Ancient DodoRex Minions

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Mod Ark Eternal Ancient DodoRex Minions.png
Ancient DodoRex Minion
Mod Ark Eternal Ancient DodoRex Minion Image.jpgMod Ark Eternal Ancient DodoRex Minion Image.jpg
Mod Ark Eternal Ancient DodoRex Minion Image.jpg
These values may differ with what you see in-game or written elsewhere. But that is what the dossier says.
Common Name
Ancient DodoRex Minion
Dominium Raphus Antiquus Adsignatos
Time Period
Mid Cenozoic
Added by Ark Eternal
Dino Tag
Spawn Command
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Ancient/DodoRex/Ancient_DodoRex_Minion_Character_BP.Ancient_DodoRex_Minion_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Special Loot Drops
Special Loot Chance

Creature Information

Ancient creatures that only can be summoned from the  Eternal Boss Summoner (Mod:Ark Eternal). They give extra experience to their riders once tamed. Summons at random levels, can be knocked out and tamed.

Tames with  Ancient Orb (Mod:Ark Eternal) at x15 affinity and will also eat  Raw Prime Meat after tame, as food.

15% Damage Reduction.

Learning buff that improves EXP gain for 1 hour when ridden.

Same immunities as Prime/Spectral.

Requires Prime Elemental or above to KO.

Spawns from the parent creature.