Genesis 2 Chronicles

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Genesis 2 Chronicles
Genesis 2 Chronicles.png
ARK Event.png This article is about the Event: Genesis 2 Chronicles
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Genesis 2 Chroniclesは、DLC Genesis: Part 2に関連する新しいexplorer notesskinsを追加する一連の定期的なコンテンツドロップです。2020年11月7日に開始されました。



Genesis Chroniclesは、Genesis: Part 2に関連する複数のExplorer Notesを追加します。その一部は、 HLN-Aからのものであり、一部は Rockwell自身からのものです。ノートのロックを解除するには、プレーヤーに the Mini-HLNAが装備されている必要があります。

Genesis 2 Chronicles I
Genesis 2 Chronicles II


Genesis 2 Chronicles III
Genesis 2 Chronicles IV
Genesis 2 Chronicles V


The Island
Chronicles I
Scorched Earth
Chronicles II
Chronicles III
Chronicles IV
Genesis: Part 1
Chronicles V
The Island Topographic Map.jpg
赤: Note #1
青: Note #2
緑: Note #3
紫: Note #4
シアン: Note #5
Scorched Earth Topographic Map.jpg
赤: Note #6
青: Note #7
緑: Note #8
紫: Note #9
シアン: Note #10
Aberration Topographic Map.jpg
red: Note #11
blue: Note #12
green: Note #13
purple: Note #14
cyan: Note #15
Extinction Topographic Map.jpg
red: Note #16
blue: Note #17
green: Note #18
purple: Note #19
cyan: Note #20
Genesis Part 1 Topographic Map.jpg
red: Note #21
blue: Note #22
green: Note #23
purple: Note #24
cyan: Note #25


Genesis 2 Chroniclesイベントでは、Genesis: Part 2に関連した新しい独自のスキンが追加されます。Genesis: Part 2関連のExplorer Notesをアンロックすることで入手できます。

Genesis 2 Chronicles I
Genesis 2 Chronicles II
Genesis 2 Chronicles III
Genesis 2 Chronicles IV
Genesis 2 Chronicles V


画像 イベント 開始日 終了日
Happy New Year.jpg ARK: Happy New Year! 2022年1月1日 2022年1月1日
ARK Love Evolved 3.jpg ARK: Love Evolved 3 2022年2月9日 2022年2月16日
Eggcellent Adventure 7.jpg ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 7 2022年4月11日 2022年4月25日
7th Anniversary.jpg ARK: 7th Anniversary 2022年6月2日 2022年6月2日
Summer Bash 2022.jpg ARK: Summer EVO 2022年7月1日 2022年7月15日
PAX Party.jpg ARK: PAX Party 2022年 9月2日 2022年9月12日
Fear Evolved 6.jpg ARK: Fear Evolved 6 2022年10月19日 2022年11月2日
Extra Life 2021.jpg ARK: Extra Life 2022 2022年11月5日 2022年11月6日
Turkey Trial 6.jpg ARK: Turkey Trial 6 2022年11月22日 2022年12月7日
Winter Wonderland 7.jpg ARK: Winter Wonderland 7 2022年12月14日 2023年1月5日

画像 イベント 開始日 終了日
ARK- Valentine's Day 4.jpg ARK: Valentine's Day 4 2019年2月12日 2019年2月18日
Eggcellent 4.jpg ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 4 2019年4月16日 2019年4月30日
Summer Bash 2019.jpg ARK: Summer Bash 2019 2019年7月2日 2019年7月19日
Genesis Chronicles.jpg Genesis Chronicles 2019年10月10日 2020年2月25日
Fear Evolved 3.jpg ARK: Fear Evolved 3 2019年10月22日 2019年11月5日
Turkey Trial 3.jpg ARK: Turkey Trial 3 2019年11月19日 2019年12月6日
Winter Wonderland 4.jpg ARK: Winter Wonderland 4 2019年12月18日 2020年1月7日

画像 イベント 開始日 終了日
Valentine 2.png ARK: Valentine's Day 3 2018年2月13日 2018年2月16日
Eggcellent 3.jpg ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 3 2018年3月29日 2018年4月10日
ARKaeology.jpg ARK: ARKaeology 2018年6月15日 2018年7月17日
Extinction Chronicles.jpg Extinction Chronicles 2018年6月19日 2018年11月6日
Ark Winter Wonderland.png ARK: Winter Wonderland 3 2018年12月18日 2019年1月7日

