ARK: Survival Evolved/Patch/279.233
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Minor version
Mar 27, 2018
- Eggcellent Adventure content, available for Unofficials with commandline: -ActiveEvent=Easter (not enabled yet on official servers, TBA)
- Multiple mesh/base exploit fixes
- Raptor Pack Buff now lasts for 45 seconds
- Global Banlist URL has been updated to
- Fix Raptor Basic Attack audio
- Fixed Aberrant trike colourization
- Sarco can now hurt target on roll even if it can't carry it
- Fix for crash when equipping empty folder
- Updated Argent claw grab back to original weight restrictions
- Fixes for forceflee from Parasaur
- Fixes for Parasaur not attacking targets when ordered to
- Raptor can no longer pounce very small things like insects
- Fix for trike getting stuck charging
- Players can no longer build in the puzzle cave on Ragnarok
- Spino Hydration buff timing out while in water
- Pinned target no longer stays down if Raptor is killed
- Removed pounces while being carried
- Fix for Argent grabbing through walls