Guantes de Avatar Corrupto (aspecto)

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Guantes de Avatar Corrupto
Corrupted Avatar Gloves Skin.png
You can use this to skin the appearance of gloves. A fractal look from the Genesis simulation.
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cheat gfi Gen1AvatarGloves 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Skin/PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarGloves.PrimalItemSkin_Gen1AvatarGloves'" 1 0 0

Los guantes de Avatar Corrupto (Corrupted Avatar Gloves Skin en la versión original del juego) forma parte de uno de los aspectos disponibles en la expansión "Genesis: Parte 1" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


Este aspecto se obtiene como parte de las Genesis Chronicles, consiguiendo 5 de las notas de explorador nuevas:

  • HLN-A Discovery #11 (Aberration) - Found in The Surface - Northeast (28.1, 76.2).
  • HLN-A Discovery #12 (Extinction) - Found in the Wasteland (27.8, 16.0).
  • HLN-A Discovery #13 (Extinction) - Found in the Forbidden Zone (13.3, 57.5).
  • HLN-A Discovery #14 (Extinction) - Found in The Trench (53.4, 76.5).
  • HLN-A Discovery #15 (Extinction) - Found in The Sweeping Spires (84.8, 16.1).


  • Once unlocked, the skin will respawn in your inventory upon death.
  • The Genesis Season Pass is required to obtain this skin.
  • Just like the Ghillie Gaunlets, gloves with this skin will phase through the mapbook, making it hard to see the map. However, it does this on-and-off, obstructing vision sometimes and other times, not.

Plantilla:Nav clothing Genesis: Part 1

es:Guantes de Avatar Corrupto (aspecto)