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Dossier Empty.pngDossier Gacha.png
Fantasy Creatures, Mammals
Release Versions
Steam.svg 285.104
พ.ย. 6, 2018
Xbox One.svg 779.29
พ.ย. 6, 2018
PS.svg 528.23
พ.ย. 6, 2018
Epic Games.svg 311.74
มิ.ย. 11, 2020
Stadia.svg 678.15
ก.ย. 1, 2021
Spawn Command
cheat summon Gacha_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Gacha/Gacha_Character_BP.Gacha_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Gacha (Gauntlet2)
cheat summon Gacha_Character_BP_STA_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Gacha_Character_BP_STA.Gacha_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark.svg Yes
Check mark.svg Yes
Check mark.svg Yes
Taming Method
Preferred Food
 Snow Owl Pellet
 Gacha Saddle (Level ?)
XP for kill
8 XP
Drag Weight
Carryable By
  • Quetzal
  • Tek Quetzal
Immobilized By
Can Damage
Gestation Time
7h 56m 11.428s
Baby Time
11h 34m 26.666s
Juvenile Time
1d 22h 17m 46.662s
Adolescent Time
2d 9h 52m 13.328s
Total Maturation Time
4d 19h 44m 26.656s
Breeding Interval
18h - 2d

Extinction Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gacha Extinction.svg

Genesis Part 2 Map.jpg
Spawning Gacha Genesis Part 2.svg

Fjordur Asgard Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gacha Fjordur Asgard.svg

Fjordur Vanaheim Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Gacha Fjordur Vanaheim.svg

Common        Rare
  Untameable   Cave

The Gacha is one of the Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved's Extinction expansion.



เนื้อหาส่วนนี้เป็นสำเนาที่ถูกต้องของผู้รอดชีวิต Helena Walker, ผู้เขียนได้เขียนเอกสารไว้ อาจมีความเคลื่อนบางประการระหว่างข้อความนี้กับสิ่งมีชีวิตในเกม


Macrodryadis crystallinus








A gentle giant, Macrodryadis crystallinus spends its days foraging for food in the dense forest it calls home, though it rarely has to look very far. Thanks to its extraordinary digestive system, not only can Macrodryadis eat just about anything, but it can also turn a diet of scraps into a mountain of precious resources.

Instead of producing excrement, Macrodryadis grows glittering crystals upon its back, which fall off when they reach their full size. Shattering these crystals can yield precious resources, as Macrodryadis is somehow able to transmute the materials it eats into something entirely different.

One of our pilots likened the process to the gachapon machines from his memories of growing up in Japan, and I guess the name stuck.


Though its crystals prevent Macrodryadis from wearing a traditional saddle, if its rider is willing to sit in a basket that hangs from Macrodryadis' neck, then they'll find its long claws are well suited for mining resources. Personally though, I'd keep one around just for the crystals. The free presents, the way they glow at night...totally worth the potential nausea from the basket saddle.

~ Helena


The Gacha roams around in The UnderForest, the deepest area of the Crater Forest, swiping occasionally at rocks, trees and bushes; which they follow with sitting down and eating. They're big and bulky, with relatively good stamina, but, unfortunately, are fairly slow both when walking and running.


The Gacha appears to be a large sloth with crystalline formations on its back.

แม่แบบสี และ ภูมิภาค

This section displays the Gacha's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Gacha. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Gacha will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Gacha's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Gacha's "skin" magenta.

Gacha PaintRegion0.png

Region 0:
Skinข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

X mark.svg

Region 1 is not used
for this Creature.

Gacha PaintRegion2.png

Region 2:
Light Stripeข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

Gacha PaintRegion3.png

Region 3:
Dark Stripeข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

No image available.svg

Region 4:
Algaeข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

Gacha PaintRegion5.png

Region 5:
Fur Mainข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่


  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Hide
  • Stone

In the wild, the Gacha will occasionally drop Gacha Crystals which contain various items when consumed in the Inventory. These items include many basic resources such as  Thatch,  Stone, and  Wood to more advanced materials such as  Silica Pearls,  Silk and  Congealed Gas Balls. In addition to the basic crafting materials that can be obtained from the Crystals, occasionally the Gacha will produce a different colored, glowing crystal of a certain quality that when opened, produces fully crafted items such as  Wooden Tree Platforms or even something with quality such as an  Assault Rifle.

