Bosque del Este

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Thatch Foundation.png Este artículo es un esbozo. Puedes ayudar a completar el artículo ampliándolo.
The Eastern Forest
Eastern Forest.jpg
Large Forest Area in the East
The Island Topographic Map.jpg

El Bosque del Este (The Eastern Forest en la versión original del juego) es una de las ubicaciones del mapa "The Island" en ARK: Survival Evolved.


This place consists of forests in the east. A river cuts through the forest, and a peninsula is located on the eastern most section of the region on the coast.


The Eastern Forest is located between The Eastern Plains to the north and the Southern Islets to the south.



  • Berries
  • Fiber
  • Flint
  • Metal
  • Stone
  • Thatch
  • Wood


A good region for beginner-to intermediate players, but it gets tiring having to travel so far for metal and crystal, so probably not a great spot for advanced players.