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Translating.png เนื้อหาส่วนนี้ยังไม่ถูกแปล
คุณสามารถช่วยแปลได้ที่นี่ หรือติดต่อผู้ดูแลการแปลได้ที่: กระดานผู้ดูแล

Shadowmane Image.png
Fantasy Creatures, Fish, Mammals
Release Versions
Steam.svg 329.5
มิ.ย. 3, 2021
Xbox One.svg 928.4
มิ.ย. 3, 2021
PS.svg 689.4
มิ.ย. 3, 2021
Epic Games.svg 329.5
มิ.ย. 3, 2021
Stadia.svg 678.15
ก.ย. 1, 2021
 VR Shadowmane
Spawn Command
cheat summon LionfishLion_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/LionfishLion/LionfishLion_Character_BP.LionfishLion_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Shadowmane (Summoned)
cheat summon LionfishLion_Character_BP_Summoned_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/Summoner/SummonedDinos/LionfishLion_Character_BP_Summoned.LionfishLion_Character_BP_Summoned'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Shadowmane (Hunt2)
cheat summon LionfishLion_Character_BP_Hunt_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/Hunt/Dinos/LionfishLion_Character_BP_Hunt.LionfishLion_Character_BP_Hunt'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Shadowmane (Hunt2 Alpha)
cheat summon LionfishLion_Character_BP_Hunt_Alpha_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/Hunt/Dinos/LionfishLion_Character_BP_Hunt_Alpha.LionfishLion_Character_BP_Hunt_Alpha'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Shadowmane (Gauntlet2)
cheat summon LionfishLion_Character_BP_STA_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/LionfishLion_Character_BP_STA.LionfishLion_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Variant VR Shadowmane (Gauntlet2)
cheat summon LionfishLion_Character_BP_TameSTA_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Endless/Tames/LionfishLion_Character_BP_TameSTA.LionfishLion_Character_BP_TameSTA'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark.svg Yes
Check mark.svg Yes
Check mark.svg Yes
Taming Method
Preferred Food
XP for kill
20 XP
Drag Weight
Immobilized By
Gestation Time
2h 23m 48.128s
Baby Time
4h 52m 23.86s
Juvenile Time
19h 29m 35.438s
Adolescent Time
1d 21m 59.298s
Total Maturation Time
2d 43m 58.596s
Breeding Interval
18h - 2d

Genesis Part 2 Map.jpg
Spawning Shadowmane Genesis Part 2.svg

Fjordur Asgard Topographic Map.jpg
Spawning Shadowmane Fjordur Asgard.svg

Common        Rare
  Untameable   Cave

The Shadowmane is a tameable fish-like feline creature introduced in Genesis: Part 2, that is also found on Fjordur. It can gain the Hydrated buff, granting them stat bonuses while in the water, and can also poison attackers with its Thornmail Poison. The Shadowmane's signature ability is being able to turn itself, its rider, and in some cases other creatures around it, invisible. It can be tamed non-violently using a  Fish Basket.


Now that is one formidable looking predator.
I think it's some kind of chimera -- part cat, part spiny tropical fish, all trouble.
It seems to have unusually good camouflaging abilities, too.
What would you name something like that?
How about...'shadowmane'?

~  HLN-A


The Shadowmane is both feline and aquatic in appearance, with a strong resemblance to both lions and lionfish. This vibrantly colored creature sports a frilled mane, which is more pronounced on males, and bears the strongest of the similarities with lionfish - alongside the similar frills upon its legs and back. It also features a slim, spiked tail, tipped with a small fin. Their thick skin is patterned with splotchy stripes, and in darkness, their face, front fin, and spots across their body glow.

Color Scheme and Regions

This section displays the Shadowmane's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Shadowmane. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Shadowmane will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Shadowmane's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Shadowmane's "main body" magenta.

Shadowmane (Male) PaintRegion0.png

Region 0:
Main Bodyข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

X mark.svg

Region 1 is not used
for this Creature.

Shadowmane (Male) PaintRegion2.png

Region 2:
Glowing Spotsข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

No image available.svg

Region 3:
Body Highlights
No natural colors

Shadowmane (Male) PaintRegion4.png

Region 4:
Bellyข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

Shadowmane (Male) PaintRegion5.png

Region 5:
Backข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

This section displays the Shadowmane's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Shadowmane. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Shadowmane will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID. This information can be used to alter the Shadowmane's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Shadowmane's "main body" magenta.

