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Dossier Empty.pngDossier Daeodon.png
Steam.svg 257.0
may 5, 2017
Xbox One.svg 754.0
may 17, 2017
PS.svg 507.0
may 17, 2017
Nintendo Switch.svg 599.0
nov 30, 2018
Epic Games.svg 311.74
jun 11, 2020
Logo Mobile.svg 2.0
jun 17, 2019
  • Eerie Daeodon
  • R-Daeodon
Comando de generación
cheat summon Daeodon_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Daeodon/Daeodon_Character_BP.Daeodon_Character_BP" 500 0 0 35
Inmune a inconsciencia
X mark.svg No
Método de domesticado
Pienso preferido
Superior Kibble
Pienso preferido Logo Mobile.svg
Kibble (Iguanodon Egg)
Comida preferida
Raw Mutton
Comida preferida Logo Mobile.svg
Raw Prime Meat
Daeodon Saddle (Level ?)
Arma del jinete
Check mark.svg Yes
XP for kill
20 XP
Special Loot Chance
Peso de arrastre
Inmune a la radiación
X mark.svg No
  • Aberrant Megalosaurus
  • Argentavis
  • Blood Crystal Wyvern
  • Ember Crystal Wyvern
  • Fire Wyvern
  • Forest Wyvern
  • Ice Wyvern
  • Karkinos
  • Lightning Wyvern
  • Mammoth
  • Megalosaurus
  • Poison Wyvern
  • Quetzal
  • Tek Quetzal
  • Tropical Crystal Wyvern
  • Tusoteuthis
  • X-Argentavis
Inmovilizado por:
  • Bola
  • Bear Trap
  • Large Bear Trap
  • Plant Species Y Trap
  • Net Projectile
Tiempo de gestación
7h 56m 11.428s
Tiempo (cría)
4h 52m 23.859s
Tiempo (joven)
19h 29m 35.438s
Tiempo (adolescente)
1d 21m 59.297s
Tiempo total de madurez
2d 43m 58.594s
Intervalo de cría
18h - 2d
The Island Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon The Island.svg
The Center Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon The Center.svg
Scorched Earth Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Scorched Earth.svg
Ragnarok Ocean Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Ragnarok.svg
Extinction Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Extinction.svg
Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Valguero.svg
Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Genesis Part 1.svg
Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Crystal Isles.svg
Genesis Part 2 Map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Genesis Part 2.svg
Lost Island map.jpg
Spawning Daeodon Lost Island.svg
Común        Rara
  No domesticable  Cueva

The Daeodon (dee-o-don) is one of the Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved.

Basic Info


Esta sección es una copia exacta de lo que Helena Walker ha escrito en sus Notas de explorador. Podrían existir discrepancias entre este texto y los detalles reales de la criatura.


Daeodon comedentis is the largest known species of Entelodont, an omnivorous family of ancient mammals that are sometimes referred to as "Hell Pigs." Even though Daeodon has as many similarities to modern Hippopotamidae as it does to Suina, I've found that to be a suitable nickname. Daeodon is as mean as it looks, and any survivor who wanders too close will find that out the hard way. As an omnivore with a voracious appetite, Daeodon scavenges, forages, and hunts to survive. It has little qualms when it comes to its diet, and that has helped it thrive on the Island's harsh tundra. Its temper hasn't hurt either, as many would be predators would rather seek out less vicious prey.


Many tribes have made excellent use of Daeodon packs within their war parties, not only because of its fierce nature, but due to its extraordinary ability to rapidly heal itself. I've theorized that this healing factor is why it seems to have such a high metabolism, though what is particularly extraordinary is its capability to share this benefit with nearby creatures. I have even heard some survivors mention that the Daeodon also has a unique ability to root out Rare Mushrooms as well!


Travelers of the Ark will typically find Daeodon travelling in packs, devouring anything and everything that gets within sight. Once combat is initiated one or sometimes all of the pack will produce a pheromone effect to buff the health regeneration of friendly creatures. This, boosted by the other wild Daeodon's passive health boost, can make a pack of these dinos a very deadly opponent. It does appear however, if a traveler happens upon a lonely Daeodon, at least upon the traveler hitting the creature, it will run from the fight rather than stick around. The Daeodon is very useful in Boss Arenas to heal your tames


Daeodon is a large mammal with hunched shoulders and cloven hooves. It has a massive head and long jaws with fearsome tusk like front teeth for tearing both meat and plant matter and rows of molars at the back of the mouth for grinding. With its massive size and nightmarish teeth, it is easy to forget this animal is part of the pig family.

