, but this species appears to have only one toe whereas most have three and an elongated middle toe.

Color Scheme and Regions

Esta sección muestra los colores naturales y las regiones de Procoptodon. Como muestra, las regiones mostradas a continuación están coloreadas de rojo sobre un modelo albino de Procoptodon. Los cuadrados coloreados mostrados bajo la descripción de cada región son los colores que tendrá esta criatura de forma aleatoria y dentro del rango completo de su esquema de colores. Pasa el cursor sobre un color para mostrar su nombre y su ID.

This information can be used to alter the Procoptodon's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Procoptodon's "body" magenta.

Procoptodon PaintRegion0.png
Región 0:
X mark.svg

La Región 1 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark.svg

La Región 2 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark.svg

La región 3 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Procoptodon PaintRegion4.png
Región 4:
Back Stripes
Procoptodon PaintRegion5.png
Región 5:
Inner Ear, Snout, Belly and Appendages


  • Raw Meat
  • Hide
  • Pelt

Base Stats and Growth

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK: Survival of the Fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Salud 400 +80 +5.4% 0.105
Energía 350 +35 +10% 0.1
Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Comida 1500 +150 +10%
Peso 550 +11 +4%
Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 202 +1 +1.7% 2.8% 11%
Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3 +1%
Inconsciencia 350 +21 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no aumentarán su Velocidad de Movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

Velocidad de Movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 850 1784.9999 1784.9999 15
Nadando 300 N/A N/A N/A

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.



KO Strategy

Procoptodons can no longer be picked up by Quetzals, so make sure you have a good source of stamina and speed to catch up with the Procoptodon as it flees. Immobilizing with a chain bola (Not normal Bola) can also work.

Taming Food

Procoptodon.png Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Rare Mushroom.png Rare Mushroom 18 39 9 5 0:18:00
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 35; Slingshot Hits × 15; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 4; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 3; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1
Torpidity-depletion: 0.67 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:08:45
Procoptodon.png Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Rare Mushroom.png Rare Mushroom 42 170 38 19 0:42:00
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 96; Slingshot Hits × 40; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 11; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 7; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 5; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3
Torpidity-depletion: 1.11 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:14:26
Procoptodon.png Level 60 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Rare Mushroom.png Rare Mushroom 67 357 82 41 1:07:00
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 159; Slingshot Hits × 65; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 18; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 11; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 8; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4
Torpidity-depletion: 1.45 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:18:19
Procoptodon.png Level 90 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Rare Mushroom.png Rare Mushroom 92 584 138 69 1:32:00
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 222; Slingshot Hits × 91; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 25; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 15; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 11; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 6
Torpidity-depletion: 1.75 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:21:09
Procoptodon.png Level 120 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Rare Mushroom.png Rare Mushroom 117 840 203 102 1:57:00
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 285; Slingshot Hits × 117; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 32; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 19; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 13; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 7
Torpidity-depletion: 2.04 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:23:22
Procoptodon.png Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Rare Mushroom.png Rare Mushroom 142 1120 276 138 2:22:00
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 348; Slingshot Hits × 142; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 39; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 23; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 16; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 8
Torpidity-depletion: 2.31 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:25:12

Tenga en cuenta que los valores son para los casos óptimos, siempre llevar suministros adicionales!
Para obtener un valor más aproximado de los recursos necesarios, prueba Calculadoras externas de doma.

Preferred Food

The Procoptodon only eats Rare Mushrooms and Plant Species X Seeds. Once tamed, it can also be fed with Berries.

A Rare Mushroom is equal to 75 food points and a Plant Species X Seed is equal to 50. It eats every 100 points of hunger.


This section describes how to fight against the Procoptodon.


While not the strongest, the Procoptodon can cause significant damage if it chooses to attack. However, they typically run away at high speeds rather than stand and fight. Make sure you can keep a fast pace if you hope to kill/tame one! Since the TLC update its dropkick ability makes it a lot more versatile in combat as it does not do lots of damage but has a large knock back making it hard to be hit. Partner this with the new huge jump and significantly reduced fall damage to get out of most tussles.


Large Bear trap, having someone carry you on a chase flyer, or just running it down on foot are the easiest. It can also be lured into a pen by making it agro with Rare Flowers.


If you would like to tame them you should tranq them. Any method works.


