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Domesticar (Domestication en la versión original del juego) es el proceso de convertir a una Criatura salvaje en una bestia útil para beneficio del jugador. Las criaturas domesticadas tienen muchas ventajas que hacen la vida mas fácil en La Isla. Algunas criaturas permiten al jugador recolectar recursos de forma mas eficiente que a mano o con herramientas, mientras que otras tienen una capacidad de carga increíble, que servirá para transportar grandes cantidades de recursos o llevarlos en una batalla. Sin embargo, antes de que una criatura esté domesticada, debe pasar primero por el proceso de domesticado. De forma adicional, algunas criaturas requieren de una montura para ofrecer todo su potencial.

Disambig.svg Este artículo es sobre el proceso de domesticación de una criatura. Para los usos de una criatura domesticada, consulte Domesticar.
How to Tame a Dinosaur

Las criaturas de la isla pueden ser domesticadas y utilizadas para diversos fines. Los usos para animales domesticados incluyen montar, transportar objetos, almacenar, cazar, cosechar, producir recursos y defender propiedades mientras está desconectado. Los objetos colocados en el inventario de una criatura domesticada suelen tardar mucho más en echarse a perder que de lo contrario.

Fundamentos básicos del domesticado

Mediante tranquilizantes

  1. Primero, debes dejar inconsciente a la criatura en cuestión. Esto puede conseguirse de varias maneras:
    • Golpea a la criatura con tus puños. Esta técnica es la más básica (y la menos efectiva) de derribar a un dinosaurio.
    • Using a Slingshot, Wooden Club, Electric Prod, Bow/ ballesta/ Compound Bow with Tranquilizer Arrow, Harpoon Launcher with Tranq Spear Bolts, or Longneck Rifle with Tranquilizer Dart or Shocking Tranquilizer Dart. Las ballestas/arcos/rifles with Higher damage will result in more Inconsciencia per shot. The ballesta and Harpoon Launcher can be used underwater.
    • Golpeando a una criatura con el aguijón de un Archivo:Escorpión.png Escorpión
    • Head-butting the creature with a Pachy
    • Licking the creature with a Beelzebufo
    • Kicking the creature with an Equus
    • Shocking the creature with an Electrophorus
    • Biting the creature with a Troodon, Basilisco or Titanoboa
    • Punching the creature when unconscious can make its Inconsciencia stay up, but you will lose taming effectiveness.
  2. Once the creature is unconscious, open its inventory and feed it an appropriate food item by dragging food into its inventory and waiting for the creature to eat it. The food needed to tame it will vary based on the creature you are trying to tame. Keep plenty of food in the animal's inventory while taming; if the creature runs out of food, the taming bar will begin to go down until it gets more food. Force feeding them anything other than Narcoberries, Bio Toxin or Narcotic will fill their hunger but will not affect the taming bar, effectively making the tame take longer.
    • Every time the animal raises its head to eat, the Taming bar increases. Herbivores will eat Berries when their hunger falls 20 points (30 points for mejo berries) and Advanced Crops when it falls 40 points. Carnivores will eat both Raw Prime Meat, Cooked Prime Meat, Raw Meat, Cooked Meat, Raw Fish Meat, Cooked Fish Meat, Raw Prime Fish Meat, Cooked Prime Fish Meat, Spoiled Meat or Carne seca when their hunger falls 50 points. All applicable creatures will eat Kibble when their hunger falls 80 points (for a few creatures it is 135, 120, 53.3, 25, or 20). For other food see the table in the section Taming Effectiveness.
    • If a creature's preferred food is in its inventory, they will wait for their hunger to decrease enough for them to eat it, even if other food is present.
  3. Keep the creature unconscious throughout the process. The Unconscious bar decreases with the creature's Inconsciencia, and can be refilled with Narcoberries or Narcotic. Narcoberries will raise torpor by 8 points over 3 seconds, and Narcotic will raise it by 40 points over 16 seconds. It also stops the creature's fight against the torpor in this time, so torpor will not fall in addition to the raising. The creature will not voluntarily eat these items, and so they must be force fed by hitting the use-key (E, Y, PS4: Triangle) in the creatures inventory when hovering over the item.

Domesticado no violento

Las siguientes criaturas son, actualmente, las únicas que pueden domesticarse de forma no violenta: Araneo, Arthropluera, Basilosaurio, Chalicotherium, Escarabajo Pelotero, Abeja Gigante, Gigantopithecus, Ictiosaurio, Listrosaurio, Manta, Mesopithecus, Moschops, Onyc, Bruite y Mantis. El Diplodocus también puede domesticarse de manera no violenta, aunque cuenta con una manera violenta para hacerlo.

  1. Put the food you plan to feed to the creature in the far-right slot of your hotbar.
    • Araneo prefers Spoiled Meat over Carne cruda
    • Arthropluera prefers Broth of Enlightenment over Spoiled Meat and Raw Meat
    • Basilosaurus prefers Kibble (Therizinosaurus Egg) over Meat and Fish
    • Chalicotherium takes Beer (also Stimberries but with extremely low effectiveness)
    • Diplodocus prefers Kibble (Lystrosaurus Egg) over Vegetables and Bayas
    • Dung Beetle prefers Feces over Spoiled Meat
    • Giant Bee prefers Kibble (Ichthyornis Egg) over Rare Flower
    • Gigantopithecus prefers Kibble (Titanoboa Egg) over Berries
    • Ichthyosaurus prefers Kibble (Dodo Egg) over Carne y pescado
    • Lystrosaurus prefers Rare Flower over Vegetables and Berries
    • Manta takes Gel de Pez Abisal
    • Mantis prefers Deathworm Horn
    • El Mesopithecus prefiere el Archivo:Pienso (huevo de dodo).png pienso de huevos de Dodo antes que las bayas
    • Moschops asks randomly for Tintoberry, Mejoberry, Giant Bee Honey, Organic Polymer, Rare Mushroom, Rare Flower, Raw Prime Meat, Cooked Prime Meat, Prime Meat Jerky, Raw Prime Fish Meat, Cooked Prime Fish Meat, or Cooked Lamb Chop
    • Onyc takes Meat and Fish
    • Vulture prefers Spoiled Meat over Raw Meat
    • Charge Light-specific dino ( Bulbdog, Shinehorn, Featherlight, Glowtail) prefers Plant Species Z Seed, but takes in their specific mushroom.
  2. Approach the creature and press the use key (default: E, Y, PS4: Triangle) to feed it when prompted.
    • Lystrosaurus and Moschops are peaceful and not scared, you don't need to hide yourself.
    • For all other Ghillie Armor is recommended.
    • If touched during the taming process, Gigantopithecus and Manta will attack and Mesopithecus will run.
    • Diplodocus wants to play with you and shoves you around.
    • You need to have Bug Repellant applied to yourself to tame an Araneo, Arthropluera, or Onyc and can be helpful to tame the Dung Beetle and Manta, as these creatures are aggressive and will otherwise attack you on sight or on being touched.
    • Ichthyosaurus and Lystrosaurus can be touched without penalty, and will not attack you under any circumstance.
  3. Wait for the creature to become hungry enough to eat again. This can take varying amounts of time depending on the creature in question and the food you are feeding it.
  4. Repite este proceso hasta rellenar la barra de domesticado.

