Spectral Rabbit

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Mod Ark Eternal Spectral Rabbit.png
Spectral Rabbit
Mod Ark Eternal Spectral Rabbit Image.jpgMod Ark Eternal Spectral Rabbit Image.jpg
Mod Ark Eternal Spectral Rabbit Image.jpg
These values may differ with what you see in-game or written elsewhere. But that is what the dossier says.
Common Name
Spectral Rabbit
Lepus Opacus
Time Period
Mid Cenozoic
Added by Ark Eternal
Dino Tag
Evolves From
Spawn Command
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/AE/Dinos/Special/Rabbit/SpectralRabbit/Spectral_Rabbit_AE_Character_BP.Spectral_Rabbit_AE_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35

1 Has to be evolved.

Creature Information

Slightly stronger than Prime. 10% chance for one to spawn when killing a wild Prime. Tameable, same affinity as Primes.

Upon death has a 10% chance of spawning a Resurrected Dino!

Has 10% Damage Reduction.

Spectral Tier Typically Spawned by killing a Prime Resurrected or InDominus creature of its type with a 10% chance to spawn, Knocked out by Prime Elemental creatures or Prime Tranqs and up. Immune to all else.

Spectral Rabbit, evolved from Fertile Rabbit by placing a  Silver Carrot (Mod:Ark Eternal) in its costume slot. Lays unfertilised eggs of all dinos and when you put a golden carrot in its costume slot on a male and female both it will enable wandering to mate which will produce fertilized eggs of random dinos when laid. Fertislied Eggs are currently disabled until a bug fix can be narrowed down.