Mobile:Creature Revival

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Creature Revival
Creature Revival.jpg

Revive a recently deceased creature!

Creature Revival is a feature in ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile.


To revive a recently deceased creature, the  Creature Implant must be taken to an  Obelisk or a  Revival Platform. It can then be revived for a certain amount of  Ancient Amber. Creatures that require a small amount of  Ancient Amber can be revived by targeting their corpse instead of taking the  Creature Implant to an  Obelisk or  Revival Platform



  • Reviving any aquatic creature above ground will kill them.
  • Revival platform can also be useful when taming any creature, metal walls or doorways can be built around the platform, so any creature bigger then the doorway will stuck and very easy to tranq, as long as you already get the creature implant.
  • Most creature when revived will retain the same stat as before it was killed.
  •  Giganotosaurus,  Rex and  Royal Griffin cannot be revived at a  Revival Platform and only at an  Obelisk.