Note that the first instance of food you feed to the creature is akin to knocking it unconscious with a violent tame - it binds the tame to the Survivor (or their tribe) and the creature's hunger will begin decreasing. At this point - the taming effectiveness and taming progress will not begin to diminish unless the creature starts taking damage (i.e. enters combat or starts dying of starvation). The initial delay between the first and second feedings compared to all subsequent feedings is also greater. Once fed a second time, progress will begin to reset if you take too long to feed. Moving too far away before a second feeding will also un-bind the tame - resetting everything (although its food may take a few moments to update). As with violent tames, you can bulk-feed a starved creature with an approximately 5-10 second delay between feedings. Due to the complete reset if you move too far away and the fact most long-duration non-violent tames don't have sufficient food to be substantially starved: this trick is only really helpful for taming skittish Ichthys or monkeys .

Domesticados especiales por métodos no violentos

Algunos dinosaurios tienen métodos únicos para ser domesticados:

  • Basilisk eats fertilized Rock Drake Egg from the ground.
  • Equus takes Rockarrot and ridden on, calming with the said food when it starts its attempt to kick the survivor off.
  • Gacha takes just about anything that is dropped by the survivor, but prefers Structure items in stack of 10 over anything else.
  • Hyaenodon needs to be pet without being spooked or aggravated.
  • Liopleurodon swims towards the nearest dropped Giant Bee Honey from the player. *
  • Pegomastax steals Berries from survivor placed in the far-right slot of hotbar.
  • Phoenix needs to be constantly burned during Superheat, either through Fire Wyvern or Flamethrower
  • Roll Rat automatically eats thrown Giant Bee Honey whilst its buried underground.
  • Titanoboa eats fertilized Dinosaur Egg from the ground.
  • El Troodon mata a los dinosaurios domesticados simplemente para divertirse.
  • Hesperornis and Otter eats Dead Fish that the player drags to the creature.

With the exception of Hyaenodon, Liopleurodon, Phoenix, and Troodon, they too follow the same process in waiting to become hungry enough to eat again.

* = Liopleurodon automatically disappears without a trace after 30 minutes. Tame only if you need its buff for the said duration period.

Fish Basket Non-Violent Taming

Plantilla:DLC section For more details, visit Fish Basket

With introduction to Aberration, it is possible to tame certain aquatic creatures using Fish Basket (which must be learnt in Aberration map to utilize in other maps). While it requires time for the basket to set up, it can be utilized to capture and tame smaller creatures. Bear in mind it has a certain lifespan while being trapped; letting it "spoil" to zero will kill them. Creatures that have been tamed using the Fish Basket are considered force-tamed and don't behave normally.

Domesticado con torretas

Para algunas criaturas, como el Titanosaurio, Rock Elemental, and Karkinos tranquilizers are ineffective. In order to inflict torpor on them, you will need to do damage to their head using a turret weapon. Because turrets themselves are immobile, one may have to mount said turret upon a platform saddle, usually the Bronto Platform Saddle, Paracer Platform Saddle, or Quetz Platform Saddle. The most efficient weapon is the Cannon, as it's torpor-to-damage ratio will be the highest. Although you can also use the Rocket Launcher on Rock Elemental, and the Catapult Turret on the Karkinos. Although related, Rubble Golem can't be tamed.

* = Tamed Titanosaur will refuse to eat anything, and will not regain hunger through any methods and will eventually starve to death. But if the private server or single player runs with AllowRaidDinoFeeding setting it can be force-fed.

Raise-only Taming

Plantilla:DLC section Three of the creatures cannot be tamed through any ways as adults. In order to 'tame' the said creatures, they have to be raised from birth. Following creatures can only be tamed from birth.

  • Wyvern - Steal an egg from the Wyvern nest in Scar found in Scorched Earth and either in Dragonmalte Trench, Wyvern Cave or Murdersnow ( Ice Wyvern only) found in Ragnarok.
  • Rock Drake - Steal an egg from a Rock Drake nest in Grave of the Lost, found below Aberration.
  • Reaper King - Weaken Reaper Queen at its lowest, turn off charge light, and get its attention to be impregnated. Found at any Element Regions in Aberration

Craft-only Taming

Plantilla:DLC section Three Creatures can only be "crafted" rather than through regular taming, through acquisition of its Blueprint, or crafted as level 1 (or 51 for the Mek) at either a City Terminal or Tek Replicator within Extinction.

In the case of both Enforcer and Scout, these can both be found roaming around the Sanctuary. Destroying them will drop Blueprints related to their level, possibly ranging from Primitive to Ascendant based on their level, with random percentage of stats.

In the case of the Mek, these can be crafted with a Level 51 Engram. They only come out as Level 51 and unlike the Enforcer, these cannot level up. Better grade, higher level Mek Blueprints can occasionally be obtained either from Hard or Legendary Orbital Supply Drops.

Domesticado de titanes

Plantilla:DLC section 3 of the Titans can be temporarily tamed by attacking corruption nodes on their bodies in a designated sequence. Each Titan is different at where the corruption exist, and thus requires different strategy to eliminate the corruption.

All Corrupt tumors found at its body always take one damage per hit, which makes high damage ranged pointless. Rather, utilizing rapid-firing ranged like Assault Rifle or creatures like Velonasaur will help.

Based on how much damage it takes, the titan type when tamed will change, each with higher stat. These are denoted as its prefix when it is first tamed.