画像 イベント 開始日 終了日
Valentine 2.png ARK: Valentine's Day 2 2017年2月12日 2017年2月20日
Eggcellent 2.jpg ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 2 2017年4月15日(PC)
AwesomeAnniversary ARKBirthdaySuit.jpg ARKs Two Year Anniversary 2017年6月2日 2017年6月5日
The Witches Curse.png The Witches Curse 2017年10月30日 2017年11月1日
Holiday Event.png Holiday Event 2017年12月23日 2018年1月1日

画像 イベント 開始日 終了日
Valentine.jpg ARK: Valentine's Day 2016年2月14日 2016年2月22日
Eggcellent.jpg ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 2016年3月25日 2016年3月31日
Survival Devolved.png ARK: Survival Devolved 2016年4月1日 2016年4月2日
Ark Awesome Anniversary.jpg ARK: Awesome Anniversary 2016年6月2日 2016年6月13日
ARKdependence.jpg ARKdependence Day 2016年7月3日 ?
Fear Evolved 2.jpg ARK: Fear Evolved 2 2016年10月28日 2016年11月6日
ARK- Turkey Trial.jpg ARK: Turkey Trial 2 2016年11月15日(Xbox)
Ark Winter Wonderland.png ARK: Winter Wonderland 2 2016年12月23日 2016年12月30日
New Year's.jpg New Year's on ARK 2016年12月31日 2017年1月1日

画像 イベント 開始日 終了日
ARK- Fear Evolved.jpg ARK: Fear Evolved 2015年10月28日 2015年11月5日
ARK- Turkey Trial.jpg ARK: Turkey Trial 2015年11月25日 2015年12月1日
Ark Winter Wonderland.png ARK: Winter Wonderland 2015年12月22日 2016年1月5日
Ball Drop.jpg ARK: Happy First (Half) Year! 2015年12月31日 2016年1月1日




Genesis 2 Chronicles 1

  • Note #1: HLN-Aは、既視感を経験しているかのようにthe Islandに戻ることに懐かしさを感じています。AIにとって奇妙なことです。
  • Note #2: HLN-Aは、AIとしてではなく、海のそよ風を感じて嗅ぐことができるつま先を持った人間として島にいたことを「覚えています」。ビジュアルには、the Islandに来た最初の日に浜辺にいた人間のサバイバーが含まれています。
  • Note #3: HLN-Aは突然、ヘレナが島で出会ったサバイバー、ガイウス・マーセラス・ネルヴァ、エドマンド・ロックウェル卿、メイイン・リーを思い出します。ヘレナの思い出がすべて保存されていることに気づき、素晴らしい別れの贈り物だと述べています。高品質の画像とそのピクセル化されたバージョンでは、禿げた頭皮を持つ男性(ロックウェル)、彼の顔全体を覆う髪を持つサバイバー(ネルバ)、長い髪を持つ女性(Mei-Yin)を示しています。
  • Note #4: HLN-Aは、彼らのような人々やヘレナが先史時代の生物の骨を研究して初めて知ったことをプレイヤーに説明しています。彼女は、プレイヤーやヘレナが実在の恐竜を見たときに感じた感覚を知り、「覚えている」と説明している(プレイヤー向けのゲーム内)。ジャングルを背景にブロントサウルスが登場するビジュアルが公開されています。
  • Note #5: HLN-Aは、プレイヤーとの冒険についての思い出があるだけでなく、ヘレナウォーカーの思い出も持っていることをプレイヤーに伝えます。彼女は、自分が人間の創造者なのか、それ自体なのか、それともその2つの組み合わせなのかという考えに驚かされます。ビジュアルは、ヘレナがメイインと一緒にいる間にピストルを持っていることを描いたヘレナの記憶の1つを示しています。おそらく、ヘレナがメイインの生き物の行動を見て、飼育下で飼いならされた生き物の行動についての証拠を必要としていたときです。
Genesis 2 Chronicles 2

These notes are only from Sir Edmund Rockwell.