Shadowmane (Female) PaintRegion0.png

Region 0:
Main Bodyข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

X mark.svg

Region 1 is not used
for this Creature.

Shadowmane (Female) PaintRegion2.png

Region 2:
Glowing Spotsข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

No image available.svg

Region 3:
Body Highlights
No natural colors

Shadowmane (Female) PaintRegion4.png

Region 4:
Bellyข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่

Shadowmane (Female) PaintRegion5.png

Region 5:
Backข้อผิดพลาดสคริปต์: ฟังก์ชัน "colors" ไม่มีอยู่


Shadowmane travels either alone, or in groups up to 3. They can pack up with other Shadowmane in close enough range, but the highest level male will always be the alpha of the pack. If they find a target, they will chase after it, teleporting and shocking it. The shock will dismount survivors off of their mounts when given the chance. When it reaches nighttime, most will cloak with invisibility akin to the  Rock Drake, but perfectly invisible to the eye, the only thing you can identify them by are glowing footprints corresponding to the gender of the Shadowmane wherever they walk. When provoked in this state, they will have no problem uncloaking to lash out at the target. Though during the day, Shadowmane will rest for the majority of the time the sun is up, but this does not stop them from being just as dangerous at day as they are at night.



Bite/Claw Swipe
  • While moving, the Shadowmane bites or hits the target for 35 damage. While standing still, one of four claw attacks are used; left/right side-swipe and left/right down-swipe. Side-Swipes deal more damage than bite attacks, down-swipes deal the most damage overall. Claw attack used while standing still is randomized.
  • Shadowmanes possess a combo bar, that charges whenever a hit is successfully landed on a creature, decaying over time if not landing any blows.
  • Can be used every 1s by a rider, or 1.2s by AI.
Finishing Strike
Hold LeftRTR2
  • When the combo bar is fully charged, it flashes purple and the Shadowmane enters a frenzied, aggressive posture, its claws and eyes glowing with Element-charged light.
  • Frenzied, the regular melee attack may be charged to deal roughly 4 times the regular damage.
  • If the strike lands a killing blow, the bar instantly refills and allows it to be performed a second time. This can repeat indefinitely as long as killing blows are continued.
  • If the strike does not kill the target, then a Slowdown/Bleed is applied.
  • Can be used underwater.
  • Can be used every 1s by a rider, or 1.2s by AI.
Warp Strike
  • The Shadowmane warps with an Element-charged burst, dealing 50 damage and briefly stunning the targets for 8 seconds.
  • Riders of stunned creatures are forced to dismount, with a 50 second immunity preventing dismount-locking.
  • Tap once to mark a single specific target with a reticle; tap second time (or hold to charge) to execute the attack. Charging the attack lets it chain up to 7 different targets simultaneously.
  • Can be used underwater. Does not stun Corrupted Creatures.
  • Can be used every 15s (+ 2s for each AoE target; max 29s) by a rider, or 4s by AI.
X, Press and Hold Right Stick
Mate-boosted males only
  • The male roars, ไฟล์:Roar Boosted.png Roar Boosting all nearby allied survivors and creatures for 30 seconds.
  • Roar Boosted allies recover 50  Stamina and  Torpidity per second, and have their speed increased by 50%.
  • Additionally, allied Shadowmanes in the roar's radius (20 meters) gain the Pack Mate buff for 45 seconds. Damage caused by their  Thornmail Poison is doubled.
  • The caster does not have to be the pack's alpha.
  • There is 28 seconds of cooldown between roars. Attempting to use again before the cooldown expires results in a failed animation and a hoarse roar.
  • Roaring Shadowmane (and others if they're extremely close) sometimes get a second buff (even if roar fails) that further increases  Melee Damage for 5 seconds.
  • Cannot be used underwater.
X, Click Right Stick
20 + 5/sStamina.png
  • The Shadowmane crouches down, slowing to a sneaking crawl, but completely hiding itself and its rider from enemy sights.
  • The only tell-tale signs of the Shadowmane's presence are the soft noises it makes, and the faintly glowing footprints left behind while walking. Allies see a vague outline of the cloaked Shadowmane along with its rider.
  • Upon entering the state, creatures chasing you lose track of you and your Shadowmane, provided you do not attack them and move far away enough out of their melee range before activating.
  • Accidental bumps into enemy creatures do not trigger aggression.
  • Can be used underwater.
  • Mate-boosted females only: Holding the activation key applies the Cloaked effect to every ally within 20 meters, regardless of size. Cloaked allies move at their normal speed. The Cloak is removed from the group if the female exits her stalking animation or the ally moves beyond her range.
Charge Jump
Hold SpaceACross
  • Hold the jump button to charge up the jump, then aim the cursor in the direction you want to go. Direction can be influenced before the jump is executed not only by the camera, but with the movement keys as well. Once airborne, direction can also be changed slightly via the movement keys.
  • Shadowmane is immune to fall damage for a duration after activating, but this immunity will eventually run out. Leaping off the top of a mountain can see this happen, but fall damage is minimal, and won't be lethal if your Shadowmane is at full health.
  • The Charge Jump can be used underwater.


