Bosque del Cráter (Extinction)

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Cráter del Bosque
Crater Forest (Extinction).jpg
Un Gacha solitario come en el Bosque del Cráter.
Extinction Topographic Map.jpg

El Cráter del Bosque (Crater Forest en la versión original del juego) es una de las ubicaciones disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


Crater Forest is a dungeon region in the northwest of the Extinction map and home of the Gacha. The landscape is slightly reminiscent of Aberration. It is more like a vast verdant lost world, it has very good light levels so the Solar Powered Dino Leash works fine. There are plenty of bushes/plants etc, so berries are not in short supply. Wood and rock are in reasonable supply, metal and obsidian are not abundant and require some knowledge of the area. That's where the Gacha comes in useful - producing hard to get resources. One other thing you will notice is that there are not large numbers of wild creature spawns, so looking for large amounts of meat can be an issue. Access is located at 30.7, 24.3 and the path leading to The UnderForest, the deepest area, is called Crystal Path. It is the only region of Extinction where Troodon spawns and spawn in large groups they do! The Crater Forest is usually around 23 °C or 73 °F.


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  • Hay un Obelisco azul incrustado en la pared de la entrada del bosque, lo que significa que quizás fue un prototipo de ARK, como los otros dos que se encuentran en Extinction.