  • Note #6: Rockwell speaks through HLN-A about how he somehow has a connection to it and how the Scorched Earth ARK looks small to him now. A landscape view of Scorched Earth is shown.
    • In lore, Rockwell was one of the four survivors who made explorer notes at Scorched Earth. He is also a close friend of HLNA's creator: Helena Walker.
  • Note #7: Rockwell tries to surprise the player with the fact that he can see them now and describes how he has grown more eyes than his original two when he was Sir Edmund Rockwell. He tells the player that endlessly exploring the ARKs may have been something he would have done but understands that he, and everyone else on the ARKs, would need to leave the system in due time. A visual of Rockwell and his wall of eyes is shown.
    • Rockwell refers to a region in Genesis: Part 2 where the entire biome is his innards with eyes dotting the area.
    • Rockwell clearly refers to how he used to be a human with only two eyes.
  • Note #8: Scorched Earth is considered to be disappointing in Rockwell's view. He recalls the events of his transfer from the Island to Scorched Earth and how he has discovered Edmundium/Element during his travels. A visual of an area surround an obelisk in Scorched Earth is shown.
    • During most of his time at Scorched Earth in the lore events, Rockwell was disappointed at the traditions and attitudes of the people who live on Scorched Earth.
      • During his stay at a settlement called Prophet's Rest, he found himself in disbelief and was irritated at how the priests and people there were treating the artifacts as part of their prayer routine instead of being used and studied on.
      • As first a prisoner, then an honored guest of the Burning Phoenix tribe, Rockwell tried to act as a gentleman and only got a barbaric attitude from the tribesmen, an attitude that didn't fit with his scholarly and gentlemanly demeanor.
    • In Scorched Earth lore, Rockwell found and discovered his Edmundium samples when he along with a tribe called the Burning Phoenix slew the Manticore.
  • Note #9: Rockwell notices that something reminiscent of Helena is somewhere inside HLN-A. He admits he underestimated Helena's resourcefulness when she became a Homo Deus as her method of ascension, but he finds it pitiful that despite being a Homo Deus, she couldn't accept his "grand design". A visual of Helena's memory and point of view where she was writing up the Triceratops dossier is shown.
    • In the lore, Rockwell is referring to both his method of ascension through use of Element and Helena's method of ascension through becoming a Homo deus.
  • Note #10: Among the billions of survivors that are stocked in a mysterious archive, HLN-A has been clingy around the player, which Rockwell finds strange. Rockwell knows that the player is capable, but doesn't understand why the player is so special. A visual of survivors in desert cloth armor are shown.
    • In Genesis: Part 1 Story lore, HLN-A describes the player being one of the many survivors that are in a database that consists of survivors all over Earth and its history.
Genesis 2 Chronicles 3

Rockwell's notes in the Chronicles have an ominous tone and echo that is mixed in with his voice

