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Nintendo Switch.svg
Logo Mobile.svg
Epic Games.svg


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Disambig.svg Este artículo trata sobre Gigantopithecus, y no debe confundirse con Giganotosaurus, Megapithecus, o Mesopithecus

Steam.svg 201.0
ago 18, 2015
Xbox One.svg 729.0
dic 16, 2015
PS.svg 501.0
dic 6, 2016
Nintendo Switch.svg 599.0
nov 30, 2018
Epic Games.svg 311.74
jun 11, 2020
Logo Mobile.svg 1.0
may 24, 2018
  • Aberrant Gigantopithecus
  • Eerie Gigantopithecus
  • Eerie Yeti
  • Megapithecus Pestis
  • Yeti
Comando de generación
cheat summon Bigfoot_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bigfoot/Bigfoot_Character_BP.Bigfoot_Character_BP" 500 0 0 35
Variant Aberrant Gigantopithecus
cheat summon Bigfoot_Character_BP_Aberrant_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bigfoot/Bigfoot_Character_BP_Aberrant.Bigfoot_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 500 0 0 35
Inmune a inconsciencia
X mark.svg No
Método de domesticado
Requisito de nivel
Pienso preferido
Regular Kibble
Pienso preferido Logo Mobile.svg
Kibble (Titanboa Egg)
Comida preferida
Comida preferida Primitive Plus Icon.png
Fresh Coffee Fruit Primitive Plus Icon.png
Check mark.svg No necesita montura
Arma del jinete
Check mark.svg Yes
XP for kill
80 XP
Peso de arrastre
Inmune a la radiación
X mark.svg No
  • Aberrant Megalosaurus
  • Argentavis
  • Blood Crystal Wyvern
  • Ember Crystal Wyvern
  • Fire Wyvern
  • Forest Wyvern
  • Ice Wyvern
  • Karkinos
  • Lightning Wyvern
  • Megalosaurus
  • Poison Wyvern
  • Quetzal
  • Tek Quetzal
  • Tropical Crystal Wyvern
  • Tusoteuthis
  • X-Argentavis
Inmovilizado por:
  • Chain Bola
  • Bear Trap
  • Large Bear Trap
  • Plant Species Y Trap
  • Net Projectile
Tiempo de gestación
6h 36m 49.521s
Tiempo (cría)
7h 42m 57.775s
Tiempo (joven)
1d 6h 51m 51.1s
Tiempo (adolescente)
1d 14h 34m 48.875s
Tiempo total de madurez
3d 5h 9m 37.75s
Intervalo de cría
18h - 2d

The Island Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gigantopithecus The Island.svg

The Center Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gigantopithecus The Center.svg

Ragnarok Ocean Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gigantopithecus Ragnarok.svg

Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gigantopithecus Valguero.svg

Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gigantopithecus Genesis Part 1.svg

Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gigantopithecus Crystal Isles.svg

Lost Island Map.jpg
Spawning Gigantopithecus Lost Island.svg

Aberration Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Aberrant Gigantopithecus Aberration.svg

Común        Rara
  No domesticable  Cueva
Your autonomous Fiber-gathering, helmet-wearing, human-tossing buddy-for-life!
~ Drake on Gigantopithecus

El Gigantopithecus (Gigantopithecus en la versión original del juego) es una de las criaturas disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved.



Esta sección es una copia exacta de lo que Helena Walker ha escrito en sus Notas de explorador. Podrían existir discrepancias entre este texto y los detalles reales de la criatura.


El Gigantopithecus fibrarator es una criatura extraña. Generalmente es bastante pasivo, pero tiene muy poca paciencia cuando entras en su propio espacio personal. Una vez que lo haces, este gigante apacible rápidamente se convierte en una bestia iracunda. Es mejor darles bastante espacio.
El Gigantopithecus es un animal muy perezoso que recoge bayas de las plantas. La mayoria de Gigantopithecus pasan gran parte de su día en una sola zona pequeña, a menos que sean provocados.


Además de quedarse en casa recogiendo bayas, se puede enseñar a un Gigantopithecus domesticado a encontrar fibra en muchas plantas de la isla para que la recoja. Parece ser que está completamente satisfecho con pasarse todo el día buscando plantas, comiendo bayas y consiguiendo fibra para su tribu.
Una vez domesticado, es una criatura juguetona, ya que al Gigantopithecus parece gustarle lanzar a su jinete por los aires. Probablemente cree que esta actividad es un juego, pero los supervivientes inteligentes usan este "juego" para saltar hacia paredes y pequeños acantilados.