  • Alfa = Ha recibido menos de ?? de daño
  • Beta = Ha recibido entre ?? y ?? de daño
  • Gamma = Ha recibido entre ?? y ?? de daño
  • Ninguno = Ha recibido más de ?? de daño

Taming Effectiveness

The taming effectiveness indicates the amount of bonus the creature gets once it is successfully tamed. It does not have any effect on the taming speed of the dinosaur. The initial taming effectiveness is 100%, and decreases whenever the creature eats the food left in its inventory or takes damage while unconscious. Taming effectiveness decay is reciprocal, meaning that the lower it is, the less it drops. Basically the formula is TE = 1 / ( 1 + [number of food eaten] + [damage taken]), with some additional weighting multipliers, depending on the species and kind of food.[1] Feeding a creature their preferred food will not only tame them faster, but also reward you with a higher taming effectiveness percentage. Most creatures also have a preferred Kibble, which will be the fastest taming food while only slightly decreasing the taming effectiveness. The maximal taming effectiveness possible is 99.9%. (Side note: Efficiency is not a synonym for effectiveness. The efficiency (how economical a method is) is not taken into account for the taming effectiveness.)

In the case of Reaper King, Taming effectiveness also applies, but through a different method. While it is still not born, killing dinosaur will absorb experience like effectiveness, affecting its bonus stat when it is born. No other method of earning experience will increase it however.

Effect of the Taming Effectiveness

Taming Effectiveness (TE) determines the number of bonus levels that a creature will gain upon completion of the taming. Each level is another point in a particular skill. These bonus levels are considered "wild levels" for the purposes of post-tame level-ups (e.g. +4% per level refers to 4% of the post-tame value) and breeding, and so maximizing Taming Effectiveness is vital for procuring the best creatures.

At 100% Taming Effectiveness, a creature will get 50% of its wild level as bonus levels. The amount of bonus levels gained is proportional to the Taming Effectiveness (so 50% TE is 25% bonus levels). Where L is the creature Wild Level, the amount of bonus levels is L × TE / 2 (rounded down). For example: a level 90 Rex with a taming effectiveness of 85% will get 90 × 85% / 2 = 38.25 → 38 bonus levels.

With a maximum wild level of 150 and a maximum taming effectiveness of 99.9% for all creatures that have to eat at least once (creature such as the Troodon and Pegomastax retain 100% due to not technically "eating") - the maximum amount of bonus levels you can achieve is 150 × 99.9% / 2 → 74 (rounded).

In addition to bonus levels, most creatures have at least one stat that has a Taming Multiplier that is based on Taming Effectiveness - e.g. the Rex has 17.6% multiplier on its Melee Damage. The multiplier is applied after bonus levels and any additive bonuses (e.g. the Rex also has a +7% additive bonus). As an aside, the additive bonuses are unaffected by Taming Effectiveness. Similarly to bonus levels, the multiplier scales proportionately to the Taming Effectiveness. Using the rex as an example again, the full 17.6% multiplier is only achieved with 100% Taming Effectiveness. At only 50% TE, you will only get 8.8% bonus melee damage. Use the external taming calculators to know which method is more cost/effective for your situation.

When breeding, newborns are considered to have 100% Taming Effectiveness regardless of the Taming Effectiveness of the parents. While this will not cause them to gain bonus levels, this will cause them to gain the maximum stat multipliers. This is why bred creatures will often have higher melee or food stats than either of their parents.

Food Food-Value[2] Taming Speed[3] Taming Effectiveness[4] Used To Tame
Broth of Enlightenment 21 50x Speed [5] ★★★★★ Arthropluera
Raw Mutton 50 Velocidad x 7.5 ★★★★☆ Carnívoros
50 Black Pearls 1500 Velocidad x 6.6 ★★★★★ Tusoteuthis [6]
Pienso preferido 80 Velocidad x 5 ★★★★★ All Pienso tames, except those listed below.
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Arqueópterix).png Pienso (huevo de Arqueópterix) 120 Velocidad x 3.33 ★★★★★ Diplocaulus
Pienso (huevo de Carbonemys) 53 7.55x Speed ★★★★★ Brontosaurio
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Listrosaurio).png Pienso (huevo de Listrosaurio) 53 Velocidad x 5.2 ★★★★★ Diplodocus
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Mantis).png Pienso (huevo de Mantis) 20 20x Speed ★★★★★ Elemental de Roca
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Megalosaurio).png Pienso (huevo de Megalosaurio) 120 3.33x Speed ★★★★★ Tericinosaurio
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Moschops).png Pienso (huevo de Moschops) 53 Velocidad x 7.55 ★★★★★ Purlovia
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Oviraptor).png Pienso (huevo de Oviraptor) 135 2.96x Speed ★★★★★ Megalosaurio
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Pelagornis).png Pienso (huevo de Pelagornis) 25 16x Speed ★★★★★ Arqueópterix
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Quetzal).png Pienso (huevo de Quetzal) 80 Velocidad x 6.875 ★★★★★ Mosasaurio, Giganotosaurio (velocidad x 5)
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Tapejara).png Pienso (huevo de Tapejara) 120 Velocidad x 3.3 ★★★★★ Kaprosuchus
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Ave del Terror).png Pienso (huevo de Ave del Terror) 53 7.5x Speed ★★★★★ Rinoceronte Lanudo
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Titanoboa).png Pienso (huevo de Titanoboa) 80 3.75x Speed ★★★★★ Gigantopithecus, Dunkleosteus, Thylacoleo (5x Speed)
Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Tericinosaurio).png Pienso (huevo de Tericinosaurio) 320 1.56x Speed ★★★★★ Basilosaurio
Flor rara 35 4.55x Speed [5] ★★★★★ Listrosaurio
Archivo:Heces de animal grande.png Heces de animal grande 37.5 4.27x Speed [5] ★★★★★ Escarabajo Pelotero
Cooked Lamb Chop 50 4x Speed ★★★★★ Carnivores
Raw Prime Meat 50 3x Speed ★★★☆☆ Carnivores
Raw Prime Fish Meat 25 2.4x Speed[5] ★★★☆☆ Carnivores
Spoiled Meat 50 2x Speed ★★★☆☆ Araneo, Arthropluera, Dung Beetle and Pulmonoscorpius
Cooked Prime Meat / Prime Meat Jerky 50 1.5x Speed ★★☆☆☆ Carnivores
Rare Mushroom 75 1.3x Speed ★★☆☆☆ Procoptodon
Beer Jar 45 1x Speed N/A[7] Chalicotherium
Raw Meat 50 1x Speed ★☆☆☆☆ Carnivores
Cooked Meat / Carne seca 25 1x Speed ☆☆☆☆☆ Carnivores
Advanced Crops 40 1x Speed ★★☆☆☆ Herbivores
Chitin 50 1x Speed ★☆☆☆☆ Archaeopteryx
Mejo Berries 30 1x Speed ★☆☆☆☆ Herbivores
Sulfur 25 1x Speed ★☆☆☆☆ Rock Elemental
Other Berries 20 1x Speed ☆☆☆☆☆ Herbivores
Plant Species X Seed 50 1x Speed ☆☆☆☆☆ Procoptodon
Angler Gel 24 1x Speed N/A[7] Manta
Raw Fish Meat 25 0.8x Speed[5] ☆☆☆☆☆ Carnivores
Cooked Fish Meat 12 0.8x Speed ☆☆☆☆☆ Carnivores
Cooked Prime Fish Meat 25 0.8x Speed ☆☆☆☆☆ Carnívoros
Other Pienso 80 0.66x Speed ☆☆☆☆☆ Anything other than the creature that prefers the type of Pienso.
Piedra 50 0.14x Velocidad ★☆☆☆☆ Elemental de Roca
Bayas estimulantes 0 ?x Speed ☆☆☆☆☆
  1. Calculation of the taming effectiveness
  2. Note that the food values depend on the combination of food and creature, but most creatures share the same value for a specific food. Exceptions apply especially to the preferred food of a creature.
  3. Taming Speed is derived from Taming Affinity Per Consumption / Food Value Per Consumption of a particular food versus the baseline (usually Raw Meat or Other Berries).
  4. Taming Effectiveness is derived from Number of Consumptions, where the fewest consumptions is the most effective. The most effective may not always be the fastest.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 Estimated.
  6. Note that this is compared to 20 Raw Meat, rather than 1 Raw Meat.
  7. 7,0 7,1 This is the only valid food item for this tame.

