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cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod.PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod'" 1 0 0
La criocámara (Cryopod en la versión original del juego) es una de las herramientas disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved
En este objeto podrás almacenar tus criaturas domesticadas, congelándolas en un estado de "cubo de hielo". Las criaturas guardadas en una criocámara no se tienen en cuenta en el límite de criaturas de una tribu.
Para capturar y encerrar a una criaturas en una criocámara, equipa una criocámara vacía y mientras apuntas a una zona cercana a dicha criatura, mantén pulsado mouse durante unos segundos. Una vez que la criatura esté criogenizada, actuará como un objeto, deteniendo la consunción de comida y pudiéndola llevar en tu inventario, lo que permite transportar a criaturas de gran tamaño con muchísima facilidad.
La criocámara comenzará a descargarse tan pronto se cree, ya sea a través de métodos de fabricación o después de haber obtenido una con una cápsula de suministros orbital. Tiene un periodo de duración de 30 días. La crionevera recargará la criocámara siempre y cuando tenga energía. Si la criocámara no se recarga antes de que la carga llegue a 0, se desactivará y aparecerá como "muerta". Cuando la criocámara entra en este estado con alguna criatura en su interior, dicha criatura morirá y desaparecerá para siempre, incluso aunque la recargues después. La muerte de la criatura se anotará en el registro de la tribu, y la criocámara "muerta" no podrá usarse hasta que se recargue en una crionevera. El contador de tiempo de la criocámara no se verá afectado por la
sal conservante, pero la tasa de descarga puede ralentizarse a la mitad si colocas la criocámara en una nevera.
Almacenamiento | Tiempo hasta vaciar carga |
Inventario del jugador/Criatura domesticada/Cajón de conservas | 30 días |
Nevera | 60 días |
Criocámara | Permanente1 |
1: la crionevera recargará la criocámara a la misma velocidad a la que se vaciaría en un inventario normal, siempre y cuando la crionevera tenga energía
Al usar una criocámara, los jugadores podrán:
- Transferir criaturas acuáticas en trayectos por tierra o aire.
- Transferir criaturas terrestres de gran tamaño por aire (especialmente útil cuando no puedan ser transportadas por el Quetzal).
- Transferir más de una criatura a la vez en un viaje entre dos puntos.
- Efectiva para llevar criaturas a sitios que son muy difíciles de alcanzar a pie, como la cima del Volcán.
- Ayuda a las criaturas domesticadas que se quedan atascadas.
- Permite entrar criaturas grandes en zonas cerradas con accesos pequeños.
- Sorprendentemente útil para superar la Cueva de Nieve, etc..
- Almacena y protege a las criaturas domesticadas más débiles.
- Transfiere criaturas domesticadas con monturas, con lo que ahorrarás en ranuras de guardado en sitios como las terminales de Obelisco (en caso de que necesites transferir gran cantidad de objetos).
- Almacena criaturas domesticadas poderosas y esconde sus estadísticas a ojos de otros rivales.
Náusea criogénica
- Recuerda que esta opción está desactivada por defecto en los ajustes del servidor, y en los servidores oficiales de PvE.
Cuando una criatura sale de una criocámara, el superviviente recibirá un efecto de estado conocido como "Criorrecarga". La criorrecarga dura 5 minutos, que puedes consultar con un contador que aparece en la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla. Cualquier criatura que esté en criorrecarga estará bajo el efecto de "náusea criogénica". La náusea criogénica dura 5 minutos y hace que las criaturas afectadas reciban más daño si son atacadas (10 veces el daño normal) y las deja aturdidas inconscientes con una barra de Inconsciencia completamente llena. Las palabras "Náusea criogénica" aparecerán sobre la criatura en cuestión en color rojo hasta que concluya su duración. Las criaturas no pueden volverse a congelar si la náusea criogénica está activa, e incluso las criaturas con poca Inconsciencia (como el Giganotosaurio) que recuperen la consciencia antes de que la náusea criogénica desaparezca, no podrán montarse y no responderán a las ordenes por silbido hasta que este efecto también desaparezca. Las criaturas jóvenes y adolescentes con náusea criogénica no podrán comer de los comederos. Además, al descongelar a una criatura, se reinicia la criorrecarga para el jugador que realizó la acción (hasta un máximo de 5 minutos, sin acumularse si lo haces más veces seguidas), por lo que descongelar a varias criaturas a la vez es una de las mejores prácticas que podrás seguir para optimizar estos minutos perdidos (recuerda estar en una zona segura y protegida para evitar perder a todas tus criaturas de golpe en un ataque sorpresa).