สแตทพื้นฐาน และ การอัปเกรด

Attribute Base Value Level Increase Taming Bonus
Wild Tamed Additive Multiplicative
 Health 750 +150 +5.4% 0.07
 Stamina 325 +32.5 +10%
 Oxygen 150 +15 +10%
 Food 3000 +300 +10%
 Weight 550 +22 +4%
 Melee Damage 32 +1.6 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
 Movement Speed 100% N/A +1%
 Crafting Skill 100% +1 +1%
 Torpidity 600 +36 N/A 0.5
Base Speed Sprinting Speed Stamina
Wild Tamed1 Tamed2 Wild Tamed1 Tamed2
Walking 300 ? ? 750 750 750 10
Swimming 200 ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
  • For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
  • 1These are the base speeds of the creature at 100% Movement Speed.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature tamed and non-imprinted.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.


Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]


The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.


เนื้อหาส่วนนี้อธิบายวิธีการต่อสู้กับ Gacha.


Gacha have a neutral Temperament and will only attack when provoked; however, if you do attack a Gacha, prepare to laugh as the way they run is famously silly. The best method you can use to kill a Gacha is either with a flying creature that shoots a damaging beam/projectile, like Wyverns, or on a creature that deals significant damage and/or has high health. When attempting to kill a Gacha on foot, use of a ranged weapon is advised, Assault Rifles and Fabricated Sniper Rifles, for example, are effective so long as the distance between you and the Gacha is great enough so that they cannot reach you. If, by some circumstance, it does get to you, there are two outcomes: you die a gruesome death, or you manage to outwit it and escape.


As the Gacha is usually a passive animal, there are not many reasons for one to become hostile. If you must kill one, they are extremely slow and are not capable of doing significant damage. It is advised to keep out of its range so you can hit it easily. The resources dropped by a dead Gacha are generally inferior to the contents of the crystals they produce while tamed, so there is little reason to kill them.


Few weapons are ineffective against the Gacha as long as you are at a safe distance.


They are clumsy, passive creatures that pose little threat to your player; fear of a Gacha would be misplaced.


They are slow, have a short attack range and deal minimal damage.


You can only feed a happy Gacha (without other Gachas being nearby recently). Sad Gachas will ignore you. Just simply drop something on the ground from your inventory, and it will soon eat it. The larger quantity of item dropped, the faster it is tamed. The rarer the dropped item is, the higher level it will become(affecting taming effectiveness).


It will eat EVERYTHING you dropped. For higher taming effectiveness, see below.

Note that the values are for optimal cases, always bring extra supplies!
For a level-dependent count of resources needed, try an external taming calculator.


Gachas prefer  Snow Owl Pellet , crafted items like walls and foundations (with metal having higher taming effectiveness than stone), metal ore,  Stone,  Berries, then  Meat. You will have to time the drop of the item to get it into the path of the gacha and you can drop a stack as the Gacha will pick up the whole stack and eat them continuously until tamed or out of the item. Watch their food meter when traveling long distances and supply it manually.


The Gacha is not tamed by traditional means, but rather food and items must be dropped in front of it, they eat everything you drop! When tamed, Resource Harvesting is set to disabled by default, though Gacha babies have resource harvesting enabled from birth.


When a male and female Gacha mate (they can be set to Wandering inside the minimum range of a  Dino Leash), the mother produces a Gacha baby after gestation. The food meter of Gacha babies goes down faster than  Berries feed them, so it is recommended to use  Meat or  Cooked Meat.  Stone also feeds them, but at a much slower rate than Meat.

The Production wheel of the new Gacha is visible from birth.

An alternative method for raising Gacha babies is to feed them nothing. The baby's inventory must be kept empty. If the baby picks up anything (usually  Feces) it will quickly starve. The Gacha baby must remain rendered throughout the entire process (this can be done on intervals via Cryopod). Upon reaching the juvenile phase the Gacha can now eat from the Feeding Trough so the player can leave render distance or log off. Alternatively, you can still opt to feed them nothing, as in the baby phase. Contrary to popular belief, this method does not require wandering enabled or any adult Gacha nearby.

