Montura de Rotorrata

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Montura de Rotorrata
Roll Rat Saddle.png
Equip a Roll Rat with this to ride it. Provides protection to passengers while rolling.
Valor de armadura
Tamaño de pila
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi MoleRatSaddle 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/MoleRat/PrimalItemArmor_MoleRatSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_MoleRatSaddle'" 1 0 0
Nivel requerido
Puntos de engrama
26 PE
EXP al fabricar
220 EXP
Tiempo de fabricación
Fabricado en:
Argentavis Saddle
Castoroides Saddle
Thorny Dragon Saddle
Tek Replicator
270 × Hide.png Hide
150 × Fibra.png Fibra
425 × Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot.png Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot
45 × Archivo:Gema verde o gema verde fragmentada.png Gema verde o gema verde fragmentada

La montura de Rotorrata (Roll Rat Saddle en la versión original del juego) es una de las monturas disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved.


Esta montura se usa para montarte en una Rotorrata después de domesticarla. It can be unlocked at level 58. Unlike other saddles this saddle has a durability that will decrease.

This saddle has 6 seats, meaning up to 6 people can ride on it at the same time. The player sitting in the front seat controls the Roll Rat, while the other 5 passengers can use weapons and other items.


When riding the Roll Rat and pressing alternate fire (Right Mousebutton, LT, PS4: L2), the rat will start rolling forward at a fast pace. This way, the rat will break rocks and trees that are in the way. However, this will reduce the durability of the saddle.