Los Gigantopithecus se pasean por los bosques de la Isla, comiendo bayas de los matorrales. Normalmente son criaturas pacíficas, pero responderán ante un ataque o si un jugador o criatura domesticada les toca. Los Gigantopithecus aparecen normalmente solos y bastante separados entre sí, por lo que es raro ver a un grupo en su estado salvaje. Aunque viven principalmente en los bosques, también podrás verlos en playas o cerca de ríos y montañas, dado que tienden a deambular bastante lejos de su zona de aparición inicial.

Yeti (variante)

Artículo principal : Yeti

Con la introducción de la Cueva de Nieve en la versión 237, un nuevo tipo de Gigantopithecus puede aparecer en su interior, llamado elYeti. Los Yetis son simios que no pueden domesticarse que solo aparecerán dentro de esta cueva, y que pueden tener un nivel máximo de 350. Son criaturas agresivas y aterradoras que destruirán a cualquier aventurero que entre en sus dominios. Aléjate de ellos siempre que puedas, ¡o usa armas poderosas para matarlos antes de que puedan poner sus destructivas manos sobre ti!


El Gigantopithecus es un pariente cercano del orangután moderno. Sin embargo, se mantiene erguido como un hombre y es ligeramente más alto que él, lo que le da un aspecto similar al Bigfoot o al Yeti.

Esquemas de colores y regiones

Esta sección muestra los colores naturales y las regiones de Gigantopithecus. Como muestra, las regiones mostradas a continuación están coloreadas de rojo sobre un modelo albino de Gigantopithecus. Los cuadrados coloreados mostrados bajo la descripción de cada región son los colores que tendrá esta criatura de forma aleatoria y dentro del rango completo de su esquema de colores. Pasa el cursor sobre un color para mostrar su nombre y su ID.

  • The Yeti variant of Gigantopithecus always spawns with all its color regions white.

This information can be used to alter the Gigantopithecus's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Gigantopithecus's "fur mane" magenta.

Gigantopithecus PaintRegion0.png
Región 0:
Fur Mane
X mark.svg

La Región 1 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark.svg

La Región 2 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark.svg

La región 3 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Gigantopithecus PaintRegion4.png
Región 4:
Fur Accent
Gigantopithecus PaintRegion5.png
Región 5:

Objetos obtenidos tras cazarlo

Estadísticas básicas y crecimiento

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK: Survival of the Fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Salud 640 +64 +5.4% 0.07
Energía 300 +30 +10%
Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Comida 1500 +150 +10%
Peso 220 +4.4 +4%
Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 40 / 602 +1.6 / +2.4 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3 +1% 6%
Inconsciencia 1100 +66 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no aumentarán su Velocidad de Movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

Velocidad de Movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 195 682.5 1023.75 10
Nadando 300 N/A N/A N/A

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.