Dino Level and Stats

Spawn level 1-150 (official servers)
Taming effectiveness bonus levels +0-50% of spawn level (+74 max)
Max level increase after taming +71
  • Dinos spawn with a level of 5 to 150 in official, or different depending on the difficulty level of the server.
    • Wyvern and Rock Drake are an exception, spawning in at 5 to 190 in official. Other levels applies like every other dino based on difficulty setting however.
    • Specific event creatures like GachaClaus only spawns in at affixed level.
    • All Tek Creatures are an exception as well, spawning in at 20% higher level (5 to 180) compared to their original counterpart.
    • Being a roaming boss creature, all Titans spawns as Level 1500, and will have an increased efficiency level based on how much health it has left at the time of taming.
    • Jerboa, Leedsichthys, and Alpha Leedsichthys are also an exception, only spawning in as level 1 with no regards to difficulty levels of the server.
  • For every level above 1, the animal has an improvement made at random to one of its base stats. Usually one stat in particular will have been upgraded naturally.
  • Any animal, once tamed, can be leveled up manually up 70 times (Except for Titans and Mek). This means if you tame a level 1 animal, it will cap at level 71 and not level up anymore, but an animal tamed at level 30 may reach level 100.
  • Lower level animals are generally easier and less dangerous to render unconscious, and it is faster (and requires less food and drugs) to tame them.
  • Beginning players may want to target lower level animals to save time and resources, especially for early game mounts and pack animals such as Phiomias.
  • Established players may want to target higher level animals, as their beginning stats (and thus max-level stats) will be higher. It is common for 'end game' hunters to stalk specific dinos (sometimes with specific colors) within a few levels of a server's cap, knock them out, and then inspect their stats. If their random improvements have gone to less useful stats (such as Food), the hunter may kill or abandon the unconscious dino and search for another.
  • Which improvements are desirable will depend on the animal's species and intended use. For instance, it is usually pointless to level up melee damage on a Parasaur intended as a pack animal, while this may be the most important stat for a hunting Raptor or a siege Rex.
  • The amount of XP an animal needs to earn to level up is the same, regardless of the level it was at when tamed. E.g., the same amount of XP will take an animal tamed at level 1 to level 2, or tamed at level 26 to level 27, etc.
  • Tamed animals will earn XP slowly even while doing nothing, just like the player. The player gets additional XP equal to half the XP earned by an animal they are riding, so it's a good idea to sit on a dino while AFK.
  • The max dino level (without breeding) after taming and leveling is 295 on an official or non-modded server (i.e. 150 wild level + 74 taming bonus + 71 level ups).

Taming Hints

  • One Narcoberry will increase an animal's Inconsciencia by 7.5. One Narcotic increases torpor by 40. A Tranquilizer Arrow fired by an ordinary bow will increase torpor by about 100 (dependent on the body region), but deals damage and decreases Taming Effectiveness.
  • To feed Narcotics or Narcoberries, use the E, Y, PS4: Triangle.
  • In an emergency, if you run out of Narcotics and Narcoberries, you can punch or slingshot the animal in the head to keep it unconscious, or shoot it with a Tranquilizer Arrow. However, this will damage the creature, thereby reducing taming effectiveness and the amount bonus levels gained. It could also kill the creature if you aren't careful.
  • Be sure they have food at all times. If they run out of food, their taming meter will fall rapidly until it reaches zero.
  • An unconscious animal will remain unconscious until the torpor reaches 0. If it wakes up, you will lose all taming progress, plus any items that were in the animal's inventory(If an unconscious tame is killed however it will drop an Item Cache with all the items you had on it when it died).
  • Different animals lose torpor at different rates (for example, a Spinosaur loses torpor very quickly) and because taming takes longer for higher levels, more Narcotics are needed.
  • Taming can take up to several hours. Keep an eye out for other players or predators, as they may try to harm your unconscious creature.
  • Your tamed animals can die from starvation even while you are offline, so be sure there is enough food in their inventory. However, like players, inactive animals will use food very slowly.
  • If your tame has low health you can force feed it so that it will regain some HP. This will not decrease taming effectiveness if the creature's food is maxed out. This only works on carnivores.
  • If your tame gets hit you can let it wake up to reset the taming effectiveness.

