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Traje de planeo (aspecto)

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Traje de planeo (aspecto)
Glider Suit Skin.png
Al añadirlos a una pechera, el traje de planeo te permitirá planear por el aire haciendo doble clic en "Saltar". Además, ¡te moverás a mayor velocidad al correr y bucear!
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi Glider 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/PrimalItemArmor_Glider.PrimalItemArmor_Glider'" 1 0 0
Nivel requerido
Puntos de engrama
26 PE
EXP al fabricar
90 EXP
Tiempo de fabricación
  • Parachute
Fabricado en:
Argentavis Saddle
Castoroides Saddle
Thorny Dragon Saddle
Tek Replicator
60 × Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot.png Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot
25 × Blue Gem or Blue Crystalized Sap.png Blue Gem or Blue Crystalized Sap
60 × Hide.png Hide
100 × Fiber.png Fiber

El traje de planeo (Glider Suit Skin en la versión original del juego) forma parte de uno de los aspectos disponibles en la expansión "Aberration" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


Este aspecto, al igual que otros, puede añadirse a cualquier pieza de peto/coraza (excepto al peto Tek), y no tiene solo un aspecto visual, sino que permitirá a los jugadores planear por el aire. Este traje no tiene una durabilidad como tal, por lo que nunca se romperá, pero si lo usas desgastarás la armadura a la que lo hayas añadido.

While in the air, double-tapping the jump button will put the player into a glide mode, gliding forward while only losing a small amount of altitude. Holding Shift will allow you to control your pitch up or down to dive or climb, greatly affecting your speed.

Pressing the jump button while gliding will toggle the Glider Suit off. However, it can be turned on again while falling.


  • Holding the sprint button will allow you to control your altitude whiling aiming your mouse UP or DOWN. Shift-sprinting and running off of a cliff while failing to remove your finger from the shift button will result in a dramatic fall.
  • Diving into the ground at any moderate speed with the Glider Suit will hurt your survivor.
  • Be mindful of the durability wear on your chest armor when using the Glider Suit. If your chest armor breaks you will lose the ability to glide until your armor is repaired. Both the durability and the ease of repair should be considered when choosing a chest armor to use with the Glider.
  • To remove the glider skin, hold shift and drag the chestpiece in your inventory.
  • The durability wear can be extra dangerous when using the Glider Suit on an armor that already has a passive durability drain like the Hazard Suit Armor or SCUBA Armor.
    • Projectiles shot towards glider suit-skinned torso does 3x its durability damage, making it even more dangerous in PvP and certain PvE cases.
  • Unlike the Zip-Line Motor Attachment, this skin does not require any Gasoline or similar fuel to use.
  • Walking off of an edge then gliding will put you at a set altitude, while dropping roughly the same speed as if you were flying an Archaeopteryx.
  • In lore, the gliders were used by Diana and the futuristic survivors as a way to quickly move around since their Tek jetpacks stopped working after they trashed their ARK, causing its atmosphere to collapse.