Gigantopithecus.png Level 1 Feeding Interval Time
Kibble.png Pienso 5 03:02 0:12:09
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon.png 36 01:52 1:05:37
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 36 01:52 1:05:37
Soybean (Primitive Plus).png Soybean Primitive Plus Icon.png 36 01:52 1:05:37
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 36 03:44 2:11:14
Mejoberry.png Baya morada 48 01:23 1:05:37
Berries.png Bayas 71 00:55 1:04:42
Gigantopithecus.png Level 30 Feeding Interval Time
Kibble.png Pienso 7 02:50 0:17:00
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon.png 52 01:51 1:34:47
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 52 01:51 1:34:47
Soybean (Primitive Plus).png Soybean Primitive Plus Icon.png 52 01:51 1:34:47
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 52 03:43 3:09:33
Mejoberry.png Baya morada 70 01:23 1:35:41
Berries.png Bayas 104 00:55 1:34:47
Gigantopithecus.png Level 60 Feeding Interval Time
Kibble.png Pienso 10 02:41 0:24:17
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon.png 69 01:50 2:05:46
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 69 01:50 2:05:46
Soybean (Primitive Plus).png Soybean Primitive Plus Icon.png 69 01:50 2:05:46
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 69 03:41 4:11:31
Mejoberry.png Baya morada 92 01:22 2:05:46
Berries.png Bayas 138 00:55 2:05:46
Gigantopithecus.png Level 90 Feeding Interval Time
Kibble.png Pienso 12 02:38 0:29:08
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon.png 86 01:50 2:36:45
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 86 01:50 2:36:45
Soybean (Primitive Plus).png Soybean Primitive Plus Icon.png 86 01:50 2:36:45
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 86 03:41 5:13:29
Mejoberry.png Baya morada 115 01:22 2:37:12
Berries.png Bayas 172 00:55 2:36:45
Gigantopithecus.png Level 120 Feeding Interval Time
Kibble.png Pienso 14 02:36 0:34:00
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon.png 104 01:50 3:09:33
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 104 01:50 3:09:33
Soybean (Primitive Plus).png Soybean Primitive Plus Icon.png 104 01:50 3:09:33
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 104 03:40 6:19:06
Mejoberry.png Baya morada 138 01:22 3:08:38
Berries.png Bayas 207 00:54 3:08:38
Gigantopithecus.png Level 150 Feeding Interval Time
Kibble.png Pienso 17 02:34 0:41:17
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon.png 121 01:50 3:40:32
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 121 01:50 3:40:32
Soybean (Primitive Plus).png Soybean Primitive Plus Icon.png 121 01:50 3:40:32
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus).png Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon.png 121 03:40 7:21:04
Mejoberry.png Baya morada 161 01:22 3:40:05
Berries.png Bayas 241 00:54 3:39:37

Tenga en cuenta que los valores son para los casos óptimos, siempre llevar suministros adicionales!
Para obtener un valor más aproximado de los recursos necesarios, prueba Calculadoras externas de doma.

Ingredientes para Archivo:Pienso normal.png Pienso normal: 1 ×  Carne seca , 1 ×  Medium Egg , 5 ×  Fiber , 2 ×  Longrass , 2 ×  Savoroot , 1 ×  Water

Estrategias de domesticado

Similar to the Ichthy, Gigantopithecus is tamed by hand-feeding rather than through the use of tranquilizers. To feed one you will need to be level 30, then place an appropriate food in the far-right slot of your hotbar and get close enough to the creature for the button prompt to appear. Gigantopithecus will take one piece of the food from your inventory and will play an eating animation. You must wait for the creature's hunger to go back down before it can be fed again, a process which takes some time, depending on the level and the food (see tables).

If you come into physical contact with Gigantopithecus while you are trying to feed it, the creature will attack. You must get out of its line of sight in order for it to calm back down and be feed-able again. Your taming progress will not be reset if the creature attacks you, but you will lose taming effectiveness if you fight back.

Be careful when approaching Gigantopithecus while feeding, as it will randomly change directions or stop, causing you to run into it. It is better to approach it from behind while it's standing still, since the creature usually doesn't turn all the way around while wandering. Or you can crouch up to it and feed it that way as it will not attack you when you're crouched.

It is best to bring a flying mount in case you need to run away, since they can easily be flown above the Gigantopithecus and it will give up the chase a lot quicker than on the ground. If a flying mount is not available, fast ground mounts such as a Raptor are decent alternatives.

Taming Box


Otro método es atrapar al Gigantopithecus en un cuarto de 1x1 sin techo o con un marco en el mismo. Podrás alimentarlo desde arriba sin preocuparte por caer junto a él o por dejarle suelto, y los carnívoros salvajes lo tendrán mucho más difícil para llegar hasta él.


El Gigantopithecus también puede ser atrapado directamente en un lugar para no tener que mover la cámara durante el proceso.

For this, it requires one foundation (Just even floor will not suffice), two fence foundations and five door frames. On the foundation, one fence foundations needs to be placed directly on the edge of it, and the second one should be snapped to the other one so it lays diagonally on the foundation. Now the foundation is separated in two triangles, and note that the triangles are of different sizes, and the bigger one will be the potential taming spot. Now it requires door frames on each but one side (So the Gigantopithecus can be lured into the box). After you have lured the Gigantopithecus into the box, close the last open side, and now it will walk around in the box (Aggressive or not), and you just have to keep one door frame projected at the diagonal fence foundation and place it as soon as possible. After it is placed, the Gigantopithecus barely has any possibility to move left.

