admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Additions_Pack/Deinotherium/Dinos/Deinotherium_Character_BP.Deinotherium_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
ASA Deinotherium
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/AADeinotherium/Dinos/DeinotheriumAA_Character_BP.DeinotheriumAA_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Rockwell Deinotherium
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Additions_Pack/Deinotherium/Dinos/Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP.Rockwell_Deinotherium_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
The Deinotherium is a mammal in ARK Additions.
Deinotherium colossus
TimeLate Miocene
- Wild
Colossus seemed like an appropriate name for such an already large elephant. The Deinotherium crush their mammoth cousins and show terrifying strength and speed. You don't want to disturb any of them. When enraged, Deinotherium instead adopts an aggressive stance which results in a charge if the enemy lingers longer than intended. In their hierarchical herds, annoyed Deinotherium will rally with mighty roars. If you want to fight with a herd, you have to be ready.
- Domesticated
Deinotheriums are not easy to tame. During the aggressive stance they adopt, the Deinotherium will show various signals to indicate if they are bluffing into their attack or just want that tasty beer they smell! Once tamed, these terrible beasts will easily obliterate structure and opposing forces while providing a powerful moral call!.
The Deinotherium is a kind of huge elephant with tusks under its mouth. It,s also one of the only creatures with sexual dimorphism, as males have beards and longer tusks, while females have shorter tusks and are less hairly.
Color Scheme and Regions
The Deinotherium will position itself looking at you if you are nearby. To tame it, wait for the right moment (look at bottom left-hand corner). The Deinotherium will defend its territory, if you get too close, often in herds of 5 to 7.
- - This key triggers a double stomp with its frontal legs, which seems to break through Rock Elemental's natural armour. If player is looking sideways, deinotherium will stand on its hind legs and deliver much more powerful version of this attack, additionally turning in place by around 100 degree.
- - This key triggers a tusk gore/trunk swipe which deals much less knockback than first attack, but deals almost as much damage as side stomp, and is a bit faster (still with 2 seconds of cooldown).
- C - This key triggers a rally call, which is followed by stunning one leg stomp. The rally call gives every allied dino in close distance a buff, depending on gender of deinotherium (male buff gives +15% to damage and increases stamina regeneration, while female buff gives 5% defense buff and can stack up to 3, which means additional 15% defense boost if enough females used this attack).
- Ctrl - This key triggers aestetic roar, which can be activated while running and just looks cool.
Base Stats and Growth
This section describes how to fight against the Deinotherium.
Deinotherium is very powerful opponent because of its robustness, strength and suprising speed. They can become extremely dangerous if found in herd, so its better to stay away from them.
Best method of dealing with this collosal elephant would be separating individuals from herd (especially males, because they deal most damage as they are pack leaders). To do this, its best to have some sort of fast mount like Procoptodon. When the creature is separated from herd its usually much easier target to defeat.
If on foot, strong firearms like Pump-Action Shotgun are best way to deal with it, however keep in mind that deinotherium possesses additional defense against File:Turret.png Turret. Much better option is using powerful tame like Rex for which one alone wild deinotherium will not be a huge problem.
Fightning with whole herd can be a death wish, even if using tamed Giganotosaurus, as deinotherium deals additional damage to carnivores, and possesses pack leader buff and armour piercing attacks, and can heal from corpses despite being herbivore.
Deinotherium often can't attack because of it's turning radius, and becomes easy target (they still can trample smaller tames).
Taming Method
Deinotherium can ONLY be tamed at player level 95 or higher.
The Deinotherium has an aggressive temperament, so to tame one it must be alone. Kill the other pack members. The Deinotherium will look at you while shaking its head with varying positions of the ears and trunk. If the ears are out, it is soft. But if the ears are out AND the trunk is out, don't go. You have to wait until the trunk is retracted (rolled up) and the ears are out. Then get under its pasta (with beer in your last hotbar slot), and it'll take the beer automatically. Repeat this step until tamed (beware of facial signs).
Battle Mount
Boss Killer
Titan Destroyer
Siege Engine
Orbital Supply Drop Defender - Because of its defense and damage buffs when in a herd, 4 Deinotheriums consisting of 3 females and 1 male can act as buffing units for your other creatures. Paired with Carcharodontosauruses, the damage from one Carcharodontosaurus stacked with its blood rage buff (+175%), mate boost (+30%), and the male Deinotherium damage buff (+15%), 4 to 6 Carcharodontosaurus can deal extremely high damage to shred even level 500 Engraged Corrupted Rexes that have on average over 100k health in seconds.
- The concept for the Deinotherium was announced on Garuga123's Discord server on October 8, 2021