Technical details: A non-adult gacha will periodically have a massive amount of health and food restored to it as long as it is in render distance. This effectively means they need no food given to them so long as they are within the circle of rendered objects. The eating animation (when the gacha sits down and munches on stuff in its inventory) breaks this mechanic. Even a gacha with thousands of food will run out in mere minutes if this happens.

Note: It appears the Gacha does not receive an imprint bonus to its  Crafting Skill.


Gachas are solitary creatures, except when they have one (and only one) mate with them. If there is a same gender Gacha within 14 or less foundation range, they will become 'sad'; other than their facial expression, they will refuse to look directly at the survivor if "Ally-Looking" is on, they will not pick up items/resources dropped near them (they will make an expression with their head turned away in front rather than grabbing it), and they will very rarely produce crystal (with severe resource rate drop), or eat anything in their inventory even if  Stone or other resource/item are placed inside. Moreover, if they had eaten  Snow Owl Pellet, dreary flecks of light will appear behind where the lights would be.

Even if the Gacha of the same gender leaves the sadness range, the previous Gacha with the said gender will remain sad for a time unless reintroduced to the opposite gender Gacha.

Note that baby/juvenile/adolescent Gachas ignore these effects until they are adult, and adult Gachas are not affected by nearby baby/juvenile/adolescent Gachas, even if they came from different parents.


An example of the production choices for a Gacha.
Resource Spawner

The Gacha retains its ability to create resources by consuming items and transmuting them into crystals. Each Gacha, tamed or bred, will only be able to produce 6 random resources from a large pool of potential resources, including many DLC-exclusive ones, making it a renewable source of materials that would otherwise be impossible to acquire naturally in some maps. Their production is always structured so that it can produce 3 'common' resources, 2 'uncommon' resources and 1 'rare' or 'very rare' resource as shown below, with each tier producing different quantities per crystal. Bred Gachas are not influenced by the possible resources of the parents. Via the selection wheel, survivors can select which of the available resources that their Gacha will produce (or to produce them randomly like wild Gachas). Cloning a Gacha will make an exact copy of the resources from the original. In addition, Gachas will sometimes produce 'loot' of varying qualities, which will be denoted by quality-colored crystals (white, green, deep blue, purple, etc).

