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Turkey Emote
Turkey Emote.png
Consume this to permanently unlock the "Turkey" Emote!
Consumible (los valores pertenecen a humanos)
Tamaño de pila
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/BaseBPs/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockEmote_turkey.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockEmote_turkey'" 1 0 0
Fabricado en:
Cooking Pot
30 × Wishbone.png Wishbone

The "Turkey" Emote is created in a Cooking Pot using 30 ×  Wishbone during the ARK: Turkey Trial 2 event. Wishbones are obtained by killing Turkey.




After making this item put it into your inventory and use it (Use Item), it will unlock the "Turkey" Emote!


  • To obtain this emote you need to kill the Dragon and receive the Master Survivor Achievement. You must be near the Dragon within its Boss Arena when it is killed. You do not necessarily have to personally kill it, however you can NOT be mounted on any Creature upon its death, or else you will not receive the achievement. You will still receive the Dragon Trophy and Dragon Flag regardless of whether or not you are mounted.
  • Despite being classed as turkey emote when doing it you will make sounds of a chicken
    • The recently added Turky Cosume also resembles a Chicken