The Procoptodon would rather run than fight. Chasing one on foot can result in straying too far into dangerous territory.


El dinosaurio no es normalmente agresivo, y ataca a corto alcance, así que aprovecha para lanzar el primer ataque contra él y usa armas a distancia para aprovecharte de sus limitaciones.



  • War Mount: The Procoptodon's pouch allows another tribe member to ride along. This is extremely useful if a raid goes wrong, because you have a quick escape. Its high jumping skills allow the rider and its tribe member to easily infiltrate bases and escape without having the need to destroy any walls or gates. Especially useful against stone and metal bases. (Level stamina, speed, weight(optional), and health.)
  • Battle/Taming Mount: Between its acceptable health, high weight capacity, good speed in both forward and reverse, knocks back nearby target, and ability for both riders to use weapons, the Procoptodon makes a great mount for pursuing and kiting dinos for taming. Just be sure to watch your back when hopping in reverse. (Level stamina, speed, some health and weight.)
  • Transport: It has good weight for its size, and the Procoptodon can transport more than one tribe member to any new location. If you are moving other dinos as well, the player in the pouch can easily defend them, alongside with the other dino. In a pouch of a mate-boosted female, the player will lose less food. (Level weight and stamina.)
  • Experience Booster: Lystrosaurus can be carried and petted inside the Procoptodon's pouch, providing a mobile means of boosting the experience of a hunting party; something that a Lystrosaurus is most often far too slow to keep up with.
  • Baby/Shoulder pet Transport: It can carry baby dinos and shoulder pets in its pouch to transport safety from one place to another.
  • Resource Collector: The Procoptodon has the ability to harvest Thatch and Wood from trees, Cactus Sap and Thatch from big cacti on Scorched Earth, and Berries from bushes with the bite or kick attack. With another player in the pouch collecting resources, the rider can scout the area and check for any hostile dinos and can quickly make a get away without having to mount up at all, so this is very useful on PvP servers. (Level stamina, speed, and weight.)
  • Breeding Aid: Baby dinos have reduced food consumption rate when carried by mate-boosted female Procoptodons.
  • Imprint Aid: Performing an imprinting action (cuddling, comfort food, etc) on a baby dino held in a mate-boosted, female Procoptodon's pouch doubles the amount of affinity earned for imprinting. For creatures that can be held in Procoptodon pouches during infancy, this can provide a substantial head-start on filling the imprint bar, and make it less of a chore in the long run.
  • Travel: It is one of the speediest mounts. Combined with it fantastic jump, it is sometimes more useful than a Gallimimus due to its decreased fall damage.
  • Battle Mount: Its kick attack has very powerful knockback, which makes melee opponents and small predators incapable to get close if well-managed.
  • Jumping: It jumps so high, capable at skipping a lot of obstacles on open terrain or "climbing" low cliffs. A full-charge jump will cause Procoptodon to take only minor fall damage.
  • Bosses: Its jump and ability to carry 2 tribe members at once allows it to reach the top of a mushroom in the Broodmother Arena on the Island, giving you a position to solo the Alpha Broodmother or take it down with very few tribe members and weaker weapons than usual.


Better at collecting berries than one would think. Use the kick attack and gather a ton of them and escape from predators quickly with one good jump!

Carry-able Baby/Small Creatures

Pouching Procoptodon.png

The Procoptodon is capable of carrying the following baby or small creatures. They can be pouched using the radial menu or the 3rd action key (default C, Right Stick, PS4: Right Stick). This is not available in mobile version yet.


Once the baby hits a certain percentage of growth, it will automatically eject itself from the Procoptodon's pouch, and can not be placed back in. [Editor's note; more research should be done, particularly on what percentage a dino will reach before it is ejected, and whether it varies between different species.]

The following creatures can be carried within a pouch;

Baby dinos sometimes disappear from the pouch without a trace - there is a chance you can find them in the center of the map (at 50-50)! To avoid this, you can simply remove the baby from the pouch when you are away doing something else, as this seems to occur mostly when the baby/Procoptodon is out of render range.

The following table shows how long each species stays in the pouch for:

Creature Maturation Percent
Argentavis 11%
Daeodon 38%
Doedicurus 45%
Gigantopithecus 79%
Paraceratherium 1.2%
Procoptodon 17%
Sarco 4%
Thylacoleo 21%
Velonasaur 16%
Ankylosaurus 37%


Baby variants are also included in this list.

