己の道は己で選べ (Genesis: Part 2)

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1日 12時間

己の道は己で選べGenesis: Part 2ミッションです。


  • グライダー付きの金属装備とTEKブーツ
  • TEKライフル(Velonasaur Stalk (Genesis: Part 2)から入手できます)
  • メディカルブリュー、フォーカルチリ、ラザルスチャウダー、シャドウステーキ
  • 食料と水



パート1: 色のカウント


  • 潜在的なフェーズ: 恐竜を「x」体倒す
    1. 例: 目的は12匹の恐竜を倒す
      1. 4は青、3はピンク、2は黄色、5は緑
      2. 12匹の恐竜を倒した後、緑のゲートに移動します。
  • 潜在的なフェーズ: 鍵を「x」個収集します
    1. 例: 目的は5つの鍵を集める
      1. 1は青、1はピンク、1は黄色、2は緑
      2. 5つの鍵を集めた後、緑のゲートに移動します。
    2. ***注*** ジップラインを使用するには、ジップラインが壁に接続されている場所を見ます。
  • 潜在的なフェーズ: プレッシャープレートを踏む
    1. 例: 7枚のプレッシャープレートを踏む
      1. 2は青、1はピンク、1は黄色、3は緑
      2. すべてのプレートを踏んだ後、緑のゲートに移動します。

パート2: ボス戦


  • プレッシャープレートのフェーズ
    • 部屋の中にはさまざまな色のプレッシャープレートがあります。あなたはあなたに与えられた色付きのプレートを踏む必要があります。ここでガンマ1を使用しないと、プレートを区別するのが非常に困難になります。
  • ミニボスフェーズ
    • メインボスにシールドを与えている召喚獣がいますが、彼らを倒す必要があります。
  • メインボスフェーズ
    • 最後のボスは「マクロサモナー」で、これを倒すことが最終的な課題となります



Special drops:

The following items drop more often than in other missions of this type, with the following percentage chances:

Commonly found elsewhere:

The following items drop also in most other missions on the map with the following percentage chances:

This view is still being worked on and may not provide data accuracy.

2 set(s) are rolled; each set can be chosen only once (no replacements).
In total there are 518 items in the pool.

2 item set(s):

50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
10 item group(s):
63.5%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 16.2% - 200.0%
109 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 101.6% - 312.5%
109 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Items - no quality
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
22 item(s) in this sub-pool
5.5%: Missions - Ammo
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
2.1%: Missions - Explosives
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
13 item(s) in this sub-pool
9.5%: Missions - Structures
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
118 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Structures - Usable
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
79 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - Resources
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
101 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Low Quantity Resources and Consumables
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
2 item group(s):
96.8%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 16.2% - 200.0%
9 item(s) in this sub-pool
3.2%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 101.6% - 312.5%
9 item(s) in this sub-pool

Special drops:

The following items drop more often than in other missions of this type, with the following percentage chances:

Commonly found elsewhere:

The following items drop also in most other missions on the map with the following percentage chances:

This view is still being worked on and may not provide data accuracy.

2 set(s) are rolled; each set can be chosen only once (no replacements).
In total there are 630 items in the pool.

2 item set(s):

50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
10 item group(s):
63.5%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 32.5% - 400.0%
159 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 203.1% - 600.0%
159 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Items - no quality
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
25 item(s) in this sub-pool
5.5%: Missions - Ammo
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
2.1%: Missions - Explosives
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
9.5%: Missions - Structures
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
161 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Structures - Usable
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
91 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.1%: Missions - Resources
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
101 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.8%: Missions - Low Quantity Resources and Consumables
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
2 item group(s):
96.8%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 32.5% - 400.0%
15 item(s) in this sub-pool
3.2%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 203.1% - 600.0%
15 item(s) in this sub-pool

Special drops:

The following items drop more often than in other missions of this type, with the following percentage chances:

Commonly found elsewhere:

The following items drop also in most other missions on the map with the following percentage chances:

This view is still being worked on and may not provide data accuracy.

2 set(s) are rolled; each set can be chosen only once (no replacements).
In total there are 713 items in the pool.

2 item set(s):

50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
10 item group(s):
70.2%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 73.7% - 600.0%
191 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.3%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 460.7% - 600.0%
191 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.9%: Missions - Items - no quality
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
25 item(s) in this sub-pool
6.1%: Missions - Ammo
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
2.3%: Missions - Explosives
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
10.5%: Missions - Structures
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
193 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.9%: Missions - Structures - Usable
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
108 item(s) in this sub-pool
2.3%: Missions - Resources
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
101 item(s) in this sub-pool
0.9%: Missions - Low Quantity Resources and Consumables
Estimated item quality range: 0.0% - 0.0%
50.0%: Mission Loot Set
An entry may be chosen more than once.
2 item group(s):
96.8%: Missions - never BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 73.7% - 600.0%
19 item(s) in this sub-pool
3.2%: Missions - with BP - with quality
Estimated item quality range: 460.7% - 600.0%
19 item(s) in this sub-pool
