Arena de Moeder (Genesis: Parte 1)

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Moeder Arena
Moeder Arena (Genesis Part 1).jpg

The Moeder Arena is a region in the Genesis: Part 1 DLC.


The quest to take down Moeder can be found at 39 LAT and 52 LON precisely. But let’s talk about how you can get to these co-ordinates as easily as possible.

First, you want to make your way to 37 LAT and 49 LON. Dive into the water straight down as deep as possible until you hit an underwater ancient ruin.

Head South-East from here and keep heading straight. You will find the module to initiate your fight against Moeder lying behind some kelp on the end of a metal structure formation jutting out.


  • Eel Minion
  • Moeder, Master of the Ocean


From Local Creatures


  • Tek Generator
  • Tek Sensor
  • Tek Trough
  • Tek Boots
  • Tek Gauntlets
  • Tek Generator
  • Tek Helmet
  • Tek Sensor
  • Tek Trough




es:Arena de Moeder (Genesis: Parte 1)