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Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Infoboxes/Patch на строке 199: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil).

  • Unattach all grapple hooks when sitting on a chair.
  • Disabled climbing picks from attaching to gateframes, charged lanterns, ladders, fence foundations, and railings.
  • Fixed 2 mesh exploit related to creatures.
  • Fixed 2 mesh exploits related to structures.
  • Fixed ice titan breath going through the mesh.
  • Fixed some cases where building structures did not use a bidrectional trace check (allowing certain structures to be placed deep into the mesh).
  • Fixed a case where a collision check on players wasn't correctly applying thereby allowing them to go enter some meshes.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented players entering 'K' cam a second time if they had a weapon/tool in their hand.
  • Fixed a bug with the Velonasaur's attacks causing it to incorrectly attack the wrong collision group on Paracers, Diplodocus, Brontos, and more creatures. (They should no longer take damage when you target the air beneath their bellies).
  • Fixed an incorrect collision profile which allowed MEKs to collide into and stack on top of one another.
  • Enforcer blink recharge cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 7 seconds
  • Enforcer blink range extended from 4000 units to 5000 units
  • Enforce can no longer blink onto/or very very near creatures
  • Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause the atmospheric fog to break
  • Items placed on top of water pipes will now respect enemy foundations.
  • Pipes can no longer be placed on enemy structures
  • Fixed an exploit with the snow owl that allowed it to infinitely freeze players
  • Fixed the enemy build radius check for the fence support