Paso Elevado (Extinction)

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Paso Elevado
Overpass (Extinction).jpg
Extinction Topographic Map.jpg

El Paso Elevado (Overpass en la versión original del juego) es una de las ubicaciones disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved. .


It's a plateau between the Crater Forest and the UnderForest after having overhung its river.

It's a quiet and flat area, in which you can easily tame Gachas or build a base, even if it's not the most luminous area of the underworld.

Blue bright columns, looking like Gacha's belly, are supporting the walls.


Muy comunes


Poco comunes

Very Uncommon


Very Rare


  • Berries
  • Crystal
  • Fiber
  • Flint
  • Fragmented Green Gem
  • Stone
  • Rare Mushroom
  • Seeds
  • Thatch
  • Wood

Obtenidos de criaturas locales

  • Chitin
  • Gacha Crystal
  • Hide
  • Keratin
  • Raw Meat