For Carnivores

  • All Carnivores prefer Raw Mutton and Raw Prime Meat over anything other than their favorite Kibble, and it will tame them faster than regular Raw Meat. All babies drop Raw Prime Meat, as do the adult variants of the following species:

For Herbivores

  • Unlike carnivores, there are no foods you can feed a herbivore to increase its taming speed except for Kibble, and herbivores also often require significantly more Kibble than a similarly levelled and sized carnivore. Thus - you should set aside a lot of time for taming herbivores, particularly if you've got your eye on a high leveled one.
  • Herbivores will eat Advanced Crops, while this will not speed up the overall time to tame, it will result in a higher taming effectiveness.
  • Herbivores will not voluntarily eat Narcoberries.
  • Unlike with tamed dinos where Stimberries will cause them to become hungry, force feeding an unconscious dino will only have their torpidity decreased - causing them to wake up sooner. However, herbivores will eat a stimberry if there is no other food in their inventory. Although stimberries drastically reduce tame effectiveness, they add a very small amount of taming affinity with no food gain. Therefore, they will eat the stimberries at a constant rate. This can be a way to increase taming affinity while starve taming a herbivore at cost of a 0% taming effectiveness.

For Most Creatures

  • Most creatures have a preferred Kibble that will raise the taming meter much faster than their favorite foods while almost halting the Taming Effectiveness decay. Kibbles are created by combining an egg, jerky, one of the Advanced Crops, 2 Mejoberries, 3 Fiber, and a filled Waterskin or other water container in a cooking pot.
  • The type of egg, jerky, and crop will vary based on which kind of kibble you are trying to create.
  • Kibbles make taming 5 times faster for every creature that prefers one except for Brontosaurios, which are tamed 8 times faster using kibbles.
  • New players will notice that some taming times will be very high without the use of kibble, and be rightly discouraged. Generally, if a tame takes longer than 3 hours without kibble, it should probably not be attempted. Taming high level creatures without kibble greatly decreases taming effectiveness, negating the advantages of taming a high level creature.
  • A Cryopod allows the ease of moving dinosaur from one point to another, especially freshly tamed. Just be mindful not to die as anyone can steal the filled cryopod for their tribe from a dead body (If a plan is made to breed, it might be advised to find another way of moving, unless the player is fine with waiting at most 2 days for cooldown).
  • If the player has access to Snow Owl, they can use it to heal up wounded unconscious dino to ensure that they continue to live in case it somehow lost too much taming efficiency.

Speeding up starve taming with Battle Tartare

This method is no longer effective.

There are ways to speed up taming using Battle Tartare. However its not an easy technique, and you need to be aware of several things:

  • It should only be done during starve taming. Force feeding anything other than narcotics or stimulant to tamed creature during normal taming will cause a massive drop in taming efficiency. This doesn't apply to starve taming though. Force feeding anything during starve taming will not cause a drop in taming efficiency.
  • Battle Tartare inflicts damage. Even though it actually doesn't cause any taming efficiency drop (even during normal taming, although force feeding it still does), it still increases the risk of killing the creature. One battle tartare does a low amount of damage. To be precise 90 damage over 200 seconds. But you will likely need to feed multiple sometimes around ten and sometimes even over a hundred Battle tartares to really make it matter.
  • As each battle tartrare works only for 200 seconds, and it cause the food meter drop 50% faster, the amount of battle tartares you need can be calculated by this formula: normal total taming time(in seconds)/3*2/200, which simplifies to normal total taming time/300. For example: Taming a 150 Castoroides with kibble will normally take one hour, 19 minutes and 10 seconds, or 4750 seconds in total. Thus total amount of battle tartares you need is 4750/3200=16(rounded up), and it will take 16*200=3200 seconds (53 minutes) of force feeding battle tartares. At that time beaver should get hungry enough to eat the required 22 Gallimimo kibble, thus saving you a 23 minutes of taming. During that starve taming, the Castoroides will take 16*90=1440 damage.
  • If tamed creature is on very low health already, and thus Battle tartare can potentially kill it, you can instead force feed it Enduro Stew. It will not speed up taming on it own, but will cause restoring 1080 health over 15 minutes of duration of Enduro Stew. But same as for battle tartare, force feed Enduro Stew only during stave taming. Force feeding it during normal taming will cause massive drop in taming efficiency. Although force feeding Battle Tartare will instantly cancel effect of Enduro Stew, and vice versa. Thus you can't have both active at the same time.
  • Be aware that even though battle tartare can potentially speed up taming by 50%. Its not the same as having 1.5x taming multiplier. It will simply cause creature get hungry 50% faster. But it will still need to eat same amount of food to be tamed.
  • Cooking battle tartare is quite tricky, as it requires three portions of raw prime meat for each portion of tartare. Its recommended to do it only with the Industrial Cooker, with everything (besides raw prime meat) already put in it. Thus you only have to bring large amount of raw prime meat to be able to cook some of the battle tartare. Killing alpha predators provides very high amount of prime meat. Another way to get high amounts of it is killing Paracers, Diplos, or Brontosaurios.

Taming Table

These tables give an overview of the needed resources to tame the Dinosaurs and Creatures of ARK. The numbers in these tables are meant to give a first impression on the needed resources and to compare to other creatures and so are only for a level 30 creature, fed with the standard food (i.e. Mejoberry for Herbivores and Raw Meat for Carnivores). For the Tranq Arrow number it is assumed they hit the body, if there are no other annotations, using a Crossbow. Targeting the head is more effective for most creatures.

For additional info on the food and time needed for each creature, visit their individual pages, as the needed resources vary largely depend on the level and used food.

Tenga en cuenta que los valores son para los casos óptimos, siempre llevar suministros adicionales!
Para obtener un valor más aproximado de los recursos necesarios, prueba Calculadoras externas de doma.