  • Note #11: Rockwell notices that HLN-A and the player are back at Aberration looking at the ruined structures. He tells the player that Aberration ARK is pivotal in helping him become a god in his eyes. A visual of his monster form is shown.
    • Rockwell's explorer notes at Aberration summarizes the final stages of his descent into madness and becoming the monster he has become.
    • In his last Aberration explorer note where he leaves some writing, the Aberration ARK told Rockwell that there is a plane of existence (possibly the realm of the Homo deus) much higher than the one he is in now. It tells him that the both of them can reach it.
  • Note #12: Rockwell asks the player if HLN-A told them about its creator: Helena Walker. As a person, Rockwell never understood Helena's liking to the ARK's creatures and he gets an understanding of her when he is making creatures of his own. An image of Helena scribbling down notes in her book, and a mysterious creature with a bulging head and a mouth like the xenomorph from the Alien series.
    • Rockwell is referring to Helena's passion for Biology through studying animals and some of the native creatures on the Colony ship, the setting of Genesis: Part 2, are creations of his own doing.
    • Rockwell also refers to the creatures found on the ARKs that Helena had a liking to.
      • On the Island, almost all of the creatures are prehistoric from dinosaurs to ancient mammals.
      • On later ARKs such as Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, and Genesis: Part 1, all of their native creatures are either science fiction or of fantasy origin.
  • Note #13: Rockwell notes that the future people see people of the past as a pattern as they have a record of every human being, grew them in vats, and ran the randomly chosen people through tests that helped the future people to search for any survival skills, as if it is like science. He thinks this is what evolving and dying is and he notes he is beyond that now. The visuals consist of the Tek console seen from the Tek cave and an image of his superiority of breaking the barrier of survival.
    • In Aberration lore, Rockwell had an uneasy relationship with the Tek researchers as not only were they disrespecting him, but also doing things far more efficiently than him.
    • In the overarching lore, the futuristic people that Helena and Rockwell met on Aberration had technology that made them look like they were the most advanced people. However, in lore, locations after Aberration had technology far more advanced than Aberration's Tek tribe.
      • On Extinction, the location where Santiago found a signal was giving off readings that would indicate an even higher level of technology than the Tek tribe's technology. According to Helena, the location was a structure that still had power and had technology that was more complex than the Tek tribe's tek armor and meks. The prism that caused Helena to become a Homo deus was one of the technologies found at this location.
      • In Genesis: Part 1, the Genesis Simulation was a massive ecosystem simulation that utilized the same technology that the ARKs used. However, the environment is completely digital, but it was able to utilize a mind transfer technique that laid the foundation of Homo deus ascension and the survivor's respawn mechanic.
      • In Genesis: Part 2, the Colony ship is a massive ecosystem ship that Rockwell describes to be the peak of human intelligence.
  • Note #14: HLN-A calls Rockwell by the name Mr. Purple Tentacles and knows that he has been talking to the player through it. HLN-A leaves the information of the amount of time needed to lock Rockwell out of her systems for good as classified. A visual of it filtering itself and alerts that can cause Rockwell to enter are shown.
    • Throughout the Genesis: Part 1 Story Glitches, HLN-A was frequently getting hacked by Rockwell and Rockwell talked through it to speak to the player about how they are nothing compared to him.
  • Note #15: In the ARK chronological story line, this would be Santiago's first explorer note as he leaves this note on the Aberration ARK before heading through the Gateway Project Portal. He explains to any future reader that the Aberration ARK is poisoned with Element and that they should find a way to leave and head down to Extinction. (This is Santiago's Explorer Entry 00 and the rest of his notes on Extinction are 01 through 30.) A visual of the planet Earth and the Aberration ARK is shown. He also adds a personal note that the mysterious planet surface, or Earth's surface, couldn't be any worse than the condition of the Aberration ARK.
    • The condition of the Aberration ARK being poisoned was the Tek tribe's doing as they blew up the ARK's control center, causing the ARK to break down. This gave the Tek tribe some freedom in building whatever they wanted, most notably the Gateway project that the Tek tribe built in order to escape to the surface.
Genesis 2 Chronicles 4

These notes only include those from HLN-A and Santiago that generally talk about events before Camp Omega was raided by titans and corrupted creatures.

