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Los jefes son un tipo de criaturas encontradas en ARK: Survival Evolved. Estos jefes a veces se denominan "las formas de vida supremas" o "guardianes" y se pueden encontrar en Boss Arenas.

Características de los jefes

Los jefes son las criaturas utilizadas dentro de los arcas para probar si los sobrevivientes son dignos de ascensión y son extremadamente poderosos.

Los jefes están separados por 2 subcategorías: Guardianes y Supervisores, que son utilizados por los Arks para probar la fuerza de los Supervivientes y tienen varias características clave que los hacen distintos.


Los Guardianes son unas criaturas extremadamente poderosas, que se usan para probar a los sobrevivientes y son usualmente distintas en lo siguiente:

  • Siempre luchan dentro de Arenas.
  • Siempre generarán secuaces para ayudarlos en la batalla.
  • Siempre tendrán 3 variaciones con 2 de las 3 codificadas por colores para que coincidan con la dificultad, mientras que las variaciones Gamma serán el diseño original del Jefe.
  • Todos estarán dentro de Arks.
  • Todos pueden ser convocados desde los Obeliscos.

Los Guardianes son el Megapithecus, la Matriarca Lysrix, el Dragón y la Mantícora.


Otro de los tipos de jefes existentes son los Supervisores, que son similares a los Guardianes pero con algunas peculiaridades:

  • Son tremendamente poderosos.
  • Pueden controlar los ARKs ellos solos, y a todas las criaturas dentro de ellos (incluidos los Guardianes).
  • Pueden ver todo lo que ocurre en sus ARKs respectivos, tal y como aparece en las notas de explorador.
  • Son los seres que hacen que los ARKs funcionen correctamente. Cuando son destruidos, los ARKs se autodestruyen.
  • Todos tienen su propia cueva Tek.

Solo el Supervisor y Rockwell entran en la categoría de "Supervisores" en el juego.

Non Canon

Do note that the ark mobile bosses exist within a separate canon so they don't classify into either.



There are also 2 different Categories of Bosses which are different in both Gameplay and Lore from the Ark Bosses.

1. Titans are completely separate from Bosses but are often mistaken to be bosses. They consist of the Ice Titan, Forest Titan, Desert Titan and King Titan/ Alpha King Titan, for more information on them click the link above labeled Titans or the one within this sentence.

2. The 5 Master AI and The Master Controller which are used within the Genesis Simulation. The Master AI function similarly to Overseers however they are creatures like the Guardians and are highly intelligent like the Overseers sharing traits from both the Ark Boss subcategories. The Master Controller appears to function similarly to the Overseer as it controls everything including the Master AI. To some extent, however, it seems that it is not as necessary as the Overseers are, since the Master AI themselves are extremely intelligent. In fact the Corrupted Master Controller could not fully control everything as he couldn't turn off Moeder, Master of the Ocean like the other 4 Master AI and is only partially capable of running the Genesis Simulation. It also appears that it can't Transform into the 5 Master AI in the way the Overseers can transform into their Ark's respective Guardians. There appears to be 2 different kinds of Master Controllers: The original Master Controller which controlled and ran the Genesis Simulation alongside the 5 Master AI and the Corrupted Master Controller which was the Master Controller version of Rockwell, which hacked into the Genesis Simulation taking control of it similarly to how Rockwell took control of Aberration and turned off 4 of the 5 Master AI with only Moeder, Master of the Ocean left. Who outsmarted Rockwell by shutting herself down and preventing him from turning her of as he did the other 4 Master AI.

Categorías de jefes: explicación

En esta sección se explica por qué los jefes se separan en diferentes categorías y el efecto que ello tiene en la jugabilidad y en la historia. Hay tres tipos principales de jefes en ARK, que se subdividen de acuerdo con la historia y la jugabilidad. Recuerda, sin embargo, que al ser jefes, comparten ciertas similitudes, como tener una barra de vida o la posibilidad de poder conseguir sus cabezas como trofeos.

  1. Ark Bosses are the bosses used on the Island, Scorched Earth and Aberration all of which are within separate Arks and in lore are used specifically to help train survivors to ascend to earth to help kill the Titans and cleanse the Corruption. They were created as a result of the Titans decimating the planet. More information can be seen above on what defines a boss.
  2. Titans are massive and powerful creatures and are the cause for the story of Ark as they along with an army of corrupted creatures killed billions of humans forcing them to retreat. They are different in that all of them spawn above level 999 and are world bosses. They all also share the trait of being massive in size.
  3. Master AI are creatures used within the Genesis Simulation and are closer to the traditional Ark Bosses. For instance, just like the Ark Bosses the Master AI are also used to help humanity. However, they are separate from Ark Bosses as they are used for a different purpose called "The Arrival." Whereas Ark Bosses are used to train survivors to eliminate the Titans and Corruption, the Master AI are not used within an Ark but the Genesis Simulation.

Lista de jefes

There are 0 Jefes (including variants).
