(เปลี่ยนทางจาก Apps)
There are numerous apps and websites for ARK: Survival Evolved that help with certain tasks in the game, e.g. calculators for crafting or taming, creating ini-files or converting images for ingame-painting. Here's a list of these resources, sorted alphabetically.
Cheat Codes
Taming Calculators
Breeding Calculators
Crafting Calculators
- Campfire Calculator by TristanGames
- Forge Calculator by DanteCampbell (Metal and Gasoline Calculator)
- Forge Calculator by TristanGames (Thatch, Wood, Sparkpowder, and AnglerGel) (Refining Forge, Industrial Forge and Bulk Forge)
- Mortar & Pestle Calculator (Sparkpowder, Gunpowder, Narcotics, Stimulant, Cement Paste, Bug Repellent)
- Resouce Calculator by TristanGames
- Tek Force field Calculator by TristanGames
- Tek Generator Calculator by TristanGames
Raiding Calculators
Server Settings
Server Tools
Mobile Apps
These mobile apps mostly contain a collection of tools like a taming calculator, crafting calculator, webresources etc.
- A-Calc | A-Guide: Android, iOS, Windows Mobile
- Ark Breeder: Android Includes stat tester, stat extractor, and saving of creatures into the app. Also for custom made creatures/Colors/etc. Allows for modding here.
- Ark Survival Forge Calculator for Android (Thatch, Wood, Sparkpowder, and AnglerGel) (Refining Forge, Industrial Forge and Bulk Forge)
- Dododex: iOS, Android,Windows 10, also on Amazon.
- Survive ARK: Android & iOS
- Survivors Toolbox: Android
Desktop Apps
- A-Calc | A-Guide: Windows 10
- ARK: Smart Breeding
- Ark Server Manager (Win7 and up)
- A useful program that let's the user edit both the Game.ini and the GameUserSettings.ini files as well of options that modifies Engram resources,
Supply Crates, and dino Spawn entries (where specific dinos are assigned to spawn points).
- Beacon Editor (Win7/Win10)
- The Beacon Editor is a simple code generator that features an easy to use item selection template, that let's users choose the probability of how often and/or how many times a particular item or item groups appear in a Loot drop or
Supply Crates
For tools and resources related to painting, see Painting.