Existing translations
Translations of articles can be found in the site navigation under "Other languages", or from the dropdown next to article title.
Guidelines to start a translation
If you would like to translate a page, first inform the administration team on the noticeboard or Wiki Discord (recommended). Then:
- Find the language code, or ask the administration team for one. For a list, please see:
- Create a new page with "/languagecode" added to the end of the pagename of the page you wish to translate.
If you want to translate the page "Water" to Spanish, you would create page "Water/es". Once the translation is big enough to be moved to its own wiki, this naming model can be abandoned in favour of fully translated titles. - Translate the text of the page and at the bottom of the page, add the page to the category:
[[Category:LANGUAGECODE translation]]
. This will put all translated pages of one language into a single category.- For example, translating a page to Spanish would have
[[Category:ES translation]]
added to the bottom of the edit.
- For example, translating a page to Spanish would have
If you have any issues or additional questions, please post them on Help talk:Translating/ar.
Separate wiki creation
A full, separate wiki will be created once following texts had been translated, and there is a person in place willing to be the administrator of that translated wiki and moderate it:
- Main page
- Articles linked on the main page
- Help:Contents, Help:Editing
- Translation of "Community Wiki" for the wiki logo
These tasks should be done by the translation team after a wiki is created for them:
- Translate these system messages: MediaWiki:Pagetitle, MediaWiki:Pagetitle-view-mainpage, MediaWiki:Copyright, MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning2, MediaWiki:Filedelete-reason-dropdown, MediaWiki:Deletereason-dropdown, MediaWiki:Licenses, MediaWiki:Sidebar, MediaWiki:Talkpagetext, MediaWiki:Theme-dark, MediaWiki:Theme-light, MediaWiki:Theme-dark-blue, MediaWiki:Theme-dark-gen2.
- Sign up on [1] to translate:
- data map user interfaces and edit warnings
- In future: theme system interface
- In future: notice text shown to anonymous users on edit attempts (asking to create an account).
Linking images
Please do not re-upload any files from the English wiki, as this often results in errors and wastes servers' disk space. Instead, create a file redirect and mark it with a LANGUAGECODE image redirects
For example to set up an image for Wood in French, Bois:
- Open File:Bois.png in your browser by typing it directly into the address bar.
- Create the page according to this template:
#REDIRECT [[File:Wood.png]][[Category:FR image redirects]]
. - Save the page. French Wiki should start showing the icon in around 10-20 minutes.