Pasadizo Vil (Extinction)

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Pasadizo Vil
Vile Straight (Extinction).jpg
A brief respite from the surrounding terror of The Forbidden Zone.
Extinction Topographic Map.jpg

El Pasadizo Vil (Vile Straight en la versión original del juego) es una de las ubicaciones disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved. .


This is a region in the DLC Extinction. While it may seem safe at first, it can potentially be extremely dangerous due to Corrupted Wyverns spawning under the Map and attacking Survivors.


In Forbidden Zone (Extinction)


  • Corrupted Wyvern (Indirectly)

Corrupted Giganotosaurus and Corrupted Rex (Indirectly from The Grip of Torment


  • Oil
  • Stone


  • There are strange, organic fleshy growths on the roof of the tunnel, matching the theme of the Forbidden Zone.