  • Place resources within the Gacha's inventory and the Gacha will slowly consume them to produce  Gacha Crystal on their back.
  • The quality and type of the resource the Gacha eats will affect the Gacha Crystal's quantity of contained resources and quality of the loot. A very popular feeding method is therefore to feed them  Plant Species Y Traps, which creates very high quality loot and lots of resources, since the game seems to think that Plant Y Traps are a "Structure" (which therefore has much higher "Gacha nutritional value" than basic resources such as  Stones). Note that  Preserving Salt does not extend the 1 hour spoil timer of the Plant Y Traps (probably because the traps are intended for PvP and shouldn't be able to have a super long timer), so it's pointless to use salt for this food type.
  • Gachas have a "Crafting Skill" stat that can be improved to increase the crafting speed, quantity of resources, and quality of loot. Community testing has revealed that the "sweetspot" is to have 160% Crafting Skill on your Gachas if you want to focus on resource creation, since having 160% skill causes the Gacha to produce Crystals containing up-to the maximum possible amount of the desired resource. If you continue leveling Crafting Skill after that, then the Gacha will generate more and more loot, and less and less resources, and the loot (weapons and armor) will have higher quality. So if your Gacha is intended to make resources, then you should aim at having at LEAST 160% skill (having a few percent higher, such as 161.4%, is fine, but having LESS than 160% is NOT okay since the 160% level must be reached for the game to treat the Gacha as a "master resource producer"). If you instead want your Gacha to make loot (instead of resources), then you should continue to raise its Crafting Skill beyond 160%; in fact, the next "big jump" is if you somehow manage to reach 260% crafting skill, which makes the Crystals drop very little resources, but a ton of Ascendant and Mastercraft loot instead. It's not worth continuing after 260% skill when focusing on loot production. However, note that the EASIEST way to make high quality loot is actually just to have a "normal" 160% Crafting Skill amount, and then feed the Gacha "Plant Y Traps" (high quality food, see above) and Snow Owl Pellets (buff food, see below), which together causes very high quality loot to drop effortlessly, without having to invest a ton of points into Crafting Skill!
  • After you've reached your desired Crafting Skill, you should put the rest of the Gacha's skill points into Weight to help them carry huge amounts of food resources so that they can feed themselves and continuously create Gacha Crystals.
  • "Wander Enabled" is NOT required for the Gacha Crystal creation.
  • After a time, these crystals will fall off and can be collected. A crystal sound effect can be heard over a fair distance when this happens.
  • Feeding the Gacha a  Snow Owl Pellet will provide a temporary buff that increases crafting speed, increases the quality of loot produced, and increases the quantity of resources inside the Gacha Crystals (by double on average). The Gacha will not eat a Pellet if it already has the buff, which means that it won't waste pellets. A Snow Owl can be landed or walked to face a Gacha and the Gacha will then pick up the  Snow Owl Pellet when the Snow Owl spits it out. This will save you from having to manually collect and distribute them. NOTE: The  Snow Owl Pellet does not count as "Crystal-producing food", so you will still need to feed it a real food too, in addition to the pellets.
  • Production is disabled when 'Sad', which occurs when they are nearby to another Gacha unless it is only nearby one other Gacha of the opposite gender. The multi-colored 'disco lights' that are usually present are, instead, dreary flecks of light and the Gacha's face is unhappy.
  • Sometimes the Gacha Crystals keep floating in mid-air. A  Megatherium is ideal to still reach it; they are common in the Sanctuary, have a similar height to the Gacha, and the survivor can stand on its back to pick up the crystal.
  • Occasionally the Gacha Crystal contains a structure, armor piece or a weapon. For a complete list of possible items see  Gacha Crystal.
Possible Resources
Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare
  • Fiber
  • Flint
  • Fragmented Green Gem
  • Fungal Wood
  • Raw Salt
  • Sand
  • Stone
  • Thatch
  • Blue Crystalized Sap
  • Clay
  • Congealed Gas Ball
  • Crystal
  • Oil
  • Silica Pearls
  • Silk
  • Black Pearls
  • Metal
  • Obsidian
  • Organic Polymer
  • Red Crystalized Sap
  • Sap
  • Sulfur
  • Element Dust
Resource Farmer

Gachas can gather:

  • Blue Crystalized Sap
  • Corrupted Nodule
  • Fiber
  • Flint
  • Fungal Wood
  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Red Crystalized Sap
  • Stone
  • Thatch
  • Wood

Despite being able to interact with their nodes, Gachas will not harvest the following:

  • Berries
  • Crystal
  • Electronics
  • Element Dust
  • Fragmented Green Gem
  • Metal
  • Scrap Metal
  • Seeds

While slow, the Gacha has a high stamina and a high carry weight to move items from place to place. As they can be carried by  Quetzal, they can also be used for long distance transport as an alternative for  Delivery Crate. Note: Gachas will eat anything, (save poop excluding snow owl pellets and several other items listed) and as such, should not be used as a transport creature lest it eat the items in transport.

Poop Collector

The Gacha will automatically pick-up parcels that are dropped nearby, which can be enhanced with Enable Wandering to make them a roaming vacuum cleaner. This can be used to collect poop, which is one of the few resources that the Gacha will not eat. Be aware that Gachas can eat virtually everything, including weapons, blueprints and filled cryopods. Can be used to collect Achatina paste automatically, which is an easy way to substitute Cementing Paste.

A Snow Owl can be landed or walked to face a Gacha and the gacha will pick up the  Snow Owl Pellet when the Snow Owl spits it out. This will save you from having to manually collect and distribute them.