Hay varias cosas que tener en cuenta al meter una criatura en una criocámara:
- Si el área para desplegar una criatura que esté dentro de una criocámara no es lo suficientemente grande para contenerla, aparecerá un mensaje en rojo y la criocámara no se podrá abrir.
- Cualquier cosa que esté dentro del inventario de la criatura caerá al suelo una vez la metas en la criocámara (esto incluye cosas que estén incluso en ranuras varias, como la de arma en las
Mantis). La única excepción a esto son las
monturas (si llevan una equipada) y los módulos del
Mek (aunque su durabilidad disminuirá al criogenizarlos).
- The individual that un-Cryopods a creature takes ownership of the un-Cryopodded creature.
- Since they are an item, if a survivor or creature dies with a Cryopod in inventory, the Cryopodded creature (or creatures) is at risk of theft (or loss).
- The change of ownership, by dropping (default O,
) the Cryopod with a creature in and someone else picking it up, allows for an easier trade (compared to having to unclaim and then claim the creature). It is not sure if this is an unintended way to get around the Tribe Governance setting of Only Admins Can Unclaim.
- Cryopodding a baby (baby, juvenile or adolescent) creature inside a Cryopod will pause the imprint timer and food consumption, and if asking for care, will change what it wants whenever it is un-Cryopodded. Babies Cryopodded prior to the related patch will still have their imprint timer reset to 8 hours next time they are released.
- Cryopodding a Female will not reset the breeding timer unless the Cryopod containing it was recently transferred to another server. Timer for mating interval continues to tick down even when the Female is Cryopodded. Females Cryopodded prior to the patch related will still have their breeding timer reset the next time they are released.
- Si un mamífero está en gestación, al meterlo en una Criocámara reiniciarás el estado de embarazo y al descongelar a la hembra estará en enfriamiento del intervalo de apareamiento normal (basado en los ajustes del servidor).
- Passive XP gain is solely determined by game time since time of Cryopodding, multiplied by their idle XP rates, multiplied by a final 1.05 return. Creatures at maximum level or
Mek will not gain any passive XP.
- Any creature inside a Cryopod will gain 5% more passive experience, compared to the same creature not Cryopodded.
- Transferring the cryopod to another server resets this timer, causing it to lose all pending experience points earned since podding it. You must unpod the creature for it to obtain the experience points before transferring it to another server.
- Cryopodded creatures will have their gender displayed along with all current stat values when hovered over with the infobox activated. This does not apply to creatures that were Cryopodded prior to the patch that includes it.
- In Aberration, creatures that either are not part of Extinction or Aberration (or not having their aberrant counterpart), or is in the list of banned creatures, cannot be un-Cryopodded into the map unless the server setting for Foreign Dino Downloads is enabled
The following creatures (including forcetamed) cannot be cryofrozen into a cryopod:
Mega Mek
Desert Titan
Desert Titan Flock
Forest Titan
Giant Bee
Ice Titan
King Titan
Large Ferox
Broodmother Lysrix
Note that the 'Giant Bee' refers to the bees spawned by Giant Queen Bee, not the queen herself.
Ferox under giant shapeshifted forms cannot be cryopodded either.
Placed vehicles with exception of the Tek ATV cannot be cryofrozen either, though freezing of the Tek ATV is most likely not intended, as the Cryopod will show a picture of a Raptor when the Tek ATV is cryofrozen.
- It was originally intended to Cryofreeze wild Creatures that are tamable as well, but was scrapped due to it being too overpowered.
- During the testing phase of Extinction, it was possible to Cryofreeze a
Wooden Raft but that bug was supposed to have been patched during testing. Prior to 286.103, it was still possible.
- Creatures without an icon that are cryofrozen in a cryopod will have an icon similar to
Raptor as a placeholder.
- All cryofrozen creatures prior to patch 292.100 have the gender labelled as "Male", regardless whether or not they had a (different) gender. This applies to genderless entity like
Reaper King,
Mek and
- Prior to 286.103, it was possible to cryo creatures under Cryo Sickness.