Herbivore Taming Table (Level 30)

Creature Rideable Narcoberries Needed Narcotics Needed Mejoberries Needed Tranq Arrows Needed**
Preferred Food Time Needed
Level for
Ankylosaurus Yes 640 132 250 8 Archivo:Pienso (huevo de Dilofosaurio).png Pienso (huevo de Dilofosaurio) 03:45 40
Brontosaurio Yes 650 89 834 34 Pienso (huevo de Carbonemys) 05:00 55
Carbonemys.png Carbonemys Yes 340 62 250 5 (body); 10 (tail); 25 (shell) Kibble (Pteranodon Egg) 01:52 25
Castoroides Yes 547 167 7 Archivo:Kibble (Gallimimo Egg).png Kibble (Gallimimo Egg) 03:45 55
Dodo No 22 4 38 1;1 Advanced Crops 00:08 N/A
Doedicurus Yes 1600 390 284 14 Kibble (Dilo Egg) 04:15 30
Gallimimo Yes 1461 550 169 8 Kibble (Dimetrodon Egg) 01:41 30
Gigantopithecus Yes N/A N/A 139 N/A Kibble (Titanoboa Egg) 03:10 Not Needed
Lystrosaurus No N/A N/A N/A Rare Flower N/A
Mammoth Yes 786 150 417 10 Kibble (Raptor Egg) 04:23 40
Megaloceros Yes 221 41 100 4;2 Kibble (Dimorph Egg) 01:15 30
Mesopithecus No* N/A N/A 84 N/A Kibble (Dodo Egg) 00:33 N/A
Pachy Yes 121 22 100 3;23 (especially resistant head) Kibble (Dilo Egg) 00:50 15
Pachyrhinosaurus Yes 50 18 163 8 Bug Repellant 01:13 25
Paracer Yes 1506 373 542 23 Kibble (Pachy Egg) 03:56 30
Parasaur Yes 102 17 125 3;2 Advanced Crops 00:38 10
Phiomia Yes 45 3 250 5;2 Advanced Crops 00:25 5
Procoptodon Yes 653 151 167 (Plant Species X Seed.png) 5 Rare Mushrooms 01:51 50
Stegosaurus Yes 646 127 500 9;6 Kibble (Sarco Egg) 03:45 30
Triceratops Yes 306 64 250 5 Kibble (Carno Egg) 01:53 20
Woolly Rhino Yes 11 Kibble (Terror Bird Egg) 45

* The Mesopithecus rides on the player's shoulder.

** Number of tranq arrows shot by a 100% crossbow.

Carnivore Taming Table (Level 30)

Creature Rideable Narcoberries Needed Narcotics Needed Raw Meat Needed Tranq Arrows Needed***
Preferred Food Time Needed
Level for
Angler Yes 3513 1153 90 16 Kibble (Kairuku Egg) 04:30 Not needed
Araneo Yes N/A N/A 38 (Spoiled Meat.png) N/A Spoiled Meat 0:21 40
Argentavis Yes 648 120 100 7;3 Kibble (Stego Egg) 03:45 55
Arthropluera Yes N/A N/A ? (Spoiled Meat.png) N/A Broth of Enlightenment 50
Beelzebufo Yes 349 70 81 4 Kibble (Pulmonoscorpius Egg) 00:54 25
Carnotaurus Yes 663 133 100 7 Kibble (Ankylo Egg) 03:45 50
Compy No* 11 2 5 (Raw Prime Meat.png) 1 Raw Prime Meat 00:01 N/A
Dilofosaurio No 33 4 23 2;1 Raw Prime Meat 00:13 N/A
Dimetrodon No 4755 2528 84 14 Kibble (Quetzal Egg) 04:12 N/A
Dimorphodon No* 76 16 45 2;1 Raw Prime Meat 00:11 N/A
Oso Gigante Yes 18 Kibble (Carno Egg) 06:54 35
Lobo Gigante Yes 498 100 60 8;4 Kibble (Carno Egg) 01:52 Not needed
Escarabajo Pelotero No N/A N/A 16 (Feces.png) N/A Large Animal Feces** 00:13 N/A
Dunkleosteus Yes 21 Kibble (Titanoboa Egg) 40
Giganotosaurus Yes 8716 5071 196 174 Kibble (Quetzal Egg) 07:21 85
Ichthyosaurus Yes N/A N/A 32 N/A Kibble (Dodo Egg) 01:22 10
Kairuku No 200 35 45 6;2 Raw Prime Meat 00:25 N/A
Manta Yes N/A N/A ? (AnglerGel.png) N/A Angler Gel 25
Megalodon Yes 509 102 100 14 Kibble (Spino Egg) 03:45 45
Mosasaurus Yes 9611 4627 580 53 Kibble (Quetzal Egg) 08:57 75
Onyc No N/A N/A 57 N/A Raw Prime Meat 00:28 N/A
Oviraptor No 180 35 247 (Eggs.png) 3;2 Giganotosaurus Egg 01:22 N/A
Plesiosaur Yes 3377 1030 250 28 Kibble (Rex Egg) 05:00 60
Pteranodon Yes 481 97 60 2;1 Kibble (Dodo Egg) 02:30 35
Pulmonoscorpius Yes 81 17 38 (Spoiled Meat.png) 3 Spoiled Meat 00:38 25
Quetzal Yes 7475 2603 317 22;8 Kibble (Rex Egg) 08:59 60
Raptor Yes 133 23 60 4;2 Kibble (Parasaur Egg) 00:50 15
Rex Yes 1891 408 159 27 Kibble (Pulmonoscorpius Egg) 05:18 60
Sabertooth Yes 221 45 60 9;3 Kibble (Bronto Egg) 01:53 45
Sarcosuchus Yes 627 124 85 7 Kibble (Trike Egg) 03:32 35
Spinosaur Yes 4787 1486 154 15 Kibble (Argentavis Egg) 06:54 60
Terror Bird Yes 1449 462 83 6 Archivo:Kibble (Gallimimo Egg).png Kibble (Gallimimo Egg) 02:04 25
Tapejara Yes 8 Kibble (Allosaurus Egg) 50

* The Dimorphodon and the Compy ride on the player's shoulder.

** The Dung Beetle is not a Carnivore but prefers Spoiled Meat after it is tamed.

*** Number of tranq arrows shot by a 100% crossbow waiting 5 seconds in between shots to apply all the "over time torpor".


Not all creatures can be tamed. Most creatures that are tamable through certain ways have the prefix "Wild" next to their name. Untamable wild creatures do not have such prefix.

Tamed Pteranodon.jpg

The following creatures are currently not tamable except by use of the forcetame command.

