Instituto Bracken (Extinction)

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Instituto Bracken
Bracken Institution (Extinction).jpg
A Tek ruin on the top of the Mt. Bracken
Extinction Topographic Map.jpg

El Instituto Bracken Plantilla:Región Expansión


Este lugar es una ruina Tek situada en la cima del Monte Bracken. La entrada está en las coordenadas (37.6/89.7), tras subir los peldaños del Water Main, al sudeste de la Cúpula de Nieve.

You can build everywhere but beware of the very close boundaries.


No creature seems to spawn here, but some can come from the Mt. Bracken just underneath.

Muy comunes


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Muy poco comunes


Muy raras


There's no Water Source.

From Local Creatures


  • A City Terminal can be found at the end of the path.
  • Mei-Yin Note #8 is a the end of the path too.
  • You can gather Lampposts.

