SS Tek Shield Generator
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This article is about SS Tek Shield Generator, not to be confused with S+ Tek Shield Generator
Stack size
Spawn Command
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/StructuresPlusMod/Misc/Forcefield/PrimalItemStructure_TekForcefield.PrimalItemStructure_TekForcefield'" 1 0 0
75 × Element
150 × Black Pearl
The SS Tek Shield Generator is a structure from the Super Structures Mod.
This structure has all the features of its vanilla counterpart, the Tek Forcefield.
Enhanced Features
- Can be powered by an SS Tek Generator in addition to Element
- Shield is separate from the shield generator, so the generator won't be destroyed when the shield is destroyed.
- The Shield will regenerate health 10 min after taking damage (INI adjustable)
- The Shield will respawn 1 hour after destruction as long as the generator wasn't destroyed.
- Can be placed on rafts & saddles (INI adjustable)
- Protects against radiation on Aberration (INI adjustable)
- Timer is turned off by default but can be turned back on with a customizable time period.
INI Options
Place these INI options at the bottom of your gameusersettings.ini (For servers, it has to be on the server) You must include the [SuperStructures] header. You only need to include this if you wish to override the defaults, and you only need to include entries that are different.
Name | Description | Possible Values | Default Value |
ShieldRespawnDelayInSeconds | Time until the shield will respawn after being destroyed | 1-86400 | 3600 |
ShieldRegenDelayInSeconds | Time until the shield begins to regenerate health after being damaged | 1-86400 | 86400 |
ShieldHealth | Health of the shield, the health of the structure itself is automatically 10% of this number | 1-999999999 | 250000 |
ShieldPowerUpTimeInSeconds | The amount of time it takes to activate the Shield. By default is turned off. | -1 is off, 1-86400 | -1 |
MinShieldPlacementDistanceInFoundations | The minimum distance between two shield generators. Only applies to distance between SS Tek Shield Generators. | 1-50 | 8 |
DisableShieldPlacementOnRaftsAndSaddles | Will disable the ability to place shields on rafts & saddles. (Only applies to SS Tek Shield Generator) | true/false | false |
DisableShieldRadiationProtection | Will stop the SS Shield from protecting against Aberration radiation. | true/false | false |