ライフサポート (Genesis: Part 2)

提供:ARK Wiki
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Steam.svg Xbox One.svg PS.svg Epic Games.svg This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games.
Genesis Part 2 DLC.jpg This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Genesis: Part 2
Genesis Ship mainframe

Hexagon Icon.png 1900
Hexagon Icon.png 2280

Hexagon Icon.png 11400

Hexagon Icon.png 30400

ファイル:WorldBuff .png スタミナドレイン減少: 忍耐力が上昇した



1日 12時間

ライフサポートGenesis: Part 2ミッションです。このミッションでは、サバイバー1人につき、テイムされた生物1体が許可されます。



  • ほとんどのポイントを近接攻撃力に割り当てたリーパーキング
  • メディカルブリューのスタック
  • いくつかの銃
  • 解毒剤(弱)
  • 食料と水
  • もしあなたがリッチなら、追加の防具のために無料のものの代わりに適切なTEKスーツを持ってきてください。また、他の無料のスーツと一緒に高品質の金属の兜とガントレットを使用することもできます。


  • リーパー
    • リーパーはアーマーで大きなダメージを受けることができ、Genesisミッションに持ち込める騎乗生物の中で最も高い基本ダメージを持っています。
  • スピノサウルス
    • スピノサウルスはリーパーよりも体力がはるかに少ないですが、前方と上方に巨大な攻撃範囲を持っているため、TEKストライダーとMEKナイトの両方を攻撃することができ、前者の方がよくヒットします。また、DPSも高くなっています。


部屋 1


部屋 2


部屋 3






Special drops:

The following items do not usually drop in missions of this type:

The following items drop more often than in other missions of this type, with the following percentage chances:

Commonly found elsewhere:

The following items drop also in most other missions on the map with the following percentage chances:

This view is still being worked on and may not provide data accuracy.

1 set(s) are rolled; each set can be chosen only once (no replacements).
In total there are 528 items in the pool.

2 item set(s):

50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
10 item group(s):
63.5%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 16.2% - 200.0%
109 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 101.6% - 312.5%
109 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Items - no quality
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
22 item(s) in this sub-pool
5.5%: Missions - Ammo
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
2.1%: Missions - Explosives
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
13 item(s) in this sub-pool
9.5%: Missions - Structures
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
118 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Structures - Usable
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
79 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - Resources
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
101 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Low Quantity Resources and Consumables
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
2 item group(s):
96.8%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 16.2% - 200.0%
10 item(s) in this sub-pool
3.2%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 101.6% - 312.5%
10 item(s) in this sub-pool

Special drops:

The following items drop more often than in other missions of this type, with the following percentage chances:

Commonly found elsewhere:

The following items drop also in most other missions on the map with the following percentage chances:

This view is still being worked on and may not provide data accuracy.

1 set(s) are rolled; each set can be chosen only once (no replacements).
In total there are 630 items in the pool.

2 item set(s):

50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
10 item group(s):
63.5%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 32.5% - 400.0%
159 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 203.1% - 600.0%
159 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Items - no quality
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
25 item(s) in this sub-pool
5.5%: Missions - Ammo
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
2.1%: Missions - Explosives
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
9.5%: Missions - Structures
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
161 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Structures - Usable
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
91 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - Resources
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
101 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Low Quantity Resources and Consumables
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
2 item group(s):
96.8%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 32.5% - 400.0%
15 item(s) in this sub-pool
3.2%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 203.1% - 600.0%
15 item(s) in this sub-pool

Special drops:

The following items drop more often than in other missions of this type, with the following percentage chances:

Commonly found elsewhere:

The following items drop also in most other missions on the map with the following percentage chances:

This view is still being worked on and may not provide data accuracy.

2 set(s) are rolled; each set can be chosen only once (no replacements).
In total there are 713 items in the pool.

2 item set(s):

50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
10 item group(s):
70.2%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 73.7% - 600.0%
191 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.3%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 460.7% - 600.0%
191 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.9%: Missions - Items - no quality
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
25 item(s) in this sub-pool
6.1%: Missions - Ammo
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
2.3%: Missions - Explosives
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
10.5%: Missions - Structures
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
193 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.9%: Missions - Structures - Usable
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
108 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.3%: Missions - Resources
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
101 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.9%: Missions - Low Quantity Resources and Consumables
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
2 item group(s):
96.8%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 73.7% - 600.0%
3.2%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 460.7% - 600.0%
19 item(s) in this sub-pool