 Natural Armor:

All Shadowmanes have a varying amount of natural armor, and this effect takes the place of a saddle. The strength of the Shadowmane's natural armor is dependent on its base level after taming or from birth, before any experience points are gained to increase maximum level; with higher base levels generally having higher armor ratings. Due to this natural armor, Shadowmanes can be surprisingly tanky for their size, as most other tames require special saddles, looted or crafted from blueprints obtained from Supply Crates, to match or surpass the cat's resistances. The armor rating is capped at 80.0, and it is not inherited from parents after breeding (a high enough base level in the offspring, however, will guarantee reaching the armor cap regardless).

 Thornmail Poison:

Aside from the natural armor rating, Shadowmanes come equipped with a special debuff to compliment their resistances:  Thornmail Poison. This debuff is applied to any attackers that land a hit on it for 7 seconds stacking up to 5 times, appearing as a pink cloud shrouding the victim. The poison does two things: slowly damages the victim for 10 damage a second, and decreases the damage dealt by their attacks by 15% per stack, capping out at around 50% damage reduction at 5 stacks. It is one of the few status effects that can be afflicted to both Bosses and Titans.

The damage over time applied to aggressors is useful in long-term engagements, but not nearly as useful as bleeds like Gnashed, or reflection damage from the Kentrosaurus or Arthropleura; dealing a far lower percentage of health loss than its competitors, but it can stack alongside these effects for added damage, landing it a useful spot as a support debuff in team strategy situations. Strangely enough the damage dealt also produces a knockback effect against smaller targets as well, each time the damage ticks. By far the more useful half of Thornmail Poison, however, is the damage reduction it applies to enemy attacks, capable of heavily nerfing what would otherwise be very serious blows, reducing even the damage from percentage-based special attacks (such as the  DodoRex's Fire Breath).

ไฟล์:Status effects Hydrated:

Further complimenting their natural armor and Thornmail debuff, just like the Spinosaurus, Shadowmanes also have access to the Hydrated buff: increasing their Speed, Health Regeneration, and Damage constantly while in contact with water, and for 30 seconds after leaving it. Alongside the Hydration buff, the Shadowmane, despite having an oxygen stat that its base levels are wastefully drained into (but does not appear within the level-up point options), does not utilize the oxygen stat and just like the Baryonyx: is incapable of drowning (apparently breathing underwater with the gills on its neck). Lastly, Shadowmanes have access to the Pack Leader buff, which is applied to the highest leveled male within a certain radius, with at least one other allied Shadowmane nearby, regardless of whether it's a male or female. Pack Leader, unlike Pack Mate, is a constant passive buff to the alpha male, as long as he remains nearby to an allied female.

Base Stats and Growth

Attribute Base Value Level Increase Taming Bonus
Wild Tamed Additive Multiplicative
 Health 825 +165 +5.4% 0.07
 Stamina 450 +45 +10%
 Oxygen 150 +15 ?
 Food 1500 +150 +10%
 Weight 425 +8.5 +4%
 Melee Damage 35 +1.75 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
 Movement Speed 100% N/A +1%
 Torpidity 700 +42 N/A 0.5
Base Speed Sprinting Speed Stamina
Wild Tamed1 Tamed2 Wild Tamed1 Tamed2
Walking 375 375 375 1500 1875 1875 -4
Swimming 500 500 500 1400 1750 1750 -3
  • For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see Base Creature Statistics.
  • For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see Creature Stats Calculation.
  • 1These are the base speeds of the creature at 100% Movement Speed.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature tamed and non-imprinted.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.


Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]


The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.


Similarly to the  Rock Drake, the Shadowmane stalks players using its invisibility, the only two distinct ways to tell if it's stalking someone is via its pawprint, or the distinct faint sound it makes. The Shadowmanes invisibility is almost perfect, unlike the  Rock Drake.

Shadowmanes are stealthy pack hunters with the capability to teleport to their targets and stun dinos, which will dismount riders. The highest level also gets an alpha boost akin to the Allosaurus, and when factoring in a likely mate boost for the whole pack, they can deal a high amount of damage. All of these factors can make a survivor's first encounter against them to be catastrophic as several tames can not match up to a pack of Shadowmanes, and none of them can escape once the rampage has started.

A single Shadowmane is much less threatening without a pack as their damage drops considerably without a mate boost and alpha bonus, but they can still stun dinos to disrupt the player's control of the fight. They are also incapable of targeting players some distance in the air beyond their teleport range, and since the Federation Tek Suit is provided to all survivors, it is easy for survivors to use this to their advantage to pick them off or escape a tight spot.

There are some attacks from other creatures that can bypass the Shadowmane's armor. Some include a Mek's attacks that somehow deal full damage when they are alone and potentially a stegosaurus with the sharpened plate mode since it can ignore saddle armor.

Their warp attack can be avoided if the player moves erratically while either trying to dodge it or flee from it. Fleeing from a Shadowmane in a straight line makes a player highly likely in getting hit with its warp attack.

The Shadowmane usually spawn in groups of two to three, making it difficult to engage without many casualties. Running from aggressive Shadowmanes is also not a viable option, as their teleport allows them to keep up with a sprinting survivor easily- even with the benefits of tek gear equipped. Their warp distance seems to be most effective on ground and in water. At a certain point in the sky they cannot follow and will quickly de-aggro. If you're still using the basic Federation Tek Suit, take to the skies above all else to get away or to shoot from afar.

Relying on a powerful ridden tame such as a Rex to take down a group of Shadowmanes is a poor choice since they are capable of stunning a Rex and dismounting the rider. The same goes for essentially any other creature. With this in mind, using a group of tames such as Allosaurus can be more effective, though a dismounted player is at the Shadowmane's mercy if they are in the fray.

Giganotosaurus is also a good choice if you want to squad wipe them solo without having too much hassle.

Supporting some tanky tames from afar with a ranged weapon such as the Tek Bow or Fabricated Sniper Rifle will ensure the player's safety while dealing optimal damage to take down Shadowmanes.


  • Hide
  • Keratin
  • Raw Meat


For general information about domesticating a wild creature, see Taming.

Shadowmanes are tamed non-violently, rather than through the usual methods.

Shadowmanes are inactive during the day, and can be seen resting. To tame the creature, you need a filled  Fish Basket with 0.5+ weight fish of any kind (Take more than you think you will need its better to have too much fish than not enough). Larger fish WILL tame faster. With the basket in the last slot of your hotbar, carefully approach the Shadowmane while it is asleep (the creature is aggressive) and feed it. When you approach it, it must be from it's behind or back. If you approach it from the front, it will aggro. Be mindful of other aggressive dinos which will either target the survivor or Shadowmane. It's not yet certain which variable is true, but either the level of the fish or the size of the fish determines how much taming affinity it provides; the larger and/or higher level the fish, the more affinity provided. You will need many filled fish baskets for the tame, so prepare ahead of time.

To reduce the chance of it detecting you, wear a full set of  Ghillie Armor and crouch towards it while its resting (Use  Bug Repellant if possible before attempting in order to deter aggro from the area's several insects.) Try to approach from its sides or rear when approaching with the fish basket to further reduce being detected. If it wakes up while you are close, immediately try to sprint away as the Shadowmane takes a few moments before grabbing any aggro. Be careful if there are other Shadowmanes, as even one Shadowmane being alerted will wake the entire pack up. It's advised to clear out unwanted creatures, including other Shadowmanes, before initiating the tame; they will aggro onto most herbivores such as Stegosaurus and Pachyrhinosaurus, as well as small creatures and corpses.