  • Alpha Predators
  • Ammonite
  • Bosses (Broodmother Lysrix, Dragon, Megapithecus, Manticore, Overseer, Rockwell, King Titan and Alpha King Titan)
    • Any dinosaur spawned in by the bosses.
  • Cnidaria
  • Corrupted Creatures
  • Deathworm
  • Enraged Creatures
  • Eurypterid
  • GachaClaus
  • Glowbug
  • Jug Bug
  • Leedsichthys
  • Meganeura
  • Nameless1
  • Reaper Queen
  • Seeker
  • Titanomyrma
  • All creatures found in the following cave:
    • Swamp Cave
    • Snow Cave (e.g. Yeti)
    • Tek Cave
    • The Old Tunnels
    • Grave of the Tyrants
    • Ruins of Nosti
    • Old Railway Cave (Excluding Glowtail)
    • Hidden Grotto
    • Elemental Vault
    • Desert Cave
    • Forest Cave
    • Ice Cave

  • 1 = Force-taming a Nameless will cause it to burrow underground, de-registering its existence, making it the only creature to be untamable by even command means without system abnormalities (e.g: Crashing).

Taming Calculators

See Apps for a list of taming-calculators.


Las criaturas domesticadas siguen las órdenes que se les den. El jugador puede establecer su Nivel de Agresión, ordenarles que deambulen, que se queden quietos en un sitio o que sigan al jugador. Para cambiar este comportamiento, tienes que estar cerca del animal y mantener presionada la tecla 'Usar' (por defecto E), o también puedes dar estas órdenes a través de silbidos.


Las criaturas tienen su propio nivel de hambre, que se reduce por las mismas razones que en un jugador: para recuperar energía o curarse, y también baja poco a poco con el tiempo. Una criatura dejará siempre su comida preferida para el final, comiendose antes el resto. Por ejemplo, un carnívoro comerá cualquier carne cruda de su inventario antes de comer Archivo:Carne de Primera.png carne de primera y un herbívoro guardará sus bayas favoritas para las últimas.

Cuando descanse (mientras no están siendo montados o recuperando salud o energía) las criaturas perderán aproximadamente 0.1 puntos de hambre cada 35 segundos. Esto significa que solo necesitarán comer una vez cada (35 segundos por 500 unidades de hambre =) 17500 segundos, o 291.67 minutos, o unas 5 horas, mientras están descansando, siempre que su inventario de comida esté lleno de carne cruda. Esto es significativamente mas tiempo del que tarda la carne en pudrirse, y por tanto alimentar gran cantidad de criaturas solo con Pienso para Animales es casi imposible para la mayoría de los jugadores. Por este motivo, a menos que necesites carne podrida para hacer narcóticos, se recomienda no dejar comida en el inventario de una criatura ya que se pudrirá mas rápido de lo que tardará en comérsela.

Los herbívoros utilizan la misma mecánica que los carnívoros, pero debido al hecho de que son relativamente fáciles de alimentar (un Triceratops de nivel bajo puede recolectar cientos de bayas en unos pocos minutos), hay que preocuparse menos por estas criaturas.

Uso forzado

El uso forzado (Remote Use Item en la versión original del juego, y Forzar uso en los menús del juego en castellano) es un comando que obliga al animal a comer el objeto que se haya seleccionado. Esto se puede hacer tanto cuando el animal está inconsciente como consciente. Normalmente las bayas narcóticas se deben suministrar de forma forzada (los animales no las suelen comer de forma voluntaria) para aumentar el nivel de inconsciencia. Si es posible, se recomienda utilizar narcóticos, ya que no se pudren y se pueden utilizar para crear flechas tranquilizantes en caso de que sobren.


Usar un comedero es una forma mucho mas eficiente de alimentar a múltiples animales, especialmente cuando los jugadores están desconectados del juego. Una vez que se pone comida en un comedero, todos los animales suficientemente cerca comerán de forma automática cuando tengan hambre. Esto hace mas fácil gestionar los niveles de hambre de muchas criaturas, evitando que se pudra mas comida de lo necesario.

Recolección de recursos

Las criaturas se ordenan de mayor a menor eficiencia. El ratio de recolección de las herramientas también está indicado. La influencia del atributo Daño Cuerpo a Cuerpo influye en los recursos obtenidos.

Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Brontosaurio ★★★★★
Tericinosaurio ★★★★★
Morellatops ★★★★☆
Estegosaurio ★★★★☆
Gigantopithecus ★★★★☆
Carbonemys ★★★★☆
Anquilosaurio ★★★★☆
Mamut ★★★★☆
Rinoceronte Lanudo ★★★★☆
Triceratops ★★★★☆
Mesopithecus ★★☆☆☆(recogido de forma autónoma)
Parasaurio ★★☆☆☆
a mano ★★☆☆☆
Depende de los arbustos existentes en el área.
Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Gigantopithecus ★★★★★(recogido de forma autónoma)
Tericinosaurio ★★★★★
Megatherium ★★★★☆
Oso Gigante ★★★★☆
Hoz de metal ★★★★☆
A mano ★★☆☆☆
Seta rara
Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Anquilosaurio ★★★★★
Tericinosaurio ★★★★★
Mamut ★★★★★
Triceratops ★☆☆☆☆
Flor rara
Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Anquilosaurio ★★★★★
Tericinosaurio ★★★★★
Mamut ★★★★☆
Triceratops ★☆☆☆☆
Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Brontosaurio ★★★★★
Doedicurus ★★★★☆
Megaloceros ★★★★☆
Rinoceronte Lanudo ★★★★☆
Anquilosaurio ★★★☆☆
Gigantopithecus ★★★☆☆
Morellatops ★★★☆☆
Carbonemys ★★★☆☆
Estegosaurio ★★★☆☆
Triceratops ★★★☆☆
Phiomia ★★★☆☆
Archivo:Pico de Metal.png Pico de metal ★★★☆☆
Mamut ★★☆☆☆
Parasaurio ★★☆☆☆
Garrote ★★☆☆☆
Paquicefalosaurio ★☆☆☆☆
Pico de piedra ★☆☆☆☆
A mano ★☆☆☆☆
Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Thorny Dragon ★★★★★
Tericinosaurio ★★★★★
Castoroides ★★★★★
Mamut ★★★★★
Mantis ★★★★☆
Hacha de metal ★★★★☆
Brontosaurio ★★★☆☆
Anquilosaurio ★★☆☆☆
Carbonemys ★★☆☆☆
Phiomia ★★☆☆☆
Gigantopithecus ★★☆☆☆
Estegosaurio ★★☆☆☆
Triceratops ★★☆☆☆
Hacha de piedra ★★☆☆☆
Parasaurio ★☆☆☆☆
Doedicurus ★☆☆☆☆
Paquicefalosaurio ★☆☆☆☆
Megaloceros ★☆☆☆☆
Garrote ★☆☆☆☆
a mano ★☆☆☆☆
Carne cruda
Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Rex ★★★★★
Espinosaurio ★★★★★
Alosaurio ★★★★★
Giganotosaurio ★★★★★
Carnotauro ★★★★★
Argentavis ★★★★☆
Mosasaurio ★★★★☆
Megalodon ★★★★☆
Quetzal ★★★★☆
Raptor ★★★★☆
Pico de metal ★★★★☆
Pulmonoscorpio ★★★☆☆
Dientes de Sable ★★★☆☆
Pteranodon ★★★☆☆
Sarcosuchus ★★★☆☆
Oso Gigante ★★★☆☆
Pez abisal ★★☆☆☆
Archivo:Pico de Piedra.png Pico de piedra ★☆☆☆☆
Garrote ★☆☆☆☆
a mano ★☆☆☆☆
Carne cruda de primera
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Pico de metal★★★☆☆
Pico de piedra★★☆☆☆

