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Mod logo.png Este artículo contiene mod Olympus.
Este contenido solo está disponible instalando el Mod en un servidor o una partida de Un Jugador.

| colspan="2" class="infobox-section" | Mod |- class="infobox-row " ! class="infobox-row-name" | Mod Author | class="infobox-row-value" | rougewolf91 |- class="infobox-row " ! class="infobox-row-name" | Download | class="infobox-row-value" | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=970855993 |- class="infobox-row " ! class="infobox-row-name" | Release Date | class="infobox-row-value" | July 8th, 2017 |- class="infobox-row "

Bienvenidos al Olimpo, antaño el hogar de los dioses. Han pasado muchos años desde que su poder gobernaba este mundo, y el tiempo no ha pasado en vano. Explora las tierras de esta civilización cuyo esplendor se vio eclipsado por su estrepitosa caída. Descubre sus secretos y ponte a prueba. ¿Podrás llegar donde muy pocos pudieron llegar en este reino?

Olympus is designed to be a more scifi feeling ARK. Due to years of neglect, several areas of once hidden advanced technology are visible and some has even taken on a life of its own. I wanted to try and create a blend of nature and machine to make a unique and different experience.

The map is roughly 1.4 times the size of the island and the landscape itself was completely hand sculpted. Olympus uses a combination of vanilla and custom spawns, so most dino mods will be compatible. I look forward to working together with the community to make this the best map it can be :) All feedback on possible issues and suggestions are appreciated.


Mod Olympus Book Map.jpg
Regions of Olympus



Southeastern Island

Isla Volcánica

Montañas (Non-desert or snow)


Pine Forest

Northwestern Bog

Desert Canyons

Desert Oasis


  • Surface - 93%
  • Underwater - 75%
  • Underground - 50%
  • Endgame custom boss arenas will be added after their necessary artifact caves. Island boss arenas are a temporary place holder.
  • Overall - ~80% (Of what I'd like to add, currently 100% playable)