As soon as it feeds, it will immediately walk elsewhere (they become invisible). Keeping track with the Taming tracking system is vital, as you don't want to be too close when they break out of stealth. If Shadowmane attacks a player, all taming progress is NOT lost and taming effectiveness is NOT reset, although, taming progress resets to 0% when you wake it up even if it doesn't follow you. However, they can attack other creatures without losing taming progress, but lone Shadowmanes are likely to die if they attack a pack of Stegos.

The Shadowmane is quite variable in its resting times, though if there is nothing in the area to attract their attention, they seem to rest for at least 20 seconds. It's important to be close enough to capitalize on these resting periods, but far enough away to not get its attention at unwanted times.

Tip: As of right now they seem to keep the resources they gather from dead creatures around them. By bringing them enough victims to feed on they will become encumbered and unable to act, making taming a much easier task. Ovis are an excellent creature to feed it if you have enough disposable sheep, since they harvest for very heavy pelt and can encumber the creature very quickly. Building gates around them to prevent them from walking away invisible is also a good strategy.

You could also build a trap out of stone with doorframes 2 high, and ramps on the bottom for you to get in, because if you walk from the ground to a foundation it seems like that wakes it up. You would want to lure it by gaining aggro and then make it teleport in, and net gun it. Make sure to clear the area while it is netted to make sure it doesn't teleport out. This makes sure that when it goes invisible, it won’t wander off to somewhere dangerous.



Whether it's for PvE or PvP, despite their smaller size, Shadowmanes bring big benefits to the table, and are a must-have for many a combat endeavor. Their unique cocktail of potent stats, passives, and abilities allow them to fill a wide variety of niches to the benefit of any tribe that takes the time to properly tame and breed these vicious chimeric carnivores. With the added benefit of  Mutagen being accessible in their native map, Shadowmanes can quickly take a top-tier position among your collection of tames.

As a damage dealer: Although their base damage of 35 seems rather meager, when their high stat gains, Mate-Boost, and Pack Mate buff from a male's roar is taken into account, coupled with their swift attack speed; Shadowmanes can manage a surprisingly effective DPS rating that can put them on par with a Rex (albeit their attack radius is small by comparison). Secondly their access to the Hydrated buff from a quick dip in water can turn this already effective killing machine into a true meat grinder; capable of quickly slaughtering some of even the hardiest of opponents. Along with their various special attacks and abilities, Shadowmanes can prove a formidable foe to your many enemies, wild or tamed alike (Level primarily Damage, and some Health).

As a support tank: With their relatively smaller size, it might first be hard to imagine the Shadowmane performing as a tank, let alone arguably better than their potential as damage dealers, but appearances can be deceiving. Fully leveled with a health pool that can compete with a Reaper, and sporting natural armor that's roughly 3x more protective than the average saddle, Shadowmanes can take an absolute beating and keep on going. The real kicker that cements their place as a top-tier tank is not so much their stats and armor, but more so their Thornmail Poison. Passively applied to attackers for seven seconds after contact, and able to stack its effects up to 5 times, Thornmail Poison simultaneously damages opponents over time, and greatly reduces the damage they deal with their attacks. Not only can this cripple the attack power of the average overland opponent, but Thornmail Poison also applies to Bosses and Titans, even reducing the damage output of percentage-based special attacks like the Dragon's fire breath. With the inclusion of a mate-boosted male to provide their Roar Boosted buff to nearby allies, Shadowmanes excel in this role (Level primarily Health. For Boss fights, pair a small pride with other Bossing tames such as Rexes, Yutyrannus, Mammoths, and Deinonychus).

For stealth: With their ability to turn perfectly invisible, and a mate-boosted female's ability to apply the Cloaked status effect to other tames, Shadowmanes can very easily be used for dirty tricks and unfair advantages in the world of tribal warfare. Ambushes can be planned and placed, and an entire war party can sneak up unseen. Naturally this also makes the Shadowmane a natural-born scout, and with their jumping prowess and masterful mobility on land or sea, they're equipped to scope out and survey nearly any enemy position, and make a clean getaway when required.


