Nido del Wyvern del Desierto (Crystal Isles)

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Nido del Guiverno del Desierto
Desert Wyvern Hive (Crystal Isles).jpg

El Nido del Guiverno del Desierto Plantilla:Región Expansión


The Wyvern nest is a dangerous place that could be the end of many survivors. The Crystal wyverns are all docile, but the heirs are highly aggressive. Be careful - once an egg is taken, wyverns will work together and charge at you. The eggs are usually on outcroppings up in the air, so fliers are advised. Beware of ground creatures like Spinosaurs in case you need to land, and make sure to check for breaks in the wall so you can make a fast getaway after stealing an egg, and to be clear, the eggs ARE NOT actually wyvern heirs, as the eggs will hatch into normal crystal wyverns and are not heir wyverns, some people say that you get heirs from these eggs and that is false information.


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  • Blood Crystal Wyvern Heir
  • Ember Crystal Wyvern Heir
  • Tropical Crystal Wyvern Heir

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Only heirs lay eggs and the highest level for the Wyverns is 225.

Only Heir wyverns spawn here. There are no normal crystal wyverns in this cavern.

