El Diente Congelado

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El Diente Congelado
Frozen Tooth.jpg
A steep mountain in the North-East
The Island Topographic Map.jpg

El Diente Congelado (The Frozen Tooth en la versión original del juego) es una de las ubicaciones disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved.


This place is a large mountain in the north-east with extremely high quantities of crystal deposits at and around the summit as well as a good source of obsidian. However caution is advised while attempting to descend the mountain, as it is extremely steep and quite easy to trip and fall. It also contains high volumes of metal near the summit.


The Frozen Tooth is surrounded by three mountains as well as a river and the Redwood Forest. To The North of the mountain is the snow biome and the Winter’s Mouth. To the South and East is forest and a river. Farther to the East is Far’s Peak. West of the Mountain is the Volcano. Past the River to the South is The Redwood Forests






  • Berries
  • Crystal
  • Flint
  • Metal
  • Obsidian
  • Rare Mushroom
  • Stone
  • Fiber
  • Thatch
  • Wood