The Gacha reduces the weight of the following resources by the listed amount while they are in its inventory:

ทรัพยากร ลดน้ำหนักลง
 Metal 50%
 Stone 50%
 Wood 50%
 Fungal Wood 50%


Resource Efficiency
Stone.png Stone ★★★★★
Flint.png Flint ★★★★★
Red Crystalized Sap.png Red Crystalized Sap ★★★★★
Wood.png Wood ★★★★★
Thatch.png Thatch ★★★★★
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat ★★★★★
Fungal Wood.png Fungal Wood ★★★★★
Metal.png Metal ★★★★★
Fiber.png Fiber ★★★★★
Raw Prime Meat.png Raw Prime Meat ★★★★★
Corrupted Nodule.png Corrupted Nodule ★★★☆☆
Blue Crystalized Sap.png Blue Crystalized Sap ★☆☆☆☆



  • This mechanic and the name Gacha are a reference to "gachapon", the Japanese toy machine in which after putting in money, a plastic egg pops out with a random collectible toy. The name is onomatopoeia of the sounds the machine makes ("Gacha " from turning the knob, "pon" from the capsule dropping down).
    • In lore, the person who had childhood memories of Japan that Helena Walker was referring to was Takaya Kazuma, one of the Mek pilots in-training who was from the URE. Connecting info with the fact that he was from the futuristic Panasian alliance of the URE, this implies that Japan allied with the URE in the ARK universe.
  • The Gacha's species name, "Macrodryadis crystallinus", means "Great dryad which crystallizes" in Latin.
  • The Gacha's diet is so varied, that it would probably be faster to compose a list of things they don't eat.
    • One of the most common misconception of keeping their hunger up was they eat  Snow Owl Pellet when their food is low. That is not the case regardless of their mood. They will only eat it when they are eating other items and that they are not under the buff effect.
  • Prior to Patch 288.113, Gacha can also potentially spew out Journeyman, Mastercraft and Ascendant Crystals which contains items beyond the cap. Items from these crystals are now found at crystal quality below Journeyman at a rare rate.
  • The Gacha has a happiness level that can be influenced by being near a mate. The Gacha experiences sadness when exposed to another of its kind that is of the same gender. Happiness level can be determined by the Gacha's facial expression.
    • At low graphic setting, the facial expression is difficult to determine.


แพตช์ การเปลี่ยนแปลง
285.104 Extinction Expansion Release  Gacha is added to the game
  • Fix for sad effects not playing properly
  • Fixed a bug where taming affinity didn't decay over time and fixed it so taming will no longer always provide 100% effectiveness
  • Fixed a bug where didn't reset when a different player or tribe started taming it
  • Set Gacha to have a lower chance of dropping an item when Wild
  • Adjusted Gacha loot to skew towards lower quality rolls being more common
  • Increased affinity gained per level to match creatures of similar size
  • Reduced the max quantity of items to a more appropriate amount
  • Adjusted how much  Food is given from  Snow Owl Pellets
  • Fixed issue with disappearing  Gacha Saddle
  • Updated drag weight so it can no longer be picked up by smaller flyers such as the  Pteranodon
  • Fix for Gacha having a double inventory
  • Fixed bug where punching the Gacha made them eat faster
  • Fixed bug where baby Gachas were making  Gacha Crystals
  • Made Gacha corpse last longer
  • There is now a change to harvest  Stone from Gacha corpse
  • Fixed Gacha sadness not resetting on singleplayer
  • Fixed dummy items getting left in the Gacha's inventory
  • Added  GachaClaus for the ARK: Winter Wonderland 3 event
  • Fix for unclamped loot quality from Gacha Crystals
  • Fix for incorrect Gacha UI when taming is interrupted
288.114 Tweak to GachaClaus loot
297.64 Set  Gacha Crystal to not be uploadable to the cloud
307.56 Will no longer auto-consume  Custom Consumables or buff soups and dishes, and won't eat them if stored in a  Feeding Trough
312.82  Gacha Crystals are now applying the item clamp on generated items
313.11 Fixed a bug which stopped Gacha Crystals from providing items upon consumption
329.5 Genesis: Part 2 Expansion Release  Gacha is added to Genesis: Part 2