Pescado crudo
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Pico de metal★★★★☆

Pescado crudo de primera
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Hoz de metal★★★★☆
Pico de metal★★★☆☆

Polímero orgánico
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Espada de metal★★☆☆☆

Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Dientes de Sable ★★★★★
Lobo Gigante ★★★★★
Hacha de metal ★★★★☆
Pulmonoscorpio ★★★☆☆
Argentavis ★★★☆☆
Rex ★★★☆☆
Espinosaurio ★★★☆☆
Carnotauro ★★★☆☆
Giganotosaurio ★★★☆☆
Quetzal ★★★☆☆
Raptor ★★★☆☆
Pteranodon ★★☆☆☆
Hacha de piedra ★☆☆☆☆
a mano ★☆☆☆☆
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Hacha de metal★★★★☆

Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción

Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción

Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Doedicurus ★★★★★
Dunkleosteus ★★★★☆
Hacha de metal ★★★★☆
Anquilosaurio ★★★☆☆
a mano ★★☆☆☆(recolectado del suelo)
Hacha de piedra ★☆☆☆☆
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Pico de metal★★★☆☆

Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Pico de metal★★★★☆
Pico de piedra★★☆☆☆

Criatura / Herramienta Obtenido por cada acción
Anquilosaurio ★★★★★
Doedicurus ★★★★☆(recolectando de rocas de obsidiana)
Pico de metal ★★★★☆
Pico de piedra ★★★☆☆

No hay resultados

Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Pico de metal★★★★☆

Gel de Pez Abisal
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Hacha de metal★★★★☆
Pico de metal★★☆☆☆

Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Lobo Gigante★★☆☆☆

Perla negra
Criatura / HerramientaGanancia por acción
Pico de metal★★☆☆☆


A continuación se indican los valores de Peso para las criaturas de nivel 1.

Criatura / Herramienta Peso
Quetzal 780
Argentavis 350
Pteranodon 150
Dimorphodon 50
Onyc 50
Criatura / Herramienta Peso
Mosasaurio 1300
Dunkleosteus 910
Plesiosaurio 800
Pez abisal 350
Megalodon 250
Ichthy 250
Manta 200
Eurypterid 150
Archivo:Balsa de madera.png Balsa de madera ¿Ilimitado?

* Castoroides puede transportar mucho mas que el valor indicado, ya que la Madera, Paja, Fibra y Piedra tienen un peso reducido en el inventario del Castoroides.


Se indican a continuación los valores de Daño Cuerpo a Cuerpo y Salud en nivel 1.

Criatura Daño Cuerpo a Cuerpo Salud
Rex 60 1000
Spinosaur 50 700
Argentavis 20 290


Para explorar es muy importante el atributo de Velocidad de Movimiento. Como los números no están en datos absolutos, esta tabla se basa en la experiencia.

Criatura Velocidad
Pteranodon ★★★★★
Raptor ★★★★☆
Dientes de Sable ★★★★☆
Beelzebufo ★★★★★

Habilidades especiales de las criaturas

Producir recursos

Además de producir heces, algunas criaturas pueden producir recursos valiosos que se pueden recoger de su inventario.

El Beelzebufo puede crear pasta de cemento comiéndose los cadáveres de Meganeuras o Titanomyrmas, y el Escarabajo Pelotero transforma Heces en Fertilizante y Aceite. Se ha anunciado el Achatina que genera Pasta de Cemento, el Hesperornis que producirá huevos con proteinas y Aceite, y el Tusoteuthis que producirá tinta.

Criatura Produce con
Beelzebufo Pasta de Cemento insectos
Escarabajo Pelotero Fertilizante y Aceite Heces

Recolección Autónoma

Algunas criaturas domesticadas recolectan recursos por si mismos cuando se les activa la opción de 'deambular' (presionando y manteniendo la tecla E cerca de la criatura). Deja a la criatura deambular cerca de los recursos y de vez en cuando coge de su inventario los recursos que ha recolectado.

Criatura Recolecta
Castoroides Madera
Doedicurus Piedra
Gigantopithecus Fibra
Mesopithecus Bayas

Acciones Especiales

Algunas Criaturas pueden realizar acciones únicas, convirtiéndolas en muy valiosas en determinadas situaciones

Criatura Acción
Pteranodon puede elevar a criaturas muy pequeñas con sus garras
Argentavis puede elevar a criaturas pequeñas con sus garras
Quetzal puede elevar a criaturas de mediano tamaño con sus garras
Gigantopithecus es capaz de lanzar por el aire o sobre un muro al jugador que está montado sobre el.
Mesopithecus puede ser lanzado y entonces abrir una puerta cerrada desde el interior
Scorpion sus picaduras pueden dejar fuera de combate a otras criaturas
Beelzebufo su ataque con la lengua puede dejar fuera de combate a otras criaturas
Pachy puede embestir y dejar fuera de combate a otras criaturas
Dimorphodon puede ser lanzado para atacar a otras criaturas
Woolly Rhino puede acumular velocidad para un mayor impacto en el ataque a otras criaturas
Terror Bird puede planear para evitar grandes obstáculos

Plantilla:Nav Gameplay Mechanics