Class Specific Configs

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Place the colour sets, and chance for the coloursets, in the same position in the respective list as the dinos for it to apply to. For example, if a Raptor is listed 5th in DinosClassSpecific, the colour sets and chance for those sets set to be applied must be listed 5th in ColourSetsClassSpecific and ClassSpecificSetChance. When using multiple entries of the same dino in DinosClassSpecific, ClassSpecificSetChance will be determined based off the first instances of the dino only. So if you have Raptor,Raptor,Raptor,Achatina,Rex, then the first entry in ClassSpecificSetChance will be for the Raptor, the second for the Achatina, and the third for the Rex. All entries in each list are separated with a comma, and do not put spaces before or after each comma.


ColourSetsToUse in ASE
Uses the colour set's classname (eg DinoColorSet_Achatina_C). Check this section of the mainpage for links to all coloursets in vanilla and this mod. Any sets that are not part of ACS or vanilla must be added to ColoursetBPPaths to be used.


DinosToUseCustomSets in ASE
Uses the dino's classname (eg Raptor_Character_BP_C). You can have multiple entries with the same classname. Works on modded dinos.


ChanceOfColourSet in ASE
Uses a number between 0.01-100, and is a % chance of the set being applied.


Default: 20
Note that the higher this value is, the more performance heavy it will be. ExtraEntriesToCheck dictates how many entries in DinosToUseCustomSets, after the first instance of the dino that spawns will be checked for other occurrences of that dino. So if ExtraEntiresToCheck=4, after the first instance of the dino, the following 4 entries will be checked for that dino appearing again. Any entries more than 4 from the first instance of the dino will be ignored. For example, if you have 3 entries for raptors, then 4 for achatina, then another 2 for raptors, only the first 3 sets for raptors will be included. So, it's best to place all entries for the same dino next to each other.