S+ Transmutator

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Mod Structures Plus logo.png
S+ Transmutator
Mod Structures Plus S- Transmutator.png

Converts creatures into their variants.

Item slots
Stack size
Required level
Level 100
Engram points
0 EP
Crafted in
Resources breakdown [Expand]
55 × Crystal
550 × Metal Ingot
1100 × Metal
10 × Element
Total Base Ingredients
20 × Black Pearl
640 × Chitin, Keratin, or Shell Fragment
10 × Element
55 × Crystal
160 × Obsidian
1280 × Stone
1100 × Metal

The S+ Transmutator is a structure from the Structures Plus mod in  ARK: Survival Evolved.


It converts a normal or a variant creature into one of its normal or variant mode. At this occasion, the creature will loose all the items, of which saddles, contained in its inventory, its Health and Food will be considerably depleted and its name will be erased. If the creature does not exist to the targeted variant, the pulse will have no effect.

Imprint will be kept only if the breeder activates the pulse.

  • Normal - Converts a creature into its Vanilla version.
  • Aberrant - Converts a creature into its  Aberrant version.
  • Tek - Converts a creature into its  Tek version, of which  Giganotosaurus.
  • Xtreme - Converts a creature into its  X version.
  • Radical - Converts a creature into its  R version.

Corruption and Virtual features have been scraped during the features transfer from  S+ Mutator (Mod:Structures Plus) to the S+ Transmutator.


It must be powered  Générateur Tek.
While off, the E invite allows to activate, which can be done via the wheel menu (long press on the same keybind. Activation costs no  Element, a black sphere animates on top of the structure.
Each pulse costs 20 ×  Elements, that must be placed into the structure inventory.
While outside and structure activated, E or radial menu and from inside from the inventory, (Change mode, allow to generate a pulse.
When a pulse is generated, a list of the available creatures appears (at range, adult, with the targeted variant available). Clicking on th ecreatures name trigers the pulse.

Wheel menu

While keeping pressed on E, the wheel menu appears:

  • [Convert a dino]: trigeers a pulse to the last selecetd mode (Normal mode is default).
  • Change mode (selected mode): allows to cycle the various modes (see upon section).
  • Activate: turns the structure on or off. Is only cosmetic, no Element cost.
  • Access inventory: opens the structure inventory, to drop some Element or to acecss to the base commands.
  • Lock/Unlock: selects if the structure can be accessed by tribe members only or not.
  • Select a Pin Code: selects a 4 digits code to limit the access while unlocked.
  • Rename S+ Transmutator: changes the structure name, to ease resources transfer automation.
  • Destroy: destroys the structures and redeem the half of its crafting resources.
  • Pick-up S+ Transmutator: allows to bring back the structure in the player's inventory.
  • Show Range: displays a blue sphere whiwh means the effect range of a pulse.
  • [Range]: changes the range of the effect, by +/- 1 or +/- 5 increments. The top of the wheel displays the actual range.
