Botas corruptas (aspecto)

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Disambig.svg Este artículo trata sobre Archivo:Botas corruptas (aspecto).png Botas corruptas (aspecto), y no debe confundirse con Corrupted Avatar Boots Skin
Corrupted Boots Skin
Corrupted Boots Skin.png
You can use this to skin the appearance of boots. Provides a terrifying look.
Tamaño de pila
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Comando de generación
cheat gfi CorruptedBoots 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Skin/PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedBoots.PrimalItemSkin_CorruptedBoots'" 1 0 0

The Corrupted Boots Skin is a part of the Extinction Chronicles and can be applied to any boots to make it look terrifying.


The Corrupted Boots Skin can be obtained by collecting 3 mysterious new Explorer Notes:

  •  ??? #4 (The Island) - Found on Far's Peak (36.1, 79.0).
  •  ??? #5 (Scorched Earth) - Found in the Southeast Badlands (63.2, 61.5).
  •  ??? #6 (Aberration) - Found in the River Valley (29.3, 58.4).


  • Once unlocked, the skin will respawn in your inventory upon death.
  • The DLC Extinction is not required to obtain this skin.