Esta sección muestra los colores naturales y las regiones de Daeodon. Como muestra, las regiones mostradas a continuación están coloreadas de rojo sobre un modelo albino de Daeodon. Los cuadrados coloreados mostrados bajo la descripción de cada región son los colores que tendrá esta criatura de forma aleatoria y dentro del rango completo de su esquema de colores. Pasa el cursor sobre un color para mostrar su nombre y su ID.

This information can be used to alter the Daeodon's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Daeodon's "underside" magenta.

Daeodon PaintRegion0.jpg
Región 0:
X mark.svg

La Región 1 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Daeodon PaintRegion2.jpg
Región 2:
X mark.svg

La región 3 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark.svg

La región 4 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Daeodon PaintRegion5.jpg
Región 5:


Base Stats and Growth

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK: Survival of the Fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Salud 900 +180 +5.4% 0.07
Energía 250 +25 +10%
Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Comida 2500 +250 +10% 15%
Peso 400 +8 +4%
Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 292 +1.45 +1.7% 5.6% 15.4%
Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3 +2.5% 30%
Inconsciencia 800 +48 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no aumentarán su Velocidad de Movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

Velocidad de Movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 160 848 848 7
Nadando 300 N/A N/A N/A

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.




If attempting to kill, simply stand on a high position and shoot at it, or use a bola to keep it still and stab it with a sword or pike.


Usa un escudo si intentas atacarlo cuerpo a cuerpo con cualquier arma de este tipo. Si prefieres atacar a distancia, usa una ballesta.


Se puede curar a sí mismo y a otros dinosaurios salvajes, así que ten cuidado.


Si lo atacas desde lejos, no podrá hacer nada para contrarrestarte.


