沼地フィッシング (Genesis: Part 1)

提供:ARK Wiki
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
Steam.svg Xbox One.svg PS.svg Epic Games.svg This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games.
Genesis Part 1 DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Genesis: Part 1
Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
緯度 85.3, 経度 71.6

Hexagon Icon.png 80
Hexagon Icon.png 800

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沼地フィッシング'Genesis: Part 1ミッションです。




  • Players get rewarded with 1 item.
  • Set choice is randomized every roll.
  • Quantity: 100% - 100%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)
This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.
Quantity scale: 100% - 200%
Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 3%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 125% - 125%
Missions - with BP - no quality (Chance 1%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 0% - 0%
Missions - With Quantity (Chance 96%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 300%
Quality scale 0% - 0%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)
This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 100%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 70% - 70%


  • Players get rewarded with 1 item.
  • Set choice is randomized every roll.
  • Quantity: 100% - 100%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)
This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.
Quantity scale: 100% - 200%
Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 3%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 125% - 125%
Missions - with BP - no quality (Chance 1%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 0% - 0%
Missions - With Quantity (Chance 96%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 300%
Quality scale 0% - 0%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)
This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 100%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 70% - 70%


  • Players get rewarded with 1 item.
  • Set choice is randomized every roll.
  • Quantity: 100% - 100%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)
This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.
Quantity scale: 100% - 200%
Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 3%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 125% - 125%
Missions - with BP - no quality (Chance 1%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 0% - 0%
Missions - With Quantity (Chance 96%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 300%
Quality scale 0% - 0%
Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)
This item set consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale: 100% - 100%
Missions - never BP - with quality (Chance 100%)
This entry contains exactly 1 of the following items.
Quantity scale: 100% - 100%
Quality scale 70% - 70%


  • ミッションで用意されている漁網は、魚に簡単に破られてしまいますが、プレイヤーが自分で網を持ってきた場合は、破られずに魚の捕獲数にもカウントされます。
    • 手持ちの武器やテイム生物を使って手動でピラニアを駆除し、漁網を破られにくくすることができます。
  • プレイヤーは、体力の高いパキリノサウルスをミッションに持ってきて、魚の群衆のコントローラーになり、多くの魚を狭いスペースに詰め込み、はるかに短い時間ですばやくポイントを獲得できます。魚に襲われる危険に備えて、必ず防御力の高い防具を用意してください。