  • Note #16: HLN-A has memories that Helena was amongst the survivors at the start of the lore of Extinction who were in a state of despair when looking at the desolate, ravaged landscape of Extinction. It also remembers that Helena looked to Santiago for inspiration as a partner. A visual of some Sanctuary ruins are shown.
    • The event mentioned in the note was at the start of the Extinction lore.
      • All of the Tek tribe survivors, including Helena, were crying and hyperventilating at the site of the landscape.
      • Santiago took the lead of being the Tek tribe's leader in figuring out their next move, noting they had plenty of supplies, Tek equipment, tames, and tribe members.
    • The visual is akin to the first scene of Extinction's announcement trailer in 2018 when the player sees the overgrown skyscrapers.
  • Note #17: Santiago leaves a note in welcoming the reader/player to Earth and reading the note implies there is a survivor left. He notes the world, or Earth, is not its usual self and advises the player to find shelter from the titans and endure it for a little longer. He leaves a personal note saying there are titans now. The visual includes the King Titan in a ravaged city.
    • In the background story, the two Tek superpowers, the URE and Terran Federation, fought each other for over a century. Because of their war and the eventual arrival of high levels of Element in the form of Titans, Earth became a ravaged wasteland.
      • Amidst the chaos, the creators of the ARKs built various things such as the colony ship, the ARKs, and the Genesis Simulation as a means to preserve life.
      • According to Homo deus Helena/ The One Who Waits, Element began to spread quickly after the war between the URE and Terran Federation and after the rise of the Homo deus.
      • When Santiago noticed that the Tek tribe's storehouses at Camp Omega were full with Element with only a few trips, he revealed some information about Element: that technology that utilizing it will end up releasing a few Element particles into the atmosphere and the ground at an extremely low level.
        • Santiago notes that the properties of Element are so miraculous that they are enough to quickly turn the tiniest village into a city and that Element must be mined from the ground.
        • He knows that the only thing that can make Element grow to such exponential amounts is a century of war between 2 nations with no restraints on Element-based technology can give the sudden spike.
  • Note #18: Santiago advises the reader/player that if they are still reading his notes, he wants them to head to Camp Omega, a well known location in-lore that the futuristic survivors who will need as much help as they can get. From there, they can help the reader/player get trained in using his most powerful weapon to stop the titans and save the world: Meks. He leaves a personal note to fight fire with a bigger fire (Mega Mek). The visual shows the Mega Mek doing its sword attack.
    • Several events happened when Santiago wrote this note:
      • When this note was made, Santiago and the Tek tribe set up Camp Omega and began building the meks.
      • Santiago was working on the meks in being able to combine and form the Mega Mek, the only thing that can withstand the King Titan's attacks.
      • Santiago suspected that Titans are the ones who are spreading Element around Earth.
      • Santiago was also the teacher figure to the mek pilots that will pilot the four meks he built.
        • Pilot 1: Mei Yin Li
          • The 3rd century Chinese survivor is experienced with close quarters combat and tactical decisions.
          • Her skills were the equivalent of someone who was a part of the Terran Federation Spec Ops unit.
        • Pilot 2: Helena Walker
          • The 21st century Australian biologist and paleontologist is creative, can improvise during a situation, and has a maxed out sync rate to a machine that indicates an advanced nervous system.
          • Her advanced nervous system was a major factor that helped turn her into a Homo deus.
        • Pilot 3: Takaya Kazuma
          • The URE soldier who originates from Japan, Kazuma has memories of real military training.
          • Not much is known about him, but he was Diana's wingman during a mysterious battle for the Thailand gulf where an orbital carrier collapsed and both of them ended up on the Aberration ARK.
        • Pilot 4: Santiago (Santiago da Costa)
          • He is a Terran Federation hacker who is the builder of the meks and decided to make them as a way to lean into his identity as a weapons builder and fighting the titans.
          • Santiago takes the role as teacher in order to help his other 3 mek pilot comrades and he is the sync rating standard.
  • Note #19: Santiago is still unable to get over the clone factory he, Helena, and Mei Yin found on the Aberration ARK as he is still processing about he is not the original Santiago and that every survivor is a copy of themselves. He leaves a personal note that due to his feeling of depression, he wants some Halsted Moonshine (Alcohol). A visual of Aberration's cloning station is shown.
    • In the Aberration lore, when all of the Tek survivors at the Tek village (Fallen Nexus) and the team that included Helena, Mei Yin, and Santiago heard and saw the cloning chambers respectively, everyone had an identity crisis in their own unique experience of the revelation.
      • From Helena's point of view, she wonders if she is expressing herself or the will of the machine.
        • Helena also describes Mei Yin's realization of the cloning factory as unfathomable because she was completely silent.
      • From Santiago's point of view, he is guilty of making weaponry that turned Earth into a wasteland and wonders if he, the original Santiago, or both of them are responsible for the apocalypse.
        • When he was going over this in his 8th note in Extinction, the image included memories of being able to make a high-powered railgun that utilizes nuclear energy from Element, orbital strike fighters, Element warheads, and a massive orbital strike platform dubbed the Nemesis II.
          • In Genesis: Part 2, the Colony Ship is associated with the Terran federation and the orbital strike platform that Santiago mentions in Extinction could be a basis in making the life boat.
      • When Diana was going over the fact that every human on the ARKs are a clone of their original selves, she had a memory of looking at the 34th issue of Science Today magazine on March of 2134 about how 2 clones of humans have been successfully made without the need of human fertilization.
        • She remembered seeing on the issue that a form of technology could perform something called DNA webbing.
    • In Genesis: Part 1 Tidbit Glitches, HLN-A revealed how the creators of the Genesis Simulation and ARKs were able to bring back humans throughout time: by utilizing a theoretical brain organ called the engrammic matrix that can persist long after the person's death.
  • Note #20: Santiago leaves a note hoping that he bought the other survivors enough time at Camp Omega in doing something. He tells the reader/player that whoever they are, they may have seen the Camp Omega survivors pull themselves together, helping them out and assumes the reader/player did just that. He replies that he won't live long before seeing that himself. Santiago leaves a note that he will see someone dubbed D very soon. A visual of him in his mek's cockpit is shown.
    • Santiago refers to the Titan raid of Camp Omega and in lore, he sacrificed himself and his mek to give the other survivors at Camp Omega time to escape.
    • Only one in-lore survivor has a name that starts with a D: Diana Altaras. Diana is a survivor and Santiago's closest friend, but at the time, was long dead since she died at the hands of Rockwell during the in-lore events of Aberration. Strangely, she was resurrected by Helena who was a Homo deus at the end of the in-lore events of Extinction before the former and Mei Yin defeated the King Titan with the Mega Mek.
      • Helena, as a Homo Deus, did numerous tests on the ARK's survivors in order to repeat the same phenomenon she did with Diana where the survivors can cheat death in order to defeat the Element hive mind.
      • Helena also managed to make the Mega Mek operational with only one pilot where it originally needed four pilots to be used safely.
    • After the King Titan's first defeat, Mei Yin and Diana traveled to Arat Prime, a location that is associated with the Genesis Simulation and the Colony Ship the former is nestled on.

