Volcán (Genesis: Parte 1)

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Volcano (Genesis Part 1).jpg

The Volcano is a region in the Genesis: Part 1 DLC.


A large volcanic hell, home to an ever dangerous volcano and Magmasaurs. It is one of the hardest regions in the Simulation to survive in. Volcanic eruptions and the overall aggressive temperament of creatures in the region make it difficult for beginners. It is recommended survivors come after having a well established base and strong creatures.


Very Common



Very Uncommon


Very Rare

  • Alpha Carnotaurus


From Local Creatures

  • Hide
  • Keratin
  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Prime Meat
  • Sulfur


  • Volcanic eruptions will instantly kill any survivor who lingers inside for too long, or who doesn't have a Magmasaur to mount. The molten boulders that burst from the eruption will also instantly kill survivors and/or tames if hit by one.
  • There will be an earthquake beforehand, and give a warning to players inside.
  • The black bubbling tar is actually water and safe to drink. Ironically, this map has more easily accessible water than the Arctic.
  • Element shards can be collected from the red crystals in the volcano.

