Barracones (Extinction)

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Los Barracones Plantilla:Región Expansión.


It's a half-burried ruin of a blockhaus or hardened hangar, found in the Wasteland at (39.0/14.4).

You can build on the roof but you can't build inside. Due to the building restrictions, it's hard to enclose it perfectly. So you may use it for a rest but not for a base.

The main entrance is towards south and you can come in by a little tunnel by the north.

When you look towards south, you see the The Lowlands and the Control Center at roughly 100 meters.


You can find most of the creatures of the Wasteland, even the largest predators inside, as the southern entrance is very wide.

Muy comunes


Poco comunes

Muy poco comunes


Muy raras


Resources are scarce and you can gather only the most basics. You find no water.

Obtenidos de criaturas locales


  • The One Who Waits Explorer Note #18 at the most southern west corner of the roof.