Note that the Ferox (Large) cannot be carried.



Para más información sobre esta criatura en el mundo real, consulta el artículo de Wikipedia asociado

  • The dossier was revealed on October 5, 2015.[1]
  • The first marsupial in the game. It was released before the Thylacoleo.
  • Procoptodons take massivley reduced fall damage, because of their high jump see Fall Damage for more info.
  • The passenger in the pouch has limited view, like when a player sits on a chair, which must be accounted for when raiding bases or attacking creatures.
  • The player in the pouch gains +169 hyperthermal and hypothermal insulation, very useful especially during the ARK: Winter Wonderland event.
  • Since boarding the pouch does not require a saddle a player can set the Procoptodon to follow another creature/tribe member and ride in the pouch as a mount.
  • Procoptodon vivencurrus translates best to "Forward hill-toothed living chariot"; this is reference to its large frontal teeth and its usage to ferry survivors into battle. However, the specific epithet is incorrectly constructed; it should be viventicurrus.
  • In game the Procoptodon can jump backwards, however kangaroos can't do this in real life due to their hips.
  • The Procoptodon was a genus of giant short-faced kangaroo living in Australia during the Pleistocene epoch. P. goliah was the largest known kangaroo which grew to nearly 3 meters tall and up to 232 kilograms (511 pounds), which is heavier than 3 adult human males.
  • The real-life Procoptodons were in fact so heavy they could not hop, but rather walked like hominids.
  • In reality, only female kangaroos have a pouch. However, there are several species of marsupial where males also have pouches, such as the extinct Thylacine. The general purpose of pouches on male marsupials, in contrast to the infant-rearing purpose of female pouches, is to protect the genital area of the males from the dense underbrush they might have to cross through.
  • Procoptodon receives a major update for TLC Phase 1 at 10 February 2018 with appearance overhaul, reduced fall damage, increase in carry weight, knockback attack, carry smaller creatures and baby dinos in pouch, jumping like Karkinos and Reaper King, reduced food consumption for characters carried in mate-boosted procoptodon, and doubles affinity when imprinting baby dinos inside pouch (please note: the procoptodon carrying the baby must be female, and be mate boosted by a nearby male when the baby is imprinted).
  • Real Kangaroos are grazing animals and eat grass depending on the species some eat grass, shrubs, flowers, leaves, ferns and moss. However the Procoptodon have adapted to eating the mushrooms found in Ark.
  • Real Kangaroos are social animals and live together in groups or herds Procoptodon mostly likely did the same thing as modern kangaroos. Ark's Procoptodon is found on it's own rather then found in groups.
  • Procoptodons cannot be restrained with bola
  • On ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile, procoptodon can be picked up by Flyers (Argentavis & Quetzal )


Patch Changes
229.0 Procoptodon is added to the game
229.1 Fixed application of Movement Speed stat
230.0 Fixed Procoptodon pouch dismounting players through walls
  • Fixed hat/accessory slot on Procoptodon
  • Fixed server executable that wasn't showing model of Procoptodon Saddle
230.3 Fixed Movement Speed stat for real
231.6 Fixed exploiting with boarding Procoptodon pouch through walls or being pushed through walls while sitting in pouch
231.7 Fixed issue with getting dismounted from the pouch due to terrain slopes
256.4 Added the Procoptodon Bunny Costume for the ARK: Eggcellent Adventure event
260.0 Added proper icon for the Procoptodon Saddle
278.0 TLC Phase 1 Receives a model update, animation update, sound pass, and some new abilities:
  • Procoptodon now takes reduced fall damage
  • Carry Weight is noticeably increased
  • Can carry small creatures and babies in its pouch
  • A knockback kick which can affect significantly large creatures
  • Added an aimed jump which can be used by holding down the Jump key
  • Carried entities in the pouch of a mate-boosted female Procoptodon have a reduced consumption
  • Babies imprinted in the pouch receive more affinity
  • Increased Procoptodon Weight properly, as intended
  • Fixed an issue where the Procoptodon couldn't pick up flyers in its pouch
303.1 Modified the drag weight of the Procoptodon so that it can no longer be picked up or grabbed by any creature except the Tusoteuthis, and can no longer be trapped by a Bola

