ARK Wiki:Projects

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This is a list of community projects on ARK Wiki.

How to make a new project

Create a new subpage of this page with the name of the project:

  • New translation project:
  • Other new project:

The project page itself should be clear on what the project is trying to achieve. It may include things like:

  • An overview of what the project aims to do.
  • A detailed to-do list for the project.

Once the project page is ready, remember to add it to the list of current projects below.

Current projects

Translation projects

The ARK Wiki is currently being translated into the following 16 languages:

  • When translating, do not rely on online translating sites only, as they are often inaccurate. Let a native speaker (in case you are not one yourself) check the translations before saving if you do base them on online translators.

Translation projects status

Below is a list of the language translation projects for the Official ARK Wiki.

Note that the magic word {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} (10,139) does not accurately represent the number of articles of the English ARK Wiki, because it includes all non-English pages. The total number of English articles is 10,032.

Language (local) Language code
For information pertaining specifically to the real-world ISO 639-1, see the relevant Wikipedia article./639-3
No. of pages Project page Main page Status Notes
Arabic (العربية) ar 7
Arabic translation ARK Wiki/ar Abandoned
Chinese (中文) zh 24
Chinese translation ARK Wiki/zh Abandoned
Croatian (hrvatski jezik) hr 16
Croatian translation ARK Wiki/hr Abandoned
Dutch (Nederlands) nl 8
Dutch translation ARK Wiki/nl Abandoned
French (français) fr


French translation fr:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


German (Deutsch) de


German translation de:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Italian (Italiano) it


Italian translation it:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Japanese (日本語) ja


Japanese translation ja:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Korean (한국어) ko 49
Korean translation ARK Wiki/ko Abandoned
Polish (język polski) pl


Polish translation pl:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Portuguese (Português brasileiro) pt-br


Portuguese translation pt-br:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Russian (русский) ru


Russian translation ru:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Spanish (Español) es


Spanish translation es:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Swedish (Svenska) sv 1
Swedish translation ARK Wiki/sv Abandoned
Thai (ไทย) th


Thai translation th:ARK Wiki
Moved to subdomain


Ukrainian (Українська) uk 2
Ukrainian translation ARK Wiki/uk Abandoned


Status Description
Active In the past month, more than 50 translation edits have been made in the project language.
Inactive In the past month, from 10 to 50 translation edits have been made in the project language.
Abandoned In the past month, less than 10 translation edits have been made in the project language.