Montura Tek de Rex

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Disambig.png Este artículo trata sobre Montura Tek de Rex, y no debe confundirse con Rex Saddle, Rex Bionic Costume, o Tek Rex
Disambig.png Montura Tek de Rex se conoce como "Rex TEK Saddle" en ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile

Montura Tek de Rex
Rex Tek Saddle.png
Equip a Rex with this to ride it. Using requires learning the Tekgram.
Valor de armadura
Añadido en
Comando de generación
cheat gfi RexSaddle_Tek 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_RexSaddle_Tek.PrimalItemArmor_RexSaddle_Tek'" 1 0 0
Unlock Tekgram
cheat unlockengram "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_RexSaddle_Tek.PrimalItemArmor_RexSaddle_Tek'"
EXP al fabricar
344 EXP
Tiempo de fabricación
Fabricado en:
Ingredients (Mobile)
Recursos necesarios [Expandir]
1800 × Lingote de metal.png Lingote de metal
3600 × Metal.png Metal
250 × Cristal.png Cristal
30 × Element or Eery Element.png Element or Eery Element
Total de ingredientes básicos
250 × Cristal.png Cristal
30 × Element or Eery Element.png Element or Eery Element
100 × Perla negra.png Perla negra
350 × Polímero o polímero orgánico.png Polímero o polímero orgánico
3600 × Metal.png Metal

La montura Tek de Rex (Rex Tek Saddle en la versión original del juego) es una de las monturas disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved


Esta montura se usa para montar en un Rex después de haberlo domesticado. Es una versión mejorada de la montura de Rex.


In addition to providing more armor than the regular saddle, pressing the melee key (default Ctrl) while riding a Rex with the Tek Saddle will activate a laser helmet.

This helmet can fire laser projectiles in front of the Rex, which deal explosive damage and can destroy structures. It deals around ~60 damage against Metal structures and ~1300 against Thatch structures.

This weapon:

  • Has a rate of fire of about 2 projectiles per second.
  • Costs 4% energy per projectile.
  • Has no auto-fire. You have to click for every shot.
  • Only uses Element from the Rex inventory.
  • One Element gives the Rex Tek Saddle 25 projectile shots.
  • However this function doesn't exist in ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile


The Engram is obtained by defeating the Alpha Megapithecus, the Alpha Manticore, Alpha Rockwell or the Forest Titan.


  • Like all Tek-nologies, Rex Tek Saddle can not be used inside Boss Arenas, though it can be equipped.