Daeodon.png Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Pienso.png Pienso 6 0 0 0 0:01:51
Cordero crudo.png Cordero crudo 64 94 23 12 0:18:31
Archivo:Chuleta de cordero cocinada.png Chuleta de cordero cocinada 118 224 54 27 0:34:07
Carne cruda de primera.png Carne cruda de primera 80 132 32 16 0:23:09
Carne cocinada de primera.png Carne cocinada de primera 159 323 77 39 0:45:58
Archivo:Pescado de primera crudo.png Pescado de primera crudo 198 178 43 22 0:28:39
Carne cruda.png Carne cruda 238 54 13 7 0:13:47
Archivo:Pescado de primera cocinado.png Pescado de primera cocinado 396 431 103 52 0:58:52
Carne cocinada.png Carne cocinada 475 514 122 61 1:08:43
Pescado crudo.png Pescado crudo 594 83 20 10 0:17:12
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 1187 657 156 78 1:25:52
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 80; Slingshot Hits × 33; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 9; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 6; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2
Torpidity-depletion: 1.8 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:07:24
Daeodon.png Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Pienso.png Pienso 15 0 0 0 0:04:38
Cordero crudo.png Cordero crudo 158 365 95 48 0:45:43
Archivo:Chuleta de cordero cocinada.png Chuleta de cordero cocinada 293 790 204 102 1:24:41
Carne cruda de primera.png Carne cruda de primera 198 492 127 64 0:57:18
Carne cocinada de primera.png Carne cocinada de primera 395 1111 287 144 1:54:10
Archivo:Pescado de primera crudo.png Pescado de primera crudo 494 646 167 84 1:11:28
Carne cruda.png Carne cruda 593 241 63 32 0:34:19
Archivo:Pescado de primera cocinado.png Pescado de primera cocinado 988 1467 378 189 2:26:51
Carne cocinada.png Carne cocinada 1185 1735 447 224 2:51:26
Pescado crudo.png Pescado crudo 1482 335 87 44 0:42:53
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 2963 2202 568 284 3:34:19
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 220; Slingshot Hits × 90; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 25; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 14; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 10; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 5
Torpidity-depletion: 3 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:12:13
Daeodon.png Level 60 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Pienso.png Pienso 24 0 0 0 0:07:24
Cordero crudo.png Cordero crudo 256 714 193 97 1:14:04
Archivo:Chuleta de cordero cocinada.png Chuleta de cordero cocinada 475 1485 401 201 2:17:17
Carne cruda de primera.png Carne cruda de primera 320 940 254 127 1:32:35
Carne cocinada de primera.png Carne cocinada de primera 640 2066 558 279 3:04:58
Archivo:Pescado de primera crudo.png Pescado de primera crudo 800 1222 330 165 1:55:44
Carne cruda.png Carne cruda 960 488 132 66 0:55:33
Archivo:Pescado de primera cocinado.png Pescado de primera cocinado 1600 2710 731 366 3:57:49
Carne cocinada.png Carne cocinada 1920 3197 862 431 4:37:45
Pescado crudo.png Pescado crudo 2400 658 178 89 1:09:27
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 4800 4043 1091 546 5:47:11
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 364; Slingshot Hits × 149; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 41; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 24; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 17; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 9
Torpidity-depletion: 3.91 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:15:30
Daeodon.png Level 90 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Pienso.png Pienso 34 0 0 0 0:10:29
Cordero crudo.png Cordero crudo 354 1105 308 154 1:42:25
Archivo:Chuleta de cordero cocinada.png Chuleta de cordero cocinada 656 2245 626 313 3:09:35
Carne cruda de primera.png Carne cruda de primera 443 1442 402 201 2:08:10
Carne cocinada de primera.png Carne cocinada de primera 885 3110 867 434 4:15:46
Archivo:Pescado de primera crudo.png Pescado de primera crudo 1107 1860 519 260 2:40:09
Carne cruda.png Carne cruda 1328 771 215 108 1:16:51
Archivo:Pescado de primera cocinado.png Pescado de primera cocinado 2213 4067 1133 567 5:28:55
Carne cocinada.png Carne cocinada 2655 4788 1334 667 6:24:04
Pescado crudo.png Pescado crudo 3319 1022 285 143 1:36:02
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 6638 6044 1684 842 8:00:07
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 508; Slingshot Hits × 208; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 57; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 33; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 23; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 12
Torpidity-depletion: 4.73 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:17:54
Daeodon.png Level 120 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Pienso.png Pienso 43 0 0 0 0:13:16
Cordero crudo.png Cordero crudo 452 1525 436 218 2:10:47
Archivo:Chuleta de cordero cocinada.png Chuleta de cordero cocinada 838 3056 873 437 4:02:11
Carne cruda de primera.png Carne cruda de primera 565 1974 564 282 2:43:28
Carne cocinada de primera.png Carne cocinada de primera 1130 4215 1204 602 5:26:34
Archivo:Pescado de primera crudo.png Pescado de primera crudo 1413 2537 725 363 3:24:24
Carne cruda.png Carne cruda 1695 1076 308 154 1:38:05
Archivo:Pescado de primera cocinado.png Pescado de primera cocinado 2825 5497 1570 785 6:59:53
Carne cocinada.png Carne cocinada 3390 6466 1847 924 8:10:24
Pescado crudo.png Pescado crudo 4238 1413 404 202 2:02:37
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 8475 8150 2328 1164 10:12:59
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 652; Slingshot Hits × 266; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 73; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 42; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 30; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 15
Torpidity-depletion: 5.49 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:19:47
Daeodon.png Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Pienso.png Pienso 52 0 0 0 0:16:02
Cordero crudo.png Cordero crudo 550 1965 573 287 2:39:08
Archivo:Chuleta de cordero cocinada.png Chuleta de cordero cocinada 1019 3896 1135 568 4:54:30
Carne cruda de primera.png Carne cruda de primera 688 2535 739 370 3:19:03
Carne cocinada de primera.png Carne cocinada de primera 1375 5363 1563 782 6:37:23
Archivo:Pescado de primera crudo.png Pescado de primera crudo 1719 3242 945 473 4:08:40
Carne cruda.png Carne cruda 2063 1399 408 204 1:59:23
Archivo:Pescado de primera cocinado.png Pescado de primera cocinado 3438 6983 2035 1018 8:30:59
Carne cocinada.png Carne cocinada 4125 8205 2391 1196 9:56:43
Pescado crudo.png Pescado crudo 5157 1824 532 266 2:29:12
Cooked Fish Meat.png Cooked Fish Meat 10313 10333 3011 1506 12:25:56
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 796; Slingshot Hits × 325; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 89; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 51; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 36; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 18
Torpidity-depletion: 6.22 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:21:20

KO Strategy

The Daeodon is an aggressive creature; keep your distance when shooting, Longneck or crossbow is preferred. It can be grabbed by an Argentavis so one player can grab it while the other one at the ground shoots it. If playing solo, trap it inside a small house with the help of an Argentavis or using ramps. It cannot fit through doors so you can stand outside while shooting it safely.

