El Oasis (Genesis: Parte 1)

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El Oasis
The Oasis (Genesis Part 1).jpg

El Oasis Plantilla:Región Expansión.


The Oasis is a cave next to the mission Searching the Fro-zone . It is the easiest place to find Feroxes but can be the hardest if you aren't careful. The temperature is warm enough to survive with hide armor on.


Very Common


  • Ferox
  • Polar Bear
  • Sabertooth Salmon


  • Direwolf

Very Uncommon


Very Rare


Obtenidos de criaturas locales


  • Direwolf commonly spawn here, however, they never last long because the polar bears usually kill them.
  • Sometimes no creatures spawn in at first but if you log out and back in then the creatures will spawn in.
  • Metal can be gathered from all the rocks, but only a small amount.
  • Prime fish meat can be harvested from saber salmons along with raw fish meat.