- Prior to 291.100, female creatures are forced into mating countdown upon being released, and baby imprint timer resets to 8 hours, regardless of server setting. Any creature still in cryopod prior to this update will still have this effect when they are released, but will not persist thereafter.
- If you have admin privilege in your tribe, it is currently possible to Cryo a creature that is set to personally owned to somebody else inside your tribe, it is also then possible to transfer that creature to another server or tribe on the same server, the creature will remain personally owned by the original owner, this is clearly an oversight in development as said creature will not be interactable anymore without being in a tribe with government settings to be tribe owned or tribe ridden.
- If there are structures on the platform saddle of the creature being put in the cryopod, they will automatically be destroyed and will not return when the creature with the said saddle is unfrozen.
- creature class does not persist in certain scenarios. If one were to cryo a modded creature, and remove the originating creature's mod, then the class gets nullified and will no longer be able to be released even if the originating mod were to be installed at a later time. Attempting to release a creature whose class has been nullified will cause the item to be removed with no creature being created.
- After releasing a creature from a Cryopod, if trying to upload the creature, there will be a visible timer of 6–7 minutes before the creature is able to be uploaded. Despite this, the creature actually has a hidden 12 hour timer after being released, much like the timer that occurs after downloading a creature.
- Cryopods cannot be used inside any of the boss arena, or inside or near the Tek Cave. They can still be used at open arena in Extinction.
- When the creature is released from a Cryopod, specific creature will have some aftereffects:
Ovis will have lost all of their
- Any female transferred through cryopod will enter the same mating interval cooldown as those who had been transferred directly through creature transfer.
- If transferred as baby,
Reaper King will not appear as a baby, but rather a juvenile with the baby prefix still present. Unfortunately, babies raised this way will be permanently on aggressive regardless of the behavior set (even though they will not attack listlessly).
- Light pets will have lost their charge.
- They poop, which can be useful in getting owl pellets.
- Any buffs that the creature had will not be reapplied.
- A Cryopod placed in a
Cryofridge will charge at the same speed as it would decay in the player inventory.
- Cryopod was once an Extinction-exclusive engrams. This was changed with the release of the Valguero map, becoming accessible in all maps. Since the 298.3, it's possible to craft Cryopods in a
Supply Crate, a
Loot Crate, or a
Deep Sea Loot Crate, so you don't need a
Tek Replicator anymore to craft them. 298.37 also added the ability to craft Cryopods in an Obelisk.
- Cryopods will erase the effects of certain Console Commands, such as
(removes the ability to ride Creatures without a Saddle). - Prior to 307.56, Cryo Sickness debuff will always appear as long as a dino was recently unfrozen from it with no way of changing its settings.
- 292.100 - Cryopod automatically set recently released creature from cryopod to follow the survivor who released it. This persists on unconscious creature which cannot be whistled on any command to stop as they will still "follow" the survivor even under an unconscious state.
- This can be remedied by fast traveling to another bed far from where the creature is.
- If you Cryofreeze a creature, all the folders created inside it will disappear similar to what happens when uploading a creature.
- When transferring filled cryopods on singleplayer or unofficial servers, there is a chance that the creature's level will be reset to 1, the saddle will be deleted and any imprint quality will be lost along with any mutations.
- When transferring a creature in an obelisk via cryopod, there is a chance the retrieved cryopod will display a picture of a raptor and be un-deployable to spite still having the correct name and stats for your creature.
- For some reason, Rock Drakes are listed as a banned creature on Aberration and cannot be un-cryopodded.
Registro de cambios
Versión | Cambios |
307.56 |
Disabled cryosickness on PvE Official Servers (Can be disabled on Unofficials using: |
- Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function
- Exclusivos de plataforma
- No disponible en Mobile
- No disponible en Switch
- No disponible en Epic Games
- No disponible en Stadia
- Herramientas
- Objetos
- Crafting
- Engramas
- Fabricado en Obelisco
- Páginas con enlaces rotos a archivos
- Fabricado en Caja de suministros
- Fabricado en Caja de botín
- Fabricado en Cofre del tesoro
- Fabricado en Impresora 3D Tek
- Crafted with Cristal
- Crafted with Fibra
- Crafted with Piel
- Crafted with Lingote de metal o de chatarra
- Crafted with Petróleo
- Crafted with Polímero, polímero orgánico o nódulo corrupto
- Falta traducción: TH