Talk:Procedurally Generated Maps

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Erosion Steps

Setting it to a value of 10 creates huge dropoffs, 2/4 spawns placing me on the edge of huge cliffs that I would fall off before finishing loading in. One killing me almost immediately, one crippling me. The other two placed me in the depths of a sheer sided cliffs with no exit other than flight. One was full of water which was in turn full of piranha. No other settings altered. Does not appear to control "smoothness" as the article claims. Sulhir (talk) 17:41, 19 November 2018 (UTC)

Set to 0 terrain is rough and jagged, but slopes gradually. Smoothness seems very oddly defined by this setting. Higher values make rounded hillocks but sheer cliffs. Lower values make rough terrain but gradual inclines.Sulhir (talk) 18:23, 19 November 2018 (UTC)

Erosion Strength

0.75 Default Setting
Setting to a value of 5 creates very spiky mountain terrain... in fact it creates spikes that travel from the lowest ocean depth to the highest sky point. Horribly stretched textures along with it. Definitely do not recommend. Only the mountain biome seemed effected (greyish green ground vs green grassland or sandy beach) by the majority of spikes (both scaleable and physically impossible ones). At -5 every point that is rock colored comes to a peak, but no exploding vertices of the positive 5 setting.
Positive 5 was sharp points and most spikes not being taller than a player (aside from the impossible ones).
Negative 5 was rounded points and spikes being several times the height of the player.
0 the terrain is rough but managable. Pointy, but not a hindrence to movement. The roughness is not more than knee high on the player but still jarring and unimmsersive.
At the default setting of 0.75 there are maybe a few odd crimpings, but it's minor and adds variation rather than destroying the illusion. Minor tweaks to this setting would be best. Maybe increasing it by .05 at a time to find the desired setting. Perhaps it works better adjusting this in tandem with another setting.Sulhir (talk) 19:38, 19 November 2018 (UTC)

Map Seeds

I play PS4 so there's prolly no way to find out.

But for PC players, 'Does The Island have a Map Seed? I want to recreate The Island as a Winter Biome. Terronscibe (talk) 08:04, 7 January 2019 (UTC)