SS Item Collector

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Mod Super Structures logo.png

This article is about SS Item Collector, not to be confused with  S+ Item Collector (Mod:Structures Plus)

SS Item Collector
Mod Super Structures SS Item Collector.png

- Collects dropped items (Poop, Achatina Paste, Unfertilized Eggs, & Silica Pearls from Phoenixes), as well as metal from  SS Dedicated Storage (Mod:Super Structures), and Metal Ingots from nearby forges
- Distributes poop to nearby Compost Bins & Dung Beetles
-Automatically distributes metal to forges and Metal Ingots to  SS Dedicated Storage (Mod:Super Structures)
-Can use Tek Generator or Gasoline for fuel (will automatically use fuel if no power is available)

Item slots
 Gasoline (6h)
Stack size
Required level
Required stations
Resources breakdown [Expand]
75 × Hide
250 × Metal Ingot
500 × Metal
Total Base Ingredients
1000 × Stone
500 × Chitin, Keratin, or Shell Fragment
500 × Metal
75 × Hide

The SS Item Collector is a structure from the Super Structures Mod.


This Structure (while active) periodically checks for the items it is programmed to collect and deposits them in its own inventory, or in the case of Animal Feces, will attempt to place it in either a  Compost Bin or a  Dung Beetle. If the item is  Gacha Crystal it will automatically place it in  SS Crystal Cracker (Mod:Super Structures) if set. There are settings that can allow you to choose which items are picked up and which are distributed.

In addition, it can also collect  Metal &  Scrap Metal and distribute them to nearby forges. Forge distribution is determined by a set priority.

The SS Item Collector will ignore nearby 'lower' priority forges if a 'higher' priority forge is nearby when considering what forges to distribute metal to:

It will also collect  Metal Ingot &  Scrap Metal Ingot from nearby forges and distribute them to nearby  SS Dedicated Storage (Mod:Super Structures) if they exist.

INI Options

Place these INI options at the bottom of your gameusersettings.ini (For servers, it has to be on the server) 
You must include the [SuperStructures] header.
You only need to include this if you wish to override the defaults, and you only need to include entries that are different.

Name Description Possible Values Default Value
ItemCollectorRangeInFoundations Range of the Item Collector 1-100 25
ItemCollectorDistributionBlacklist Allows you to disable any distribution option in the item collector. Comma separated list. Poop,GachaCrystals,RawMetal,Ingots
ItemCollectorSlotCount The size of the respective inventory 1-1000 300

3rd Party Mod Integration

Super Structures has special tags that modders can use to add to their modded forges to give them a 'priority' to consider for metal distribution or be able to pull/push  Fertilizer &  Feces to their custom compost bins


  • Modders can allow the Item Collector & Farmer to pull/push  Fertilizer &  Feces to their custom compost bins

ItemCollectorPriorityXXX - (3 X's meaning a number).

  • Modders can allow the Item collector to pull ingots from their custom forges with two tags, one to indicate the priority level of the forge (this tag), and one to allow collection (further below).

The following forges exist in SS:

If the modded forge has a higher priority and both forges exist nearby it will prioritize the modded forge over the lower priority forge when distributing metal.

  • AllowItemCollectorToDistributeMetal - The second tag for indicating to the Item Collector that it should distribute raw metal to the forge (from dedicated storages)
  • AllowItemCollectorToPullIngots - The third tag for indicating to the Item Collector it should pull ingots from your forge and distribute them back to SS Dedicated Storages.