The Shadowmane has amazing mobility perks, possessing formidable maneuverability on land, astonishing jumping prowess, and surprising speed in the water, on par with even the  Ichthyosaurus. Its ability to handle nearly any terrain with ease is arguably matched by the ease with which it handles the threats found in them; more than capable of defending itself and its rider against most, and certainly capable of fleeing or outright avoiding what threats it can't altogether. Caution should still be taken while underwater as Electrophorus can shock to hinder its movement and Cnidaria can permanently stun lock the Shadowmane until death. It is advised to use the dash to attack them first if attacking them is a necessity. Otherwise, avoid confrontation. Aside from making one of the best personal transports around, the Shadowmane is capable of carrying two more passengers behind the rider, similar to the Gallimimus; and more often than not has the Weight gain percentages to handle the load with ease.


With its potent mix of combat, stealth, and all-terrain capability, the Shadowmane makes for an outright masterful cave delver to retrieve  Artifacts for their respective boss fights, provided it can fit in whatever cave the artifact is in. Its Shadow Cloak ability is perhaps the most useful tool at its disposal for this role, as it can quite literally sneak in, grab the artifact, and slink back out of the cave without even drawing the aggression of a single enemy creature (to ensure 100% invisibility uptime, ride a female and bring a male with her, and use her group-applied Cloaked ability, so when you dismount her you stay invisible and won't reveal your presence). The Shadowmane can take even the most difficult and grueling of caves, like The Caverns of Lost Hope, and turn it into a walk in the park.


Resource Efficiency
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat ?


Crafting Light.png บทความ/เนื้อหานี้อยู่ระหว่างการดำเนินการ
เนื้อหาดังกล่าวอาจมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงบางอย่าง จะถูกอัปเดตข้อมูลในอีกไม่กี่ชั่วโมงหรือไม่กี่วันข้างหน้า


Patch Changes
329.5 Shadowmane is added to the game.
331.1 Fixed an edge case bug where feeding the Shadowmane would not result in an affinity gain.
331.11 Shadowmane baby food consumption has been reduced.
334.3 Reworked the Shadowmane leap so that it works better on servers with low framerate and fixed a bug where it would jump too far in some cases.
336.12 Fixed a bug where Wild Shadowmanes would no longer use their teleport attack.
  • Reduced the range the stun attack can target horizontally by 20%
  • Increased the (holding Space, A, Cross) jump distance by 20%
  • Reduced how many targets the Shadowmane can chain stun when right-click is held to 7 targets from 15 targets.
  • Increased cooldown of teleport attack from 4.5 seconds to 15 seconds and each target added increases the cooldown by 2 seconds rather than 1 second.
  • Increased the length of the immunity buff after a player has been stunned by the Shadowmane from 30 seconds to 50 seconds.
  • Reduced passive creature armor from 124 to 80 and reduces its armor gained per level by 35%
  • Fixed a bug where Cosmetics on the Shadowmane would not retain their colour.


  • Shadowmanes are not truly invisible sporting a glow representative of their genders and footprints appear as they move
  • Shadowmanes are one of the creatures whose gender can easily be differentiated by its appearance, the other being the  Megaloceros.
  • The design of the Shadowmane appears to be a twist on the real-life lionfish. It has physical anatomy very similar to a lion, while at the same time bearing the fins/barbs of a lionfish as its "mane", as well as other fish-like features on its body.
  • The code name for the Shadowmane is Lionfish Lion.
  • The Shadowmane, the  Pachyrhinosaurus, the  Rock Drake and the  Desmodus are the only creatures with the ability to camouflage.
  • The Thornmail Poison is reminiscent of Lionfish as they use poison barbs to deter and even kill potential predators.
  • The Shadowmane may also be partially inspired by Displacer Beast from the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons. Displacer Beasts resemble cats with alien tentacles, and are capable of optical camouflage. however, displacer beasts dp this by making it look like they're a few feet away from where they actually are, "displacing" their appearance, but not fully going invisible
  • Shadowmanes oddly enough will drop  Thylacoleo Hook-Claw if killed while unconscious.
  • If knocked out and forcefully put to sleep, as well as killing it, the taming bar will clarify "Feed Fish When Naturally Asleep To Tame"
  • Shadowmanes are one of two creatures to possess Natural armor in place of Saddle, the other being  Fenrir.