Using a single bola will also give you enough time to bring it down if shot in the head (aim right below the chin)

Be aware that the Daeodon has an enormous appetite. Carry a lot of food for taming, you'll need it! Before you knock it out try to make it use its healing attack; it will make it lose a lot of food. Then knock it out. If you use mutton, it will require much more of it than other creatures typically do, so be sure you have plenty. On Scorched Earth, put preserving salt in its inventory as well to make the mutton last long enough to complete the tame.



Raid healer: Its AOE pulsating Heal makes it valuable for healing your dinos during a raid on a base! (Level Health and Food) If you want to give it Food faster use prime meat, it gives about 50 Food each and makes the Food go up fast.

Boss Battle Healer: At high levels it can have as much HP as a Rex, with the added bonus of healing, making longer boss battles less stressful when your dinos dip into low amounts of health. (Level Health and Food)

Base Infirmary: The Daeodon's Passive Healing ability will -when turned on- automatically cause the Daeodon's to start its healing ability when an injured and allied dino enters its range. When the allied dino is healed, the Daeodon will stop healing again. (Note: There are reports of this ability not working properly)

While healing, the Daeodon's food level will rapidly drain; be sure to bring it well stocked with food to eat. Keep in mind that the amount of dinos being healed by the Daeodon has a direct impact on the amount of food drained - healing many dinos at once can lead to thousands of food level draining every few seconds. It might be useful to carry some cheap kibble (such as dodo) because it provides more food and can be force-fed at once, unlike meat.

The Daeodon recovers food differently than other carnivores. The following table shows its unique food values:

Type Value
Archivo:Pescado Crudo.png Pescado Crudo 5
Archivo:Carne Cruda.png Carne Cruda 10
Archivo:Pescado Cocinado.png Pescado Cocinado 12.5
Cooked Meat or Jerky
Raw Prime Fish Meat
Pescado Cocinado de Primera
Raw Prime Meat
Carne cocinada de primera
Raw Mutton
Cooked Lamb Chop
Kibble* (besides Iguanodon) 60
Kibble (Iguanodon Egg)* 120

*Kibble has no feeding cooldown, so entire stacks can be force-fed in a few seconds

The amount of healing gained per tick of the Daeodon's healing aura is directly linked to the maximum health of the dino being healed. Higher HP dinos will heal more HP per tick.

Cactus Sap Collector: The Daeodon seems to be a perfect creature to harvest Cactus Sap on Scorched Earth. It can only harvest sap from the low, red-flowered cactus bushes, not the tall saguaro cactus trees.

Rare Mushroom Collector: The Daeodon excels at collecting rare mushrooms. When they attack plants that carry rare mushrooms (e.g., cattails on The Center or The Island, or purple flowers on Scorched Earth) they only get mushrooms, so there's no need to empty them of berries, seeds, and fiber.




Para más información sobre esta criatura en el mundo real, consulta el artículo de Wikipedia asociado

  • Dino Dossier revealed on 10/04/2016.[1]
  • The dossier says that the Daedon can "thrive both on the Island’s dry grasslands as well as sandy ecosystems" suggesting that it will be available on both The Island and Scorched Earth
  • The dossier says that Daeodon has as many similarities to modern Hippopotamidae as it does to Suina, this sentence refers to how many people call this creature "Hell Pig" even though they're a whole different animal, but still closely related to pigs and hippos; both are members of artiodactyl (even-toed ungulate).
  • Although there was mention of multiple Daeodons receiving a pack bonus to their healing aura, there does not currently seem to be any benefit to multiple Daeodons healing at once.
  • The dossier lists Daeodon as an Omnivore, but as of v257 the Daeodon will only eat meat. All berries and crops provide no food value. In addition, Carne Cruda provides only 10 food value upon consumption (but cooked meat provides it 25 food value).
  • The Daeodon has a different scale of foods as the rest of carnivores, that's the order (worst to best): raw fish 5 pts of food, Carne Cruda 10 pts, cooked fish 12,5 pts, cooked meat, cooked prime fish and cooked jerky have 25 pts, cooked prime, cooked lamb chops and prime jerky have 50 pts of food. For cost/performance the cheapest and with good effectiveness it's the cooked meat, or you can use [Carne Cocinada de Primera] as a expensive but more effective source of feeding it when you use its healing capability.
  • There is a bug with the Daeodon's healing ability that causes it to constantly heal even when theres nothing to heal. If it ever occurs, just remove its food source and let it starve. Once it reaches zero the ability should stop and you can then give its food back. Until the bug is patched up, it is highly advised to not EVER use it. Otherwise you'll have a lot of food wasted.
