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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infoboxes/Mod/doc

local Arkitecture = require( 'Module:Arkitecture' )
local ColumnTypes = Arkitecture.Cargo.ColumnTypes
local ParameterTypes = Arkitecture.ParameterTypes
local ParameterConstraint = Arkitecture.ParameterConstraints
local Utility = require( 'Module:Utility' )

local Text = require( 'Module:Infoboxes/Mod/strings' )

local function _determineModImages( name )
	local extensions = { 'jpg', 'png' }
    local wide = Utility.pickFileExtension( string.format( 'Mod %s logo', name ), extensions )
    local fp = Utility.pickFileExtension( string.format( 'Mod %s logo square', name ), extensions )
    return wide, fp

return Arkitecture.makeInfoboxRenderer{
    RequiredLibraries = {
        'Module:Arkitecture/Common library',

    CargoSetup = {
        GameMod = {
            Unprefixed = true,
            { 'Name', ColumnTypes.STRING },
            { 'PreviewImageWide', ColumnTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
            { 'PreviewImageFp', ColumnTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
            { 'Kind', ColumnTypes.STRING_LIST },
            { 'SwId', ColumnTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
            { 'CfId', ColumnTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
            { 'CfSlug', ColumnTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
            { 'CfCrossplatform', ColumnTypes.BOOL, Optional = true },

    Parameters = {
        ["name"] = {
            Default = Arkitecture.CURRENT_PAGE_TITLE,
        ["description"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
        ["kind"] = {
        	AllowedValues = {
        ["author"] = {
            Optional = true,
        -- Deprecated: only for legacy mods
        ["status"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
        -- Support
        ["discord"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
        -- Donations
        ["ko-fi"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
        ["patreon"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
		-- CurseForge/ASA
        ["crossplay"] = { ParameterTypes.BOOL, Optional = true },
        ["curseforge/slug"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
        ["curseforge/id"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
        ["curseforge/releaseDate"] = { ParameterTypes.DATE, Optional = true },
        ["curseforge/levelName"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
		-- Workshop/ASE
        ["workshop/id"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },
        ["workshop/releaseDate"] = { ParameterTypes.DATE, Optional = true },
        ["workshop/levelName"] = { ParameterTypes.STRING, Optional = true },

    getSetup = function ( self, ctx )
        -- Crash if we're in the main namespace
        if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 then
            error( Text.NOT_IN_MOD_NAMESPACE )

    	local kindCategories = {}
    	local imageWide, imageFp = _determineModImages( ctx:getParameter( 'name' ) )
        return {
                    Component = 'ClassicHeader',
                    Name = ctx:getParameter( 'name' ),
                    Image = imageWide,
                    Description = ctx:getParameter( 'description' ),
                    IsDescriptionQuote = false,
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_KIND,
                    Value = Utility.mapTable( ctx:getParameter( 'kind' ), function ( value )
                    	local upperValue = value:upper()
                    	kindCategories[ #kindCategories + 1 ] = Arkitecture.JoinCategory( Text['CATEGORY_' .. upperValue]
	                    	or Text['CATEGORY_FALLBACK'] )
	                    return Arkitecture.Link{
	                    	target = string.format(
	                    		Text['FRONTPAGE_' .. upperValue] or ''
	                    	label = value,
                    end ),
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Arkitecture.Pluralised( Text.ROW_AUTHOR, ctx:getParameter( 'author' ) ),
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'author' ),
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_STATUS,
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'status' ),
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_DISCORD,
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'discord' )
                        and string.format(
                            '[ %s]',
                            ctx:getParameter( 'discord' ),
                        or nil
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Arkitecture.Pluralised( Text.ROW_DONATE, ctx:getParameter( 'author' ) ),
                    Value = ( function ()
                    	local kofi = ctx:getParameter( 'ko-fi' )
                    	local patreon = ctx:getParameter( 'patreon' )
                    	local links = {}
                    	if kofi ~= nil then
                    		local link = string.format( '', kofi )
                    		links[ #links + 1 ] = string.format(
                    			'%s [%s Ko-Fi]',
                    			Arkitecture.File {
                    				name = 'Ko-fi.png',
                    				width = 16,
                    				link = link
                    	if patreon ~= nil then
                    		local link = string.format( '', patreon )
                    		links[ #links + 1 ] = string.format(
                    			'%s [%s Patreon]',
                    			Arkitecture.File {
                    				name = 'Patreon.svg',
                    				width = 16,
                    				link = link
                    	return table.concat( links, ' | ' )
                    end )()
                Caption = Text.SECTION_CURSEFORGE,
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_STORE_PAGE,
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/slug' )
                        and string.format(
                            '[ %s]',
                            ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/slug' ),
                        or nil,
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_CROSSPLAY,
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/id' ) ~= nil and ctx:expandComponent{
                    	Component = 'Checkmark',
                    	Value = ctx:getParameter( 'crossplay' ),
                    	CheckedLabel = Text.ROW_CROSSPLAY_YES,
                    	UncheckedLabel = Text.ROW_CROSSPLAY_NO,
                    } or nil,
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_MOD_ID,
                    Value = Arkitecture.WrapText( 'code', ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/id' ) ),
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_RELEASE_DATE,
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/releaseDate' ),
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_LEVEL_NAME,
                    Value = Arkitecture.WrapText( 'code', ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/levelName' ) ),
                Caption = Text.SECTION_WORKSHOP,
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_STORE_PAGE,
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'workshop/id' )
                        and string.format(
                            '[ %s]',
                            ctx:getParameter( 'workshop/id' ),
                        or nil,
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_MOD_ID,
                    Value = Arkitecture.WrapText( 'code', ctx:getParameter( 'workshop/id' ) ),
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_RELEASE_DATE,
                    Value = ctx:getParameter( 'workshop/releaseDate' ),
                    Component = 'NamedDataRow',
                    Name = Text.ROW_LEVEL_NAME,
                    Value = Arkitecture.WrapText( 'code', ctx:getParameter( 'workshop/levelName' ) ),

            --    SideEffect = true,
            --    Arkitecture.JoinCategory( Text.CATEGORY_ ),
                	SideEffect = true,
            	SideEffect = true,
               	ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/id' ) and Arkitecture.JoinCategory( Text['CATEGORY_ASA'] ) or '',
               	ctx:getParameter( 'workshop/id' ) and Arkitecture.JoinCategory( Text['CATEGORY_ASE'] ) or '',
                Component = 'NewCargoRow',
                Table = 'GameMod',

				Name = ctx:getParameter( 'name' ),
                PreviewImageWide = imageWide,
                PreviewImageFp = imageFp,
                Kind = ctx:getParameter( 'kind' ),
                SwId = ctx:getParameter( 'workshop/id' ),
                CfId = ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/id' ),
                CfSlug = ctx:getParameter( 'curseforge/slug' ),
                CfCrossplatform = ctx:getParameter( 'crossplay' ),