When hand feeding him now, it is important to not stay on the foundation because then you have high risk of enraging it. It is advised to stay on the ground next to it and crouch, then it can be fed without any problems.

Materiales de construcción

Se recomienda usar piedra para que, en caso de que se enfurezca accidentalmente, se le pueda contener. Si se hace con cuidado, también puede usarse la madera. La paja NO debe usarse, ya que se romperá cuando lo atraigas a la zona de captura y perderás el aggro.

Atraer a una trampa

Since dropping it in the box with a flying mount is pretty hard and only possible with a Quetzal or Argentavis, it is much easier to lure it into it. For this, leave one side of the box open at first and place a doorframe on the opposite side. Then, after getting its attention, you just run into the box, wait until it is close enough to actually enter it, and then just leave through the door frame (It cant pass through it) and close the opposite side with a spare wall.

Eliminar agresividad

To lose its aggro, just travel vertically till the skybox is reached and instantly return. Horizontal travel to lose its interest is discouraged because it can cause the teleporting bug, which lets it exit the box (If this happens or not is dependent on the exact placement of the box), or may even let it despawn.

A veces, puede que siga enfadado y atacando la trampa cuando vuelvas. Si ese es el caso, tendrás que sustituir todas las paredes/puertas de la estructura que esté atacando.

Usar un Quetzal

Quetzal holding Gigantopithecus.png

To tame the Gigantopithecus using the Quetzal method, it requires 2 people. The first person needs to carry the Gigantopithecus with the Quetzal, and hover close the ground. While it's been carried, the Gigantopithecus can be fed, and is less likely to retaliate against the tamer. If the feeder gets too close, it will still throw a punch, but it wont affect the tame or aggro it. The Quetzal might slide around over time, so the Quetzal rider only has to adjust its position every now and then. Along with feeding the Quetzal food/stimberries to keep it flying. Alternative, on PC, the player riding the Quetzal can hold X to prevent it from moving in the air, thus allowing it to keep the Gigantopithecus completely still.


tossing animation (click to enlarge)

Lanzamiento de humanos

Al sentarte en un Gigantopithecus y pulsar el botón de disparo alternativo (por defecto, clic derecho), la criatura agarrará al superviviente en el punto de mira azul en la pantalla. Tras hacerlo, lo lanzará hacia delante al hacer clic de nuevo. Este movimiento se puede usar para pasar por encima de paredes sin destruirlas. Ten cuidado, ya que al hacerlo el movimiento que realiza también se considerará un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo, que podrá destruir todo lo que esté frente a él.

If you have the Glider Suit, this can give you an excellent bit of elevation to glide around and get a good view. The Gigantopithicus can easily follow you when gliding, if you know what you're doing. As well, if you deploy the parachute, it will carry you forwards for an incredible distance, faster than most animals can run, the downside being you won't have your Gigantopithicus to defend you when you finally land.

They are an excellent mount for gaining an acrobatic advantage if you know what you're doing.


  • Tank: Excellent tank due to its high HP and ability to wear any type of helmet. (Level up in Health and Damage)
  • Damage: Very good AOE, damage scaling and knockback. The knockback has also been known to push back a Brontosaurus slightly. (Level up in Damage, Health and Speed slightly)
    • Armor killer: Damages through player's armor easily much like Arthropleura in Pvp. (Level up in Damage, Health and Speed slightly)
  • Transport: Decent base carrying capacity but nothing absurd. Good base speed, similar to a player without any speed upgrades and can travel up and down ziplines like the ravager. (Level up in Speed, Stamina, and Weight)
    • Shoulder Carrier: Ability to carry shoulder pets (Such as Charge Light Dino, Jerboa, Microraptor etc...) with good base speed. (Level up in Speed, Stamina, and Weight)
  • Gatherer: Can gather fiber, thatch, wood, and a decent amount of berries. Can gather fiber passively when not ridden–will gather fiber from plants in its vicinity, otherwise turn on ability to wander to gather fiber continuously. Use C (RB on Xbox)to gather fiber while ridden. (Level up in Damage, Weight, and Stamina)
  • Travel:
  • Guardian:
  • Battle Mount:
  • Combatant:
  • Defender:
  • Hiker: Gigantopithecus may outmatch Pulmonoscorpius and Beelzebufo for hiking. They can climb the steepest surfaces with ease and take almost no fall damage.
  • Underwater Mount: Can be a decent and powerful underwater mount, it's high damage and AoE can clear out large swarms of mantas and repel annoying ichthys from pushing you around and blocking pathways. (Level Oxygen, Damage, and Health)
  • Caving: Arguably the best mount you can travel through in caves. Small enough yet deal significant damage and can run fast enough to avoid fights. Should you get caught up in the lakes you can swim to safety.

