피오르두르는 Steam과 Xbox One, PS4 / PS5, 에픽 게임즈, 구글 스태디아에 출시 예정인 무료 맵 DLC입니다.
ARK: Survival Evolved 위키
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당신은 "아크"라고 불리는 불가사의한 섬의 해변에서 눈을 떴습니다. 그곳에서 당신은 굶주림, 헐벗음, 추위 속에서 살아남아야 합니다. 당신의 모든 기술과 지혜를 이용하여 수많은 거대한 공룡들과 원시 생명체들을 해치우고 길들이며 올라타십시오. 사냥하고, 자원을 채집하고, 물건을 제작하고, 농사를 짓고, 기술을 연구하고, 날씨에 견디고 귀중품을 보관할 주거지를 건설하십시오. 살아남기 위해 다른 사람들과 협력하고(혹은 이용하고) 지배하십시오. 그리고... 탈출하십시오!
이 게임은 ‘앞서 해보기’로 출시된 지 2년 뒤인 2017년 8월 29일에 출시되었습니다. 스팀, 엑스박스 게임스 스토어, 플레이스테이션 4, 모바일 기기, 닌텐도 스위치에서 이용가능 하며 오픈월드 공룡 생존 게임으로 계속해서 업데이트되고 있습니다.로스트 아일랜드는 Steam 과 Xbox One, PS4 / PS5, 에픽 게임즈, 구글 스태디아에서 이용 가능한 무료 맵 DLC입니다.
제네시스: 파트 2는 Steam 과 Xbox One, PS4 / PS5, 에픽 게임즈, 구글 스태디아 에서 이용가능한 유료 확장팩입니다.
아크 파크는 지금도 공룡이 살아 숨쉬고 지구를 돌아다니는 경험을 느낄 수 있는 VR 체험입니다. 플레이어는 고대의 수많은 공룡들을 가까이서 직접 볼 수 있는 여행을 떠납니다.
공식 웹사이트: arkparkvr.com
개발: Snail Games's Peacock Studio
이 이벤트는 현재 진행중이거나 발표되었습니다.
아크: PAX 파티가 종료되었습니다.
ARK: PAX Party features 3x XP, Harvesting, Taming, and Breeding (Imprint, Maturation, Hatch/Gestation), 0.5x Mating Interval and 3x Hexagon Bonus on the weekends.
PC, Linux
Version: 358.25
- Undocumented: unkown change list. This update has not been delivered to Epic Games Store version.
Xbox One
Version: Xbox 962.3
Evolved Sequence Completed : Ascension Imminent : ARK Survival Ascended Respawn Timer Initiated : Recharge Mode Engaged : Sleep well, Survivors, Nighty Night x :
- Undocumented: Support for official servers has been removed, as the server network has been shut down in preparation for ARK: Survival Ascended.
Playstation 4
Version: PS 716.3
Evolved Sequence Completed : Ascension Imminent : ARK Survival Ascended Respawn Timer Initiated : Recharge Mode Engaged : Sleep well, Survivors, Nighty Night x :
- Undocumented: Support for official servers has been removed, as the server network has been shut down in preparation for ARK: Survival Ascended.
Version: Mobile:2.0.29
Released - February 7th, 2024
- Minor bug fixes and stability improvements
Version: Switch 620.0
Note: re-released the 6th August, 2024 listed as 2.0.14 on Nintendo Store without additional notes.
- Adds support for Genesis Part 2
- NEW STORY-ORIENTED MISSIONS: A holographic guide, HLN-A, voiced by Madeleine Madden (“The Wheel of Time”), offers a wide array of engaging new story-oriented missions at varying difficulty levels, as Survivors build up strength for a final battle with Rockwell, voiced by David Tennant (“Doctor Who”). Complete missions to earn map-wide bonuses and Hexagons, which can be spent for extra resources, Engram Points, TEK items, travel between environments, and more. Discover Explorer Notes and environmental cues along the way to learn even more about the ARK saga history.
- EXPANSIVE WORLDS TO CONQUER: Emerge from the Genesis Part I simulation into a gargantuan starship filled with unique biomes, including beautiful elysian fields, an exotic twilight realm of highly evolved lifeforms, the depths of outer-space, and even the innards of the ever-expanding Rockwell himself. Whether it’s sentient alien plants, Rockwell’s digestive fluids, or asteroids warping in from intergalactic space travel, each biome presents unique hazards, but also opportunities to acquire new resources and creatures — including the powerful new ‘Mutagen’ that enables you to further evolve your existing tames!
- STRANGE NEW CREATURES: The vast expanses of Genesis Part 2’s world is filled with brain-controlling Noglins, elegant high-tech Stryders, the cuddly mobile-nursery Maewing, and even the laser-shooting, bomb-blasting, barrel-rolling Astrodelphis starfighter — among other fantastical new creatures and evolved R-Variants of old favorites!
- POWERFUL NEW GEAR: As you brave the many dangers of this new world, you’ll gain access to powerful new tools to aid you. You’ll learn how to place remote cameras, pull off tricks with a floating skateboard-like Hoversail, take care of your eggs with the high-tech Incubator, shoot arrows made of pure energy with the Tek Bow, even engage in a Real Time Strategy command mode within the new Exo-Mek — and far, far more!
- Adds the Rhyniognatha, which will be spawning around The Island
- Undocumented: all other yet non-released DLC map names were removed from the single player menu.