Genesis 2 Chronicles 5

During these notes, the perspectives switch between HLN-A and Rockwell. Rockwell's voice gets further amplified with echoes.

  • Note #1: HLN-A finds it interesting, yet unnecessary for the player to remotely return to the Genesis Simulation. It tells the player that they are needed back in the real world and notices that several connections are suddenly activating. A visual of the Genesis Simulation and some of its coding is shown. Strangely, a connection that is under Santiago's name is shown.
  • Note #2: Rockwell takes over HLN-A and asks if the player is back inside the Genesis Simulation (delusion). He mocks that the player must have been thrashed by him so much that they retreated back in the Genesis Simulation. While the player wanders around the Genesis Simulation, Rockwell gives them a reminder that he has control over the place. The visual is a scene of a section in the lunar biome with a trio of Astrocetus.
    • This was a familiar scene in the 2019 reveal trailer of the lunar biome.
    • In the story lore of Genesis: Part 1, Rockwell aka the Corrupted Master Controller has gradually altered the Genesis Simulation until it is fully under his control to help him find servants that will rally to his cause.
      • In HLN-A's last Genesis: Part 1 Story note, Rockwell's endgame for the simulation was shown when HLN-A fixed a glitch that made it see Rockwell corrupting survivor's bodies outside the simulation and leaving their minds in an artificial body.
      • Other things Rockwell has done included added a servility criteria, turning off most of the Master AIs, making escape routes in the Genesis Simulation, and notoriously editing survivor minds whether they are or are not active in the Genesis Simulation.
  • Note #3: HLN-A is getting frustrated at how Rockwell is still talking to the player through her and she is still working on locking Rockwell out of her systems. A visual of HLN-A being mad and a glitched out warning signal is shown.
    • Throughout the Genesis: Part 1 Story notes, whenever Rockwell takes over HLN-A no matter how brief, he speaks to the player for a bit until HLN-A is able to temporarily kick Rockwell out of her systems.
  • Note #4: Rockwell finds it strange that the player persists in being in a hallucination as if they have a motive behind the act. If the player had a motive for doing so, Rockwell suggests to himself that he is underestimating them and does whatever it takes to always have the player below his estimation. He wants the player to hope he never notices their presence. A visual of a female and male survivor in cloth armor is shown.
    • When the player beats the Corrupted Master Controller/digital Rockwell, he warns the player that defeating him in the Genesis Simulation only dooms themselves as he will find them in the real world. Later, as the player dons the Federation-Exo suit, Rockwell finds the player and pulls them into Genesis: Part 2.
  • Note #5: HLN-A knows that the player has had enough time in the Genesis Simulation. The player needs to be back in the outside world to finish lots of work with the goal of saving a colony ship. The visual shows a massive colony ship, the setting for Genesis: Part 2.
    • During the end cutscene of Genesis: Part 1, HLN-A notices that the corruption (presence of Element) has arrived on the colony ship.
      • In the Genesis: Part 1 Tidbits related to Element, HLN-A claims that Element is extremely difficult to fix as it has endless possibilities of adapting to anything.