Carry-able Creatures

The Gigantopithecus is capable of carrying the following shoulder-mounts, in addition to a human rider:

Both Microraptor, Dimorphodon and Pegomastax will attack (or pickpocket, in Pegomastax's case) the opposing survivor if thrown towards them in PvP-enabled server.

Ichthyornis will do the same thing as it does for survivors when thrown towards fish.

Can only pick Ferox when small. Also, when a small Ferox is carried, it will glitch and appear between the two Gigantopithecus' feet.

  • Hold C to pick up.
  • Tap/Hold C to aim and throw.
  • Tap X to drop.

The Gigantopithecus can only target tribe-owned creatures, and cannot be used to pick up wild or enemy variants.


Recurso Eficiencia
Fiber.png Fiber ★★★★★
Gathers autonomously
Berries.png Berries ★★★★☆
Thatch.png Thatch ★★★☆☆
Wood.png Wood ★★☆☆☆
Fiber can be gathered when Gigantopithecus is wandering, and while ridden with C.


This section describes how to fight against the Gigantopithecus.


The Gigantopithecus has fairly good health and attack, since it is passive until you get too close it is easy to avoid if you don't think you can handle it.


Gigantopithecus has a good amount of knockback, this can be used to your advantage if you're using ranged weaponry and have fairly good armor or health. Keep walking backwards while attacking it with ranged attacks, and if it hits you use the knockback to give yourself more distance to keep attacking them.


Using a quetzal to pick up the gigantopithecus can be an effective way to easily kill it.


A Wild Gigantopithecus Is known to be passive, but if you bump into it as you try to feed it berries to Tame it, it will attack you so careful not to get too close when taming. If it agros you simply run away until it stops chasing, taming progress will not be lost. If you attack it, it will not stop chasing and tame is likely to be ruined. Given the added ability to tear through armor, it is best not to attempt taming with equipment that are expensive to repair.


Gigantopithecus' weakness is its strength. Gigantopithecus is known to knock you back on hit so if you survive you have a chance to run away. Once you are far enough the Gigantopithecus will ignore you and you can once again retry to tame it if so wish.



Para más información sobre esta criatura en el mundo real, consulta el artículo de Wikipedia asociado

  • Gigantopithecus means "giant ape" in Greek.
  • First known creature to harvest fiber.
  • Relic Gigantopithecus are one theory for sightings of large, hairy primates (Sasquatch, Yeti, etc.).
    • This may have influenced the appearance of Ark's Gigantopithecus since it was thought to postured more like a gorilla in real life.
  • it is also evidenced by its spawncode name being bigfoot.
  • According to some scientists, Gigantopithecus was nearly 10 feet tall and thus the biggest ape that ever lived. Therefore, it would have weighed more than 500 kilograms, comparable to a full-grown polar bear.
  • Dossier revealed on 06/24/2015.[1]
  • Its full name Gigantopithecus fibrarator translates into "fiber gatherer giant ape", referring to its use as a fiber collector.
  • Gigantopithecus received a major update for TLC Phase 1 on February 20, 2018 with an appearance overhaul, ability to jump and climb on zip lines (but not jump between like Ravager), throws like Karkinos, their attacks can break armor easier and can carry shoulder pets. They are also introduced in Aberration on the same day.
  • As of 8/25/2018 The Fresh Coffee Fruit in the ARK Primitive+ Ragnarok does not working on the Steam/PC version of the game, when taming the Gigantopithecus. However, testing some other items the Cane Sugar does work as well as the obvious mejoberries.
  • The Western Jungles in the island are more likely habitats that Gigantopithecus would live in. Additionally, real Gigantopithecus lived in large herds and families while ARK's version are solitary. This would make taming them considerably more difficult since touching them may lead to all turning against you.

