Talk:Alpha Megalodon

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Combat Changed

I know that this page needs an makeover anyway but still can somebody please confirm or disconfirm that alpha megalodons spawn Cnidarias?
I fought against a few of them now and Cnidarias seem to spawn out of nowhere when fighting the alpha Megalodon.
Its rather that or that they have a drawdistance for other predators that is really freaking high.
But I had the Cnidarias even appear when fighting in shallow waters, so I doubt its just the drawdistance.

Hope the layout is okay, just joined the wiki
--Roybin93 (talk) 20:41, 13 September 2017 (UTC)

I destroyed all Cnidaria on the map and then summoned an alpha megalodon to attack me. After letting it bit me for 5 minutes, no sign of the jellyfish, so I think it was just coincidence.
-- Mr Pie 5 (talk) 21:43, 13 September 2017 (UTC)
Megalodons share spawn groups with Cnidaria among other creatures. You can see this in the Spawn Maps when turning on "full spawn groups details". Alphas on the other hand are included in the Non-alpha population. Each time a normal creature spawns it has a chance of x percent to spawn as an alpha. So, when killing creatures this makes some space for new creatures to spawn according to their probability. That's the theory. In practice the spawn behavior isn't always well-balanced especially when DestroyWildDinos isn't executed regularly.
There are some creatures that spawn together with others, i.e. Yuty and Carnos as well as Basilo and Mantas. But the only creatures that can summon others are the bosses. So it is not very likely that fighting is the reason for appearing other creatures. --Flachdachs (talk) 21:52, 13 September 2017 (UTC)