Eternal Dolphin

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Eternal Dolphin
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Mod Ark Eternal Eternal Dolphin Image.jpg
These values may differ with what you see in-game or written elsewhere. But that is what the dossier says.
Common Name
Eternal Dolphin
Delphinidus Aeternus
Time Period
Mid Cenozoic
Added by Ark Eternal
Dino Tag
Spawns From
Spawn Command
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Eternal/Sea/Dolphin/Eternal_Dolphin_Character_BP.Eternal_Dolphin_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Special Loot Drops
Special Loot Chance
The Island Topographic Map.jpg
Mod Ark Eternal Spawning Eternal Dolphin The Island.svg
The Center Topographic Map.jpg
Mod Ark Eternal Spawning Eternal Dolphin The Center.svg
Ragnarok Ocean Topographic Map.jpg
Mod Ark Eternal Spawning Eternal Dolphin Ragnarok.svg
Valguero Topographic Map.jpg
Mod Ark Eternal Spawning Eternal Dolphin Valguero.svg
Crystal Isles Topographic Map.jpg
Mod Ark Eternal Spawning Eternal Dolphin Crystal Isles.svg
Common        Rare
  Untameable   Cave

Creature Information

Two-toned creatures that can be knocked out and tamed. When killed, they drop the  Ancient Orbs. Mainly utility creatures. Eternal Ankylo smelts metal in inventory. This is activated when there is a saddle on and you activate it from the radial menu when you hold E.

Eternal Therizino can craft tranq items and consumables related to taming in inventory.

Eternal Jerboa has a wander craft ability simply put  Azulberry into its inventory and set it to wander and it will craft all vanilla dyes.

Same taming mechanism as vanilla counterpart. Same food priority. Adjusted Affinity Effectiveness to x20 to match level 600 wild creatures.Also Includes Mod foods as well.

  • Crafter - Better harvesting, big carry weight. Orange-Brown / Black or Blue creatures.
  • Earth - Ability to break rocks, immense strength & carry weight.
  • Eternal - Creatures with special abilities.
  • Fire - Deals fire damage over time. Red / Black creatures.
  • Poison - Web Root, torpor, stamina drain. Green / Black creatures.
  • Water - 200% faster. Yellow / Black creatures.

Eternal Dolphin Has Sonar ability of Parasaur when using Right Click also Grants Rider unlimited Oxygen. Knockout Tame not